Sentences with phrase «use of caffeine»

40 endurance - trained cyclists participated in the study and despite their differences in daily use of caffeine, their performance was better with the caffeine supplement than with the placebo.
The study also didn't look at long - term use of caffeine and its effect on abnormal heart rhythms among patients with heart failure, the researchers said.
Regulatory agencies throughout the world including European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ), Food and Drug Administration in the US (FDA) and the UK's Food Standards Agency (FSA), consider the appropriate use of caffeine in food to be safe and acceptable.
Muscle Twitches and Spasms A high volume or prolonged use of caffeine in the body can cause the muscles to cramp or move erratically.
Excessive use of caffeine and energy drinks may cause jitters and anxiety.
Because it is so astonishingly ubiquitous (somewhere around 90 % of people in North America consume caffeine on a daily basis), and because use of caffeine generally comes with out stigma, it's easy to forget that we are regularly putting a substance in our bodies that has a huge and cascading impact on our bodies» systems.
For further current and accurate information about the use of caffeine while breastfeeding, contact the Medicines Information Centres in your state or the NPS Medicines Line.
When researching the effects of caffeine from coffee, Higgins found two important discoveries: that caffeine from coffee has ergogenic benefits — that it enhances physical performance — and that more research is needed on the use of caffeine from coffee versus pure caffeine use.
In their paper titled «Comparison of Caffeine and Music as Fatigue Countermeasures in Simulated Driving Tasks,» human factors / ergonomics researchers ShiXu Liu, Shengji Yao, and Allan Spence designed a simulated driving study that measured driver fatigue levels against the use of caffeine, music, or no stimulant.
Limit the use of caffeine - containing medications, foods, or beverages while taking this product because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and rapid heartbeat.
It provides you with energy without the use of caffeine to ensure your body will not have any adverse reactions to it as you consume it.
There are many studies on the use of caffeine for athletes, and the vast majority of research concludes that caffeine enhances athletic performance.
He feels many of the warnings against the use of caffeine are well - warranted, because in and of itself it can be quite toxic.
It is said to be one of the 2016 top - rated shampoos for hair regrowth stimulation, and the use of caffeine allows this product to help reduce hair loss, stimulate the hair growth, and block any effects that testosterone can have on the skin.
Use of caffeine may range from caffeine abuse to therapeutic applications.
Although caffeine is included as an ingredient in many weight - loss aids, it actually stimulates appetite, and organizations including the Mayo Clinic (Mayo Clinic, 2003) discourage the use of caffeine as a weight - loss aid.
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