Sentences with phrase «use of items»

I have so many having not lived here for long and it will be fun to make use of some items in my wardrobe currently gathering dust.
As you're putting your pet first aid kit together, make sure that you are comfortable using each of the items in it.
Perhaps my favourite entry of the five, they made good use of items to achieve an outdoors look to the entry, without even being outside!
If you are over 22, do not use any of these items on your person.
Besides emphasis on making more use of items present in your closet — the only trick is «how» to style them modestly.
All sensory receptors in the mouth can strengthened after several uses of this item.
Also, if you have tried using any of these items yourself; let us know what you think!
So here are three looks using some of the items I've had my eyes on lately - I'd love to know which board is your favorite look?
You can shop it HERE or using any of the item widgets in this post!
On one hand, some argue that shorter hair means a reduced insulation so they should be offered some extra heat using some of the items we're recommending below.
After all, more frequent use of these items ensures repeat sales.
While the constant use of items can feel tedious at times, the real work is in grinding to level up.
Success can be boiled down to three elements; strategic character placement, correct timing when executing a sequence of attacks and, if all else fails, liberal use of items.
It would seem like a pretty simple calculation to get from the energy use of the item to the cost of running it, right?
Perhaps my favourite entry of the five, they made good use of items to achieve an outdoors look to the entry, without even being outside!
It was indeed a great item, but the fact that chances of actually making use of the item were so low made it very undesirable.
Students must use each of the items in their creative writing story ~ while still following writing format.
I also make use of items such as frisket film, commercial stencils, and flat washers to create a variety of masking effects.
Use of these items without veterinary advice can have unintended and sad results.
In the game, player's take control of a Revenant (Does this sound familiar with Hollows) and can make use of items called Blood Veils (Souls) to enhance a players ability known as gifts.
The code makes use of items of torah already long in existence: many of the regulations of the Covenant Code and of Deuteronomy are reproduced.
Their true test of worthiness, now that I don't have any babies in the puree phase anymore, is that I still use all of the items below on a daily or weekly basis.
Given the popularity of fidget spinners, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has issued some guidance to businesses and parents regarding the sale and safe use of these items.
It also harbors the most dangerous items in the house and any wrong use of the items can be fatal.
This is an important feature given the over use of these items in modern ranching operations.
It's #FABFINDSFRIDAY and because the #NSale will be over next week on Sunday August 6th, I have picked 5 items that are worth spending your money on, you can wear and use all of these items almost all seasons.
I've personally used all of the items and can vouch for their awesomeness!
While still not 100 % benign, I certainly feel much better about the chronic use of these items, than with «new fangled» medications that are coming out on the market, designed to kill everything that could possibly affect your dog.
Instead of using cut scenes or exposition heavy dialogues, the game makes use of item descriptions and cryptic NPC dialogues to convey the story and offer hints about what exactly is happening in the world.
We'll be judging these levels based upon originality, quality and polish, Toyota Prius brand awareness, and use of the items obtained from our «LittleBigPrius» level.
Ultimately, players will decide who wins for themselves through the successful domination of towns, smart use of items, properly supplying a character with the best equipment and skills, and defeating and stealing from other players.
Exploring the perverse desires and sincere emotions that we project onto the things we own, his sculptures subvert the intended use of the items they resemble, and instead operate as symbolic totems.
The Supreme Court decided that after the sale of a patented item, the patent holder can not sue for patent infringement relating to further use of that item, even when in violation of a contract with a customer or imported from outside the US.
• Simple Green: Use Empty Food Jars for your Bulk Items • In Praise of the Mason Jar and All The Ways We Use Them
For example, in a game like Don't Starve I would feel that I knew how to approach enemies and how to make better use of my items after my deaths.
You really went over budget but your purchases are great closet staples so I am sure you are going to get good use of every item.
It can be used to have students identify the algorithm, use of items such as strings and lists and other variables as well as procedural programming and as an example of the practical use of Tkinter to code the graphical user interface.
As a Revenant, players can make use of items called Blood Veils, which drain the blood of enemies to enhance the player's abilities, known as Gifts.
Lynn takes us through the basic set up of our pet first aid kit, and, more importantly, gives us some key Do's and Don'ts in using some of those items in our kit.
Good ingredients and making use of items that are probably stock in the pantry for some.
Fitting into this category are expenses for telephone, office supplies (the more business, the greater the use of these items), printing, packaging, mailing, advertising, and promotion.
The best way to do this is through the use of items that accurately depict who the person was.
Or, the use of alcohol and drugs lead to deaths from the use of those items and also the killings in car crashes and murders using guns.
Using any of these items could worsen the breakout or cause other irritable problems with their skin.
The Mama Knows and Soul Slings (as well as all participating bloggers) are not responsible, nor liable, for any injuries resulting from the use of this item, and all instructions should be carefully followed when using a baby carrier.
Have you used any of the items we purchased as a way to stay ahead of the game?
This can be achieved by protecting, promoting and supporting breastfeeding, identifying and targeting assistance to non-breastfed infants, enabling appropriate complementary feeding, and strongly discouraging the uncontrolled distribution and use of items that may be used as breast - milk substitutes (BMS), such as infant formula or other milk products.
However, contrary to your comment above, the TONE of this whole series does seem to be arguing against the use of these items.
We asked our baby planners what their number one products are for Newborn Lockdown — did you use any of these items?
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