Sentences with phrase «use of medication»

Forty three percent of Canadian children with ADHD had been making use of medications in 2000, while the figure was fifty nine percent 2007.
It can become further depleted with use of medication and anti-inflammatory drugs.
Unfortunately, no data were available on use of medications that could, potentially, affect the results.
Treatment methods include long term use of medications to control thyroid hormone levels, this approach, while effective, has side effects.
(e) In determining whether a legitimate medical explanation exists, you may consider the employee's use of a medication from a foreign country.
The researchers also discovered increased use of these medications among boys, white children and those without private health insurance during the 16 - year study period, 1994 - 2009.
Part of the rule of proper use of the medication involves treatment being overseen by a physician.
Juvenile arthritis has no cure and young patients can only alleviate pain or prevent joint deterioration through use of medication or therapy.
The guideline includes recommendations for appropriate use of these medications through each phase of treatment, as well as for patient monitoring and follow - up.
«Rather, this and other recent studies find that the risk of such problems is lower during and after periods of use of these medications,» he noted.
I'm not against the safe use of medications, but I don't like to rely on them.
The life insurance company will perform a background check on your past and current use of medications.
The sheltered pet's unique situation warrants additional considerations before use of these medications.
This can lead to prolonged use of the medication, and a greater possibility of experiencing some of the numerous side effects.
This could explain why some studies have found an association between use of these medications and low incidence of PD.
The conventional medical approach is known for excessive use of medication and often invasive treatment methods.
Children who have an ADHD diagnosis and have severe ADHD symptoms may benefit from immediate use of medication.
Today, we find that the biggest issue with too much growth hormone is the illegal use of this medication.
Regular and year - round use of these medications can save your dog's life!
Although not known to be a significant problem, height and weight should be monitored with long term use of these medications.
Today uncertainty surrounds both options, and the increasing use of medication has proved divisive.
With proper use of the medication, as prescribed by a doctor, there will be no side effects.
The sheltered pet's unique situation, however, warrants additional considerations before use of these medications.
Lead study investigator and dermatologist Arielle Nagler says fears about isotretinoin side effects, as well as federal restrictions meant to prevent use of the medication during pregnancy, may have a chilling effect on its use.
Psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis can also place people at risk of side effects from the long - term use of medications such as steroids and injectable medications.
Although one previous study documented decreased birth weight in infants born to mothers who had used fluoxetine up to or near the time of delivery, compared with the birth weight of infants whose mothers discontinued use of the medication earlier in pregnancy, 9 no data are available that address the issue of postnatal weight gain in infants breastfed by mothers who take this medication.
Regular use of medications like Interceptor, which prevents parasites like heartworm, hookworm and roundworm, and Frontline, which combats fleas, protects not only your pets but your human family as well.
The skill and time needed for effective use of medications for opioid use disorders «are not generally available to primary care doctors.»
Discontinue use of this medication if hearing loss is noted during treatment.
These 3 — discussion of appropriate nutrition while breastfeeding, advice about use of medications while breastfeeding, and questions about plans to return to work — may indicate areas for additional emphasis and education.
Dr. Cathy: Avoid starchy, carbohydrate - laden foods, minimize uses of medications, and once your dog has received his / her initial vaccines, do only what is required by law.
To reduce their risk of developing kidney disease, patients should be attentive to their blood pressure and keep it under control, maintain a diet that isn't high in salt; avoid or reduce use of medications that are directly toxic to the kidneys; including nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; and get their rheumatoid arthritis and inflammation under as good of control as possible, he adds.
It is believed that the judicious use of medications, therapies, and treatments will help in reducing * our exposure to certain risk factors.
«Leaders call for expanded use of medications to combat opioid overdose epidemic.»
These findings may allow us to predict, in advance, who may benefit from treatment, thereby avoiding the unnecessary use of the medication
The outcome for children with cancer, HIV infection, and other serious diseases continues to improve, largely through the improved use of medications.
Manevitz noted that occasional use of these medications did not seem to be tied to a rise in dementia risk.
From European soils becoming more resistant to antibiotics, to an increase in antibiotic resistant urinary tract infections, there are plenty of reasons to be concerned about the routine use of medications in farming — so it was good news that the FDA is working to slash antibiotic use.
If gingival hyperplasia is associated with medications, discontinuing use of the medication often results in the gums returning to normal.
If excellence is a medication, perfectionism is the unhealthy use of the medication.
«Unfortunately the different uses of the medication have been tied into the one outcome — fatal cardiac arrhythmia.
In this multipronged approach, only the early use of medication worries McFarlane's skeptics.
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