Sentences with phrase «use it consistently»

If you want your organization to function as a well - oiled machine, you need to get everyone using the same platform and using it consistently.
A true salesperson has the following characteristics that they use consistently to succeed in making those important sales.
Olympic athletes use it consistently, and there is a growing body of neuroplasticity research dedicated to visualization for dealing with pain and treating illnesses.
This acclimation process gives the software a chance to record your brain waves and trains you to use them consistently before it throws a series of increasingly difficult challenges at you, such as reconstructing simply via thought a fallen bridge needed for a mystical journey while a fiery sky changes hue in response to your emotional state.
What are the leadership practices they use consistently?
This approach has been used consistently over the years and has resulted in HP's ability to attract and retain a talented executive team throughout a period of tremendous growth and transformation.
Then use it consistently BUT in moderation.
The use of latex or polyurethane condoms during vaginal intercourse, when used consistently and correctly, can reduce the risk of transmission of STDs.
It is used consistently by Peter, Paul, and the other apostles.
Best of all, this gospel invitation is used consistently by Jesus.
Based on a 2004 report widely considered to be the most authoritative study on the effectiveness of condom usage in preventing HIV / AIDS, when condoms are used consistently, they provide an 80 percent risk reduction in HIV infection.
However, it may be that the word «external» is being used consistently in the two places.
«Our cultural values that we use consistently throughout our brand are to be happy, have fun, make friends, love people and drink great coffee,» President Michael McFall emphasizes.
Blended in with fruits and non-dairy milk, this stuff keeps me satiated and full all morning after the gym and I definitely notice an improvement in performance, soreness, and muscle definition when I use it consistently.
The FLW Standard addresses these challenges by providing accounting and reporting requirements that can be used consistently by companies, governments and others around the world.
To keep themselves out of controversy, companies would do well to define what they mean by «clean label,» using it consistently throughout their marketing efforts and informing their consumers of their clean - label self - definition.
The Australian Beverages Council today said a new study published in leading medical journal Obesity validates what we have long known; when used consistently, low - and no - kilojoule or «diet» beverages can assist people to manage and lose weight.
Media Release 28 May 2014 New study affirms diet beverages play positive role in weight loss The Australian Beverages Council today said a new study published in leading medical journal Obesity validates what we have long known; when used consistently, low - and no - kilojoule or «diet» beverages can assist people to manage and lose weight.
Most DMs are used sparingly in wider positions as it disjoints the team, but Coq is used consistently to gap fill until we can reposition.
Used consistently, GU Brew will help you perform better and go longer.
When used consistently, most children will show great improvement within just a few weeks.
We never used them consistently and my girls just responded to being on the grown up seat more readily.
Thus, the third point in the Concussion Bill of Rights for parents is that the athletic director or administrator, coach, athletic trainer (if there is one) and team doctor have, at the very least, agreed upon and adopted a philosophy for grading and managing concussions before the start of the season which prohibits players who experience concussion signs or symptoms from returning to the same game or practice, and tjhat they use it consistently during the season, regardless of the athlete or circumstances surrounding the injury.
Used consistently, a good sound machine becomes an easy but important part of your pre-sleep routine.
She used them consistently (it should be noted that she loved using the prefolds and how effective they were at keeping that slimy newborn poop in the diaper); so the prepped prefold that I am using as an example to show you the difference has been washed and dried (not always in a machine as she lives in an apartment with coin operated laundry) several times since August.
When used consistently, babies learn to associate the white noise with relaxation of sleep and will lull themselves into that relaxed state faster.
While stain removal ability may be more limited with oxygen bleaches because their bleaching action is milder, if used consistently, they are generally effective in maintaining overall whiteness of fabrics.
Token economy systems, reward programs, and taking away privileges can be extremely effective when they're used consistently.
I know she knows how to use the potty because she used to use it consistently for pees, she catches 99 percent of poops, even tells us!
I also love that she can tell me when she wants to nurse now — it was the first sign she used consistently, and though she has recently been able to say «nurse,» she still signs for it, especially when she's upset.
With younger children, a system of consequences and rewards that you use consistently can be very helpful in curbing violence.
Using a simple Time Out can be effective when it is used consistently every time the behavior occurs.
It can cause problems if you use it consistently.
When used consistently, those behavior modifications techniques can change your child's behavior.
He used it until he was about four, and I really felt like we turned a corner with him once we used it consistently.
I have been a fan of Rapidlash for over 6 years but haven't used it consistently until I was asked to as part of a Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for RapidLash.
I rotate toys when I observe my daughter is not using them consistently over a week or two.
Dr. Hazelbaker leaves the audience with a brief breast self - care regimen that can enhance the breast health of every participant when used consistently.
So, the evidence suggests that she has the skills to self - soothe, but is unable to use them consistently.
Footnote 6 on the last page states that if the method used in 1972, 82 and 92 to determine the number of senate districts (Combine Before Rounding Down) was used consistently there would be 62 districts.
I just thought you ought to know the shit you're in so you won't get too excited about defending a Monarchy that the local politicians have used consistently since 1919 to undermine democracy in Australia.
I find myself more concerned with aspects such as checking that the same symbols are used consistently throughout the text, or putting arrows on photos of clinical scans to show the nonspecialist which white blob is actually the tumour.
Studies show that even when used consistently, condoms fail to prevent infection 10 percent of the time, due to breakage and human error.
«Those are the strategies that we've used consistently and with a whole lot of success,» she says.
Studies have shown that PrEP is highly effective, reducing the risk of getting HIV from sex by more than 90 percent when used consistently.
If 40 percent of MSM who are good candidates for PrEP based on CDC's guidelines were actually prescribed the drug and used it consistently, 33 percent of new HIV infections in this population in the U.S. would be avoided over the next 10 years, the researchers found.
Although the technology could be moved closer to mainstream art restoration work with enough funding, it is still «extremely expensive» and possibly a decade away from being used consistently, Stringari says.
Using models and satellites The study authors» «cutting - edge methodology will allow observations to be used consistently to examine large - scale deforestation impacts on rainfall, and to refine and evaluate current models to support conservation planning in the tropics,» Aragao wrote.
As names are not even used consistently in publications and deviations from the original name are not rare, the situation increasingly causes confusion about the identity of cell lines used in specific studies.
The big compound exercises are extremely useful and very powerful when used consistently, but even they don't have the power to turn you into a physique like in the magazines when you train drug - free.
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