Sentences with phrase «use of my book expect»

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The company expects to book an annual recurring revenue, an accounting term used by software companies like Zenefits, of $ 100 million this year, up from $ 20 million last year.
Every verse that came before and after gave specific instructions on how war should be conducted, how sparingly it should be used, and above all, in a book of tens of thousands of verses, you cherry - picked 20 that were taken out of context and you still expect to be taken seriously?
I wonder if the books back then were just naturally acid free, or if they knowingly used a process where the books would not deteriorate; knowing that these types of books (such as church Bibles) would be expected to last a long time?
I'm a new mom so I by no means know it all about babies / kids and sleeping BUT I did purchase a great sleep reference book called Healthy Sleep Habits Happy Child that I have found very useful so far and expect to get lots more use out of it in the future with it's easy - to - use reference section where you can find guidance sorted by age and / or specific issues you're dealing with.
From the wonderful recipes, much easier than you might expect, to the technique beautifully taught including marvelous pantry items to have in your cupboard and fridge, this is a book I will use the rest of my life.
I especially loved the use of humour in this, hadn't read the book before so even if I'd heard about it, I didn't expect the movie to be that fun.
Just as for a child who learns how to read it would not be a good idea to ask them to copy the first 15 pages of the phone book to practice letters and numbers, and we would not expect them to develop an affection by for reading, we should not expect a teacher to develop a crazy passion for new technologies if instead of helping them to identify their needs and the types of tools that exist to address those needs, as well as to know the keys that underlie those tools, we are dedicated to inflating them to application manuals of which they will only use 10 % each time.
Raised in isolation, denied the use of books and of direct instruction by his tutor, Emile is expected to learn by following his natural inclinations and responding to situations that his tutor secretly creates for him.
Courtesy of a 2012 Mother Jones» article outlining what Louisianans can also expect in their voucher schools, which use these texts, some other conclusions drawn in other books include:
If you go to print using an interior file prepared solely in Microsoft Word, you shouldn't expect your book to generate the all - important word of mouth recommendations that result in additional sales and eventual success.
Forget about colored borders, colored pages, and a lot of the other layered visual effects that you expect to use for your printed books.
If I expect to use a publisher that will print about 5000 copies of my book and at the rate of $ 1 per book for the author, you are saying I should expect to break even, right?
At the expected price of $ 50 to $ 100 per book it seems to be priced for a broad range of users, while keeping in mind that it requires the publisher or author to use InDesign first, which can be an option that is out of many self - published, single - title authors» price range.
SCHWAB: As someone who writes for both the adult market and the YA one, I'm fascinated by the feedback I get, primarily an expectation from adults that a certain measure of transparency or simplicity is warranted in YA, whereas overt complexity — structural and metatextual — is not only warranted but expected in adult, and when it's present in YA, they often use it as an example of why that book is more adult than YA!
Despite its partnership with Google Books almost two years ago, giving On Demand access to two million of Google's public domain titles, there are currently only about 75 EBMs at work in locations around the country, with another 75 or so expected to be in use by the end of the year.
I have read a great many criticisms of this book by people who either expected it to be solely about the PCT itself, or were offended by the author's use of coarse language and discussion of her sexual proclivities.
Today's kids are already used to getting all of their information digitally, so you can look for that to be the way they both expect and demand their books to be delivered.
Weiner said he expects that the Android operating system, and the Chrome OS, will eventually be used to develop special e-book-reading apps that allow for the sharing of books and highlighting of passages — features that competitor Barnes & Noble already provides with the Nook reader.
Rebecca Smart said that she would expect the new Penguin / Random House to make serious use of the Penguin brand in future marketing, as the Penguin brand is the only brand name in the industry that means, exclusively, books.
Using your current word count and the appropriate formula below, calculate the number of pages you can expect in your finished book:
Unless required by the teacher, you expected not to use published criticism as you need to rely on your own perception of the book, its themes, structure, and other elements.Book Critique Writing TipsIs the author Continue reading
Publishing house uses around 80 % of expected royalties to pay for the book to be edited and published, but will not give authors a running total
Since the retailer doesn't release sales numbers, his mission is to try to use its book sales pages and authors» actual revenue figures to develop a picture of what «s profitable in the Amazon ebook ecosystem and what authors might expect as potential results of their decisions to self - publish or try to traditionally publish.
Even if you never use Inc.'s new Kindle e-reader to download books wirelessly, the device is the forerunner of a number of limited - purpose wireless devices that are expected to hit the market in the next few years.
I've ordered an HDX 8.9 ″ and keyboard to see if I can use it instead of my laptop computer when traveling, but I don't expect to read books on it that much.
Now that we've spent 5 years paying you about $ 15 per ebook we sell for $ 10, just to get customers used to expecting to pay only $ 10 for an ebook, regardless of how expensive the physical book costs, would you mind accepting only $ 3.50?
The usual process is to set a wholesale price based on a discount off the suggested retail price of the ebook or the printed book equivalent (expect smaller discounts than you're used to).
So, in the mid-term, we expect to see more of what we are experiencing now; that is, significant growth in the availability and use of e-books, and continued use and demand for the traditional book.
This means you can expect a rewards rate of 1 % out of this card (2 % if you use it exclusively for Uber and bookings).
Initially, we used eight characteristics to evaluate ETFs: expense ratio, average market cap, price - to - book, number of stocks, bid - ask spread, turnover, impact on overall portfolio expected returns and yield as reported by Morningstar X-Ray.
I don't expect writing another book on timing but Les Masonson, author of All About Market Timing, does a good job of showing investors how to use trend - following systems with ETFs.
There are only 8 weeks to go until this conference and for a short time you can get a discount by using «GREENBACKD - 22MAY» when booking (expires 17th April 2014) This will also be a unique networking opportunity as this conference is the largest gathering of value investors in Europe, we expect there will be 400 paying delegates present this year.
Check out the round - trip redemption rates and an estimate of the taxes and fees you can expect when using ANA Mileage Club to book United flights to Sydney.
For the most part, however, they should provide you with an idea of what kind of value you can expect to receive when you use Hilton points to book a night at a Waldorf property.
For one, the annual credit card fees (usually between $ 60 and $ 85) and fees that are sometimes involved in booking tickets using air miles rewards reduce the value of your air miles and can end up costing the cardholder more for flights or upgrades than they may have expected.
As the recent discussions on Slaw about changes at Lexis - Nexis Quicklaw and Canadian Law Book indicate, many expect primary legal resources in the digital age to be free of costs, perpetually available, and unrestricted in use.
Each of the chapters provides an overview of the formalities to be expected and the procedure used in court in each of the numerous countries the book will cover, and will use a consistent format for ease of comparison.
Now, after you open it in Microsoft Edge, you will have to use a lot of user - friendly annotation features to use it as you would expect on a regular paper book.
«The book also provides helpful tips you can use to defend yourself against false accusations, and gives a realistic portrayal of what to expect during a legal fight.
Specifically, we expect higher - quality interactions described by increased use of signs and symbols (e.g., gestures and words), established routines and rituals between partners (e.g., book reading) and more fluent and connected conversations between children and their caregivers.
If the product the buyer is purchasing is a physical product like a Home Study Course, Audio CD Set, Forms Disc, Book, DVD etc. or a live coaching or group coaching or private coaching, the promotional materials that make claims about the results from the use of this product, boot camp or coaching program, buyer hereby warrants that they understand that these results are not typical and that they should not necessarily expect the same results for themselves.
But Dr Fred Nour, a California neurologist and author of the book «True Love: How to Use Science to Understand Love» says I should only expect the passion to last two to three years at most.
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