Sentences with phrase «use of metaphor»

His repeated use of the metaphor of fire in connection with reading points to this.
One sign of a great philosopher is his effective use of metaphor at just the right moment.
L.O. To analyse Shakespeare's use of metaphors in order to create meaning in poetry.
This has a mythic edge, in its visual references and heavy use of metaphor and fever dream, that suggests something supernatural even when nothing here is strictly impossible.
Brueggemann notes that Israel's use of metaphors not only guards against idolatry but also tends toward monotheism.
Working in the latter vein, feminist theologians have recently made use of the metaphor of the garden in reclaiming women's experience.
C.Crocker, eds., The Social Use of Metaphor: Essays on the Anthropology of Rhetoric (Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1977); and Max Black, Models and Metaphors (Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press, 1962), 153 - 69.
That is speech which requires little use of metaphor, certainly no embellishment, and it may be reduced to a vocabulary of words sufficient for the most primitive life - support function.
This week, PJ Parrish weighs in on the proper use of metaphors while editor Beth Hill delves into the differences between showing and telling.
Knox continues his powerful use of metaphor applied to these paintings of Woman.
Abella J accomplishes this new / old dichotomy through her deft use of metaphor directed at the majority decision.
David Crenshaw's clinical use of metaphor, storytelling, art, poetry, role playing, drama and rituals is nothing short of masterful.
That was the moment I started to think about doing a workshop on the group leader's use of metaphor in group
In both situations, there is a heavy use of metaphor and analogy to either create new perspectives or, as in the second case, give a comfortable, familiar aura to strange new products.
I like the use of the metaphor of the ark delivering Noah from the flood of waters to understand how Christ delivers us from the flood of sin in this life if we follow Christ by building a strong relationship with Him.
This use of the metaphor of the family to designate the church gets support from theologians.
Jesus, himself, was so very concerned about the «flocks» ability to reason that he resorted to the use of metaphors in hopes that they might understand.
Perhaps it speaks truth via the use of metaphor and myth.
Closely related to the giving of a name is the use of metaphors and images.
What is needed are the images and narratives of faith, and the awareness that the use of metaphors can be a political act (Troeger drawing from Sallie McFague).
On the «shocking» use of metaphor in the New Testament, see Beardslee, Literary Criticism, 11.
These figures of speech are much more than decorative flowers that brighten the garden of language; for the use of a metaphor or image can evoke the power of the world view to make it legitimate or illegitimate.
And this is important: Peter and Paul's use of metaphor (the husband is like Christ, the wife is like the Church, suffering slaves are like the suffering Christ) is not meant to universalize or glorify the household codes themselves but rather the * attitudes * of those functioning within the hierarchal systems of the day.
I think that what you are asking is that we abandon all use of metaphor.
It is important here to note that Peter and Paul's use of metaphor (the husband is like Christ; the wife is like the Church; suffering slaves are like the suffering Christ) is not meant to universalize or glorify the hierarchy within the household codes themselves but rather to instruct those within the system to imitate the attitude and posture of Jesus Christ.
The Bible taught us the uses of metaphor — «I am the vine, you are the branches.»
Hence the use of metaphors and allegories in the Bible based in the time period they were created to proclaim a message, not a fact.
Breaking apart LEGO bricks, unbaking a cake... The use of metaphors reflects the fact that chemical recycling is a poorly understood concept in the margins of mainstream debate about plastic waste.
The use of the metaphor in deepening the tray will be discussed and practiced.
In response to the next question, Spitzer drily remarked that he would avoid Faso's «use of metaphors
One of the resulting hurdles, the use of metaphor, is discussed in detail.
I love the use of metaphors, such as an impromptu game of Tic Tac Toe, which features the symbols of affection — X's and O's — ending in a stalemate, where no one is the winner.
To use another of his metaphors, their success at each stage will «contaminate» the neighborhood; if enough children receive the same positive messages about education, these messages will become normative, and self - improvement will become a realistic goal.
The use of metaphors helps students gain new insights and challenge assumptions.
The use of metaphor was intended to exemplify a constructivist approach by encouraging preservice teachers to build on their own prior knowledge when attempting to plan constructivist lessons.
The use of metaphor and technology to enhance the instructional planning of constructivist lessons.
Do you think her use of the metaphor is intentional?
In 2011 two psychologists at Stanford set out to understand how the use of metaphor affects the way people think about crime.
Through rich language and use of metaphor, most often that of wildflowers, their common names and lore, Inflorescence often treats its subject matter obliquely, making the personal and particular universal.
A thousand years later, Homer would establish the epic simile *; later Aristotle would call the use of metaphor «a sign of genius.»
While one group typed notes about author Jerry Spinelli's use of metaphors, others detailed his use of personification, characterization, and other literary devices.
For me flash writing is very challenging but also understandable, because there is a crossover with poetry writing as far as length, use of metaphor, dramatic leaps, and inventive forms in order to deliver a finished piece.
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