Sentences with phrase «use of force policies»

To date, there has not been ONE elected official in Westchester County to be outspoken on correcting use of force policies and oversight of law enforcement in Westchester County.
The department said Cameron Brewer had failed to follow its use of force policy according to the findings of an internal investigation
Some reforms underway at Rikers, including a new use of force policy, were mandated as a result of a federal lawsuit, Nunez v. New York City.
Following the settlement of a federal lawsuit that alleged a culture of violence among correction officers on Rikers Island, the Department of Correction will unveil a new use of force policy to its employees tomorrow, prohibiting certain maneuvers and encouraging officers to avoid force when possible.
The settlement also required a federal monitor to oversee Rikers, and the monitor, Steve Martin, to sign off on the use of force policy.
Mr. Seabrook, the union leader who has been a proud obstacle to plenty of the reform efforts aimed at Rikers Island by Mr. de Blasio over the last several years — he filed court documents to try to stop a new use of force policy and has held City Hall press conferences decrying the mayor's policies and telling him to «shape up or ship out» — pointed to something that would probably be an even larger obstacle to closing down the city's controversial jail complex: resistance from residential neighborhoods who don't want inmates nearby.
«And from expanding officer training to announcing a new Use of Force policy to safely curtailing solitary confinement, we are putting clear reforms in place to address violence and improve inmate outcomes on Rikers.»
«DOC's new Use of Force policy was also drafted with significant contribution from uniformed members of staff from across the Department and other bodies, including the unions and the Board of Correction,» Klein, the mayor's spokesperson, said.
He said he had accomplished many goals — historic crime lows and revamping the department's use of force policy — but acknowledged his recent health scare and said the thought of spending more time with his family influenced his decision.
Intercede in physical assaults in progress by stopping the aggressor in compliance with use of force policy / regulations to prevent the physical injury or death of others.

Not exact matches

Should Parkin's nightmare scenario pan out, the blame would lie not so much with Carney but with Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve, who is bent on using the full force of monetary policy to boost the U.S. economy, consequences be damned.
As a policy matter moreover, we reject the use of military force where well - established law enforcement authorities in this country provide the best means for incapacitating a terrorist threat.»
Spain could therefore either use the imported German capital to (a) increase domestic investment (which it did in the form of a real estate bubble)(b) binge on consumption and sharply reduce its savings as a function of GDP (which it also did)(c) accept higher unemployment (which it is now forced to do) which forces GDP to fall faster than consumption falls or (d) try to emulate Germany by passing off a trade imbalance at the expense of the rest of the world (which Europe as a whole is trying to do and which will go nowhere in the long run because only one country is even remotely capable of accepting such massive inflows, and it is increasingly unwilling to import the unemployment caused by German and Asian policies).
We believe that our pledging policy effectively mitigates the risk that forced sales of pledged shares could prompt a broader sell - off or further depress a declining stock price, while providing our officers and directors with reasonable flexibility to use their FedEx shares as collateral for loans for needed liquidity and encouraging them to retain substantial ownership of their shares.
The crisis in 2008 forced bankers like Ben Bernanke into using some ideas that radically increased the amount of debt in the system, but these policies create risks which we probably don't fully comprehend.
In May 1985 a Canadian Task Force report on Broadcasting Policy was established by the minister of communications, and it studied most of these same issues within the Canadian context.13 Where applicable, the Canadian Task Force report will be used to supplement the U.S. recommendations.
It is turning into a combination of ideological tics and irritable gestures even as the worst actors gain power.Ross Douthat argues that the Obama administration is shifting the U.S.'s foreign policy strategy from a Pax Americana model (where the U.S. uses military force to impose order) to one of offshore balancing (where the U.S. strategically sides with one local power or another while keeping U.S. commitments to a minimum).
The unipolarist ideology by whatever name, adds a fourth party to the foreign - policy debate, which has otherwise involved 1) liberal internationalists, who seek world peace and stability by securing collective agreements from nation states to comply with international law; 2) realists, who seek to ensure a balance of power among competing regimes; and 3) principled anti-interventionists, who renounce the use of military force for all reasons besides self - defense.
If anything positive can be said about this grim and ironic situation, it is that as victims of terrorism we may be forced to rethink our own policies on the use of force (including nuclear force) in order to bring them into line with our moral denunciations of terrorism.
The document provides the Justice Department's legal rationale for the controversial policy of using lethal force against U.S. citizens fighting on behalf of terrorist groups.
A decade ago humanitarian intervention, defined by Brian Lepard as «the use of military force to protect the victims of human rights violations,» seemed to be a policy whose time had come.
To use force against governments that support terrorists surely lies within the proper scope of American policy as well as the definition of just war.
The Iraq Resolution known as «AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST IRAQ RESOLUTION OF 2002» cites national policy, a war on «terrorism», and United Nations Security Council Resolutions to justify authorization of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11OF MILITARY FORCE AGAINST IRAQ RESOLUTION OF 2002» cites national policy, a war on «terrorism», and United Nations Security Council Resolutions to justify authorization of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, ClauseFORCE AGAINST IRAQ RESOLUTION OF 2002» cites national policy, a war on «terrorism», and United Nations Security Council Resolutions to justify authorization of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11OF 2002» cites national policy, a war on «terrorism», and United Nations Security Council Resolutions to justify authorization of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11of military force against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clauseforce against Iraq, but I am not aware of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11of any document by which the United States has been legally bound by a declaration of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11of war against Iraq as per the federal Constitution (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11).
Thus, not just the absence of a common policy but also much of existing policies is part of the problem: Many migrants are now forced to use illegal means if they want to access Europe at all.
Militarism is the belief or the desire of a government or a people that a state should maintain a strong military capability to use it aggressively to expand or promote national interests; examples of militarist states include the United States, Russia and France.1 It may also imply the glorification of the military and of the ideals of a professional military class and the «predominance of the armed forces in the administration or policy of the state «2 (see also: stratocracy and military junta).
For the governor, whomever it may be, forcing additional policy into the budget is a way of using executive leverage that doesn't exist in post-budget legislative session.
Councilor Kathleen Joy expects the Syracuse Common Council to file court papers in the next few days asking a judge to settle the issue of whether lawmakers should be forced to sign that computer use policy which is required of and agreed to by all city employees.
The Nassau County Police Department's revamped use - of - force policy urges officers to use de-escalation methods rather than physical force, expands and tracks the incidents involving physical force reviewed by top brass and limits the use of the controversial chokehold.
One of the main policies used to demonstrate this was her pledge to force companies to put workers on company boards.
«It is outrageous that the government is forcing compulsory use of biofuels onto the British public without full evidence of their impact,» Oxfam policy adviser Robert Bailey said.
Other recommendations include increasing use of surveillance cameras, revising its use - of - force policy and creating a zero - tolerance policy for staff who fail to report suspicious behavior by officers.
He said Cameron's policies are close to his own vision of using market forces to improve public services, ideas rejected by Brown, who led the Labour Party to defeat in May after forcing Blair out in 2007...»
A second proposal, sponsored by Garodnick, Dromm and Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras, would require D.O.C. to publish its specific policies on use of force on a city website and make them readily available to the public.
The City Council is introducing a package of bills on Tuesday to require the city's Department of Correction to provide detailed reports on inmates» demographic information and the department's use - of - force policy, and to create a crisis intervention plan at the troubled Rikers Island jail complex.
The absurdity of suggesting that Iain Duncan Smith's Christian motivations were any kind of secret and of criticising the use of moral categories to justify his policy approaches - only lefties are allowed to have morals, after all; to be Right Wing is, by definition, to be evil, seeking to impose final solutions on the poor, force them to eat rotting horse - flesh, and cleansing them from beyond the sight of nice middle class folk; any right - winger employing a moral term such as «wrong» or «sin» must have some sinister ulterior motivation - has been covered already by the Editor and by Cranmer.
The union says it was looking for policies and data on several police tactics including the use of force.
Immediately following a lengthy meeting by its Police Oversight Committee, the Buffalo Common Council passed resolutions asking the Buffalo Police Department to seek state accreditation and document its policies regarding the use of force.
Speaking at the Nigeria Police Force Health Policy Revalidation meeting in Abuja on Tuesday, Arase said that the initiative became necessary following incidents of indiscriminate use of firearms by personnel of the fForce Health Policy Revalidation meeting in Abuja on Tuesday, Arase said that the initiative became necessary following incidents of indiscriminate use of firearms by personnel of the forceforce.
Bratton said Tuesday he will send a team of officers to Los Angeles next week, noting that the LAPD — which he ran from 2002 to 2009 — has «the most contemporary policy on use - of - force training.»
While the Buffalo police is updating its policies and procedures to comply with the state program in areas like administration and property maintenance, changes to its training in the use of force and firearms will happen only once police move to their new headquarters over the summer.
The study does a «very nice job» of using different approaches to show that climate change is a dominant force, says Thomas Lovejoy, president of the H. John Heinz III Center for Science, Economics, and the Environment in Washington, D.C. «I think the single most important public policy [issue] here is agreeing on what the limit should be on greenhouse gas concentration,» he says.
Methods: To understand the effects of economic forces from climate policy on terrestrial carbon and land use changes, the researchers used the MiniCAM, an integrated assessment model developed by the PNNL team over the last two decades, to compare different scenarios.
More specifically, researchers led by the University of Idaho's Tara Hudiburg merged the DayCent ecological model with another, BEPAM, originally designed to study environmental and economic impacts of proposed biofuel policies, forming a combined model that simultaneously accounts for market forces, land use, transportation costs, and a variety of other factors.
Correlation does not imply causation, however, and it would be important to use archival data to study the introduction of specific policies regarding teacher recruitment and retention to see whether these policies achieve more diverse teaching forces as a consequence — or whether diverse teaching forces achieved via these policies are more or less effective than are those otherwise observed.
But testing opposition appears to be more closely linked to concerns about teacher evaluation policies: the top two reasons chosen among a national survey of parents who opted out were, «I oppose using students» performance on standardized tests to evaluate teachers» and «standardized tests force teachers to teach to the test.»
It is wrong for them to use waivers as a means to force states to adopt substantive policies that aren't in the text of NCLB.
In «The Long Reach of Teachers Unions: Using money to win friends and influence policy,» featured in the Fall 2010 edition of the Education Next journal, Antonucci also reveals that teachers unions have become a force in matters beyond education policy, including weighing in on domestic policy issues such as taxation, healthcare, gay marriage and redistricting.
Developing policies and procedures to evaluate and approve proposed online educational services, using a written contract or legal agreement when possible — and exercising caution when forced to choose between accepting a providers» terms of service (TOS) or not using a consumer app
He ignores the wide body of research suggesting that school - choice policies improve public schools by forcing them to compete for students that they used to take for granted.
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