Sentences with phrase «use noxious»

Because they are not, thousands of healthcare facilities have bad indoor air quality, use noxious building materials, over consume energy & water and are not ideal for you to visit.
(Sec. 510) Requires the Secretary of Agriculture, if he or she lists forestry practices as eligible offset practice types, to promulgate regulations for the selection and use of species in forestry and other relevant land management - related offset practices to: (1) ensure that native species are given primary consideration in such practices; (2) encourage the conservation of biological diversity; and (3) prohibit the use noxious weeds or invasive plants.
Amber Rudd warned that an overhaul of current guidelines would ensure those who use noxious liquids as a weapon «feel the full force of the law».
American farmers have planted 20 million acres of genetically modified corn, engineered to repel predatory insects without using noxious chemicals.

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The late author David Foster Wallace called it a «noxious puff - word [because] it does nothing that good old use doesn't do.»
Instead of getting used to the antiquated, noxious fume - producing power sources her family had come to rely upon during outages, Matthews decided to try eliminating the need for them altogether through innovation.
So, for instance, if it is not clear to the readers of my work that my writing is done by an Episcopalian Christian, I will have failed to practice this virtue — which, of course, includes my making clear at which points the materials I study or engage seem to me false, noxious, or incomplete; just as it includes my making clear when and in what ways it seems to me that the materials I engage are true, have taught me something I didn't know before, or may be of use to me and my community in its search to apprehend and incarnate the gospel.
I think I was converted to more natural cleaning products when I used half a tub of bicarb down the sink plughole followed 10 minutes later by half a bottle of vinegar and then a while later a kettle full of boiling water, and found it un-blocked the sink just as well as any previous drain unblocker I had tried AND without all the noxious fumes and damage to our septic tank!!
«All natural food products are not created equal,» said David Janow, co-founder of the World Rice Alliance a rice purity watchdog organization, «Oryzatein is made with a 100 % enzyme extraction process — most companies use the highly noxious petroleum product hexane to pull the parts of the rice apart.
An abnormal swallow is usually the result of a tight lingual frenum, bottle feeding, pacifier use, noxious infant habits like EXCESSIVE digit sucking, large tongues (macroglossia), enlarged tonsils, and / or obstructed airway.
C10 — Key Illustration: This illustration demonstrates the negatives that can occur during bottle feeding, pacifier use, noxious / excessive infant habits, etc..
We use only the highest quality ingredients and no noxious chemicals.
This means disposing of dirty diapers outside the house immediately, keeping the fridge fresh and free of sketchy leftovers and rotting vegetables, and avoiding the use of cleaning products with noxious fumes.
There are many great alternatives labled zero VOC, no VOC or low VOC you can use instead and say goodbye to those noxious paint fumes.
While the noxious potion was more benign than the kind used by police officers, being sprayed with it evokes the «feeling of having Sriracha poured into every one of our tiny cuts and abrasions,» a man who tested the new course told Sports Illustrated.
The best way to remove those noxious byproducts is by washing the drug in alcohol using a Büchner funnel, a specialized lab vacuum.
Curious to find a way to detect early lung damage in people exposed to noxious air pollutants, Ilina, a high school senior at Port Huron Northern High School in Michigan, developed a screening mechanism using an electronic stethoscope.
Genetically modified crops that produce the pest - killing toxin Bt increase yields and reduce the use of noxious chemical insecticides.
Called mustard because of its odor and the enormous yellowish blisters, or bullae, that it forms on the skin, bis (2 - chloroethyl) sulfide — the primary member of a family of noxious compounds — debuted on the battlefield in July 1917, when Germany used it against U.K. and Canadian soldiers near Ypres, Belgium.
The scientists also use molecular biology tools to compare the genomes of spiders that have extremely noxious venoms, including the black widow and the brown recluse, to those of spiders with non-poisonous venoms, such as the house spider.
They can be effectively used for removing noxious substances that occur due to insect bites and bee stings.
Some had noxious odors from toxic glues being used in the manufacturing process.
I'm lookin for somebody nearby Ithaca NY, so we don't have to use a bunch of noxious gas to see each other all the time.
«Phoenix is frighteningly believable as a man teetering on the edge of sanity, and putting his noxious talents to the best use he can» — Chris Knight, The National Post
When it comes to flexibility, the Obama administration's widespread use of NCLB waivers has appalled conservatives and is noxious to any Republican worried about Washington overreach.
I agree with you here, although I find your use of «privileged elite» to describe gifted learners as noxious.
«The river always had a stink about it, but the moat [around the gaol where Esther is imprisoned] was truly noxious, for the soldiers used it to dispose of their waste.
It used the background a steampunk - style Seattle overrun by noxious gas and zombies, all while the Civil War continues to ravage the rest of the United States well into the 1880s.
Ridding your home of these noxious creatures can involve using equally noxious poisons which may not be safe for your pets.
They coordinate projects such as restoring native habitats, removing noxious plant species, rebuilding and repairing highly used trails, and cleaning up popular camping areas.
Shoot arrows that can extinguish flames and emit noxious gas, and use Garrett's grapple, The Claw, to scale forbidden walls.
It affords the gas which vivifies and warms our frames, and receives into itself that which has been polluted by use, and is thrown off as noxious....
The noxious air quality that plagues so much of Poland is directly attributable to coal — not only from the many coal - fired power plants that pepper the country's landscape, but from the coal still used widely in home heating systems.
The Touareg has a diesel particulate filter to further reduce particulate emissions, and it has uses a NOx - storage catalyst, which is basically a reservoir that temporarily holds the noxious emissions, like a particulate filter, until they can be burned off during one of the engine cycles.
Just one downside: The shirts use conventional petroleum - based inks, which commonly include particles of noxious PVC.
The Jetta has a diesel particulate filter to further reduce particulate emissions, and it has uses a NOx - storage catalyst, which is basically a reservoir that temporarily holds the noxious emissions, like a particulate filter, until they can be burned off during one of the engine cycles.
Law firms will be able to monitor how much noxious gas they generate using a carbon footprint measuring tool.
The Department of Veterans Affairs is obligated by law to pay disability benefits to the veterans who are suffering from Chronic Lymphocyte Leukemia as a result of their exposure to Agent Orange, a noxious chemical widely used by our government in the course of the Vietnam war.
They remark that after about a months use, their system changed into slack which resulted in noxious user ride for them.
SUMMARY OF QUALIFICATIONS Physical Abilities: Able to work in small confined spaces, use ladder or cantilevered platform in environment that require lifting and carrying objects, rotating head and neck, twisting and bending at waist, walking, standing, flexion / extension, contact with liquid lubricant, solvents, exposure to noise, fumes and noxious odors, and the use of personal safety gear.
By complaining loudly, hitting, or otherwise using force or noise, children may be able to get access to a toy they want or they may be able to get peers to stop doing something noxious to them.
Builders used Chinese gypsum board as a cheaper alternative to American products, but in the past several years more than 7,000 home owners have filed suits alleging that noxious sulfuric fumes have caused extensive property damage, including corrosion of plumbing, electrical wiring, and appliances.
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