Sentences with phrase «use of natural resources»

Thus the project combines sustainable use of natural resources with the protection of the area from further negative environmental impacts.
But it is worth remembering that even at current prices, we don't buy all the efficiency in use of natural resources that is less expensive than those natural resources.
A more protective and at the same time more efficient use of natural resources will be the key competence of future societies.
The island has long made great use of its natural resources which include vegetables, fruit, nuts and fish.
All these continue to increase, especially because of the new life - style of the rich, and the irresponsible use of natural resources which add a peculiar burden on the ecosystem.
With our ever - increasing use of natural resources, it is important to start focusing on products with less effect on the environment.
A subject - subject relationship with nature implies that we have to respect the nature, which will finally lead to protection and proper use of natural resources.
While striking in their distinctive and deep use of natural resources to provide quality living and working environments they also share a kinetic spirit.
Our interdisciplinary research generates innovations in food, health, environmental protection, climate and sustainable use of natural resources.
As our world grows smaller and smaller and global tourism market expands at a breathless pace, there has never been a greater need to promote sustainable tourism and more responsible use of natural resources.
It was established in 2007, as a scientific body that provides independent policy - relevant scientific assessments to governments and other stakeholders on the efficient and effective use of natural resources over the whole life - cycle.
REALTORS ® support policies that encourage conservation and the wise use of natural resources so we can maintain our quality of life and protect the environment.
REALTORS ® support policies that encourage conservation and the wise use of natural resources so we can maintain our quality of life and protect the environment.
Stevenson also opposed the burning of large sections of forest by the territory's Indian population along with other wasteful uses of natural resources.
This would be done by growing the economy at all aspects especially in Agriculture and making good use of natural resources.
Both the romantic and the conservationist approaches never deal with the question of ecojustice; namely, the reordering of access to and use of natural resources within a just economy.
The call for the careful, respectful, unwasteful use of our natural resources is the proper Christian stance.
Alliances between technicians and farmers are critical for the generation and dissemination of successful organic agriculture techniques that emphasise the management of biodiversity and the rational use of natural resources.
Another theme of Joyner's Senate campaign is improving state use of natural resources.
In every region, with the exception of a number of positive examples where lessons can be learned, biodiversity and nature's capacity to contribute to people are being degraded, reduced and lost due to a number of common pressures — habitat stress; overexploitation and unsustainable use of natural resources; air, land and water pollution; increasing numbers and impact of invasive alien species and climate change, among others.
As the dynamics of land, climate and biodiversity are intimately connected, the UNCCD collaborates closely with the other two Rio Conventions; the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), to meet these complex challenges with an integrated approach and the best possible use of natural resources.
That said, in our newest book, Buried Sunlight, we do discuss the effects of human use of natural resources.
The remarkable clarity and strategic scope of Professor Wangari Maathai's vision for the Wangari Maathai Institute for Peace & Environmental Studies (WMI) might be summed up in a single, but richly resonant, idea: To transfer knowledge and skills on sustainable use of natural resources from academic halls and laboratories to the citizenry in villages and rural communities throughout Africa.
Locals make great use of natural resources and fresh vegetables in their recipes.
This year's FotoFest biennial takes on the interconnected issues of climate change; population growth and migration; globalized use of natural resources and capital; and the impact of new technologies.
Billy examines the cultural use of natural resources by contra - intuitively working on objects or placing them next to each other.
The right use of natural resources, the proper application of technology and the harnessing of the spirit of enterprise are essential elements of an economy which seeks to be modern, inclusive and sustainable.
On Earth Overshoot Day, the Secretariat of Environment and Sustainable Development in Nariño, Ramiro Estacio, joined us along with organizations around the world to call for the reduction of indiscriminate use of natural resources.
In a letter sent to the EPA on December 13, USFWS Hudson River Case Manager Kathryn Jahn states: «PCBs in the river have caused past and ongoing injury to the natural resources of the Hudson River, resulting in lost public use of those natural resources.
She regularly uses her exhibitions, such as at Foto Schweiz or in the Marine Museum in Kreuzlingen, to promote the sustainable and conscious use of natural resources and to highlight the importance of environmental conservation.
Today's guest blog post is from Portland, Oregon based Jeffery Smith, the President of the Forum on Geonomics, and active member of Common Ground Oregon - Washington, the Oregon - Washington chapter of Common Ground USA, an organization promoting legislation that democratizes use of natural resources and that treats the natural resources of a jurisdiction as a commonwealth for all of the legal residents.
The Honduran state has a chance, now, to begin reversing an entrenched pattern of violence and impunity that marks the country and facilitates illegal use of natural resources,» said Kate Horner, Director of EIA's Forests campaign.
About... Known as one of the «greenest» cities in the world, Portland has paved an environmental path in its prudent use of natural resources, land use planning and its embracement of light rail.
«This means that we are proven to have programs and projects in place that make efficient use of natural resources, prevent pollution and reduce our impact on the environment to a minimum,» it states.
«Perhaps most importantly, this project will promote the recovery of our traditional knowledge, which can then be put to use for climate change mitigation and adaptation, defend our territorial collective rights, and the sustainable use of natural resources in our territories,» said COICA Technical Manager Juan Reategui.
At the Add - A-Pearl Company our goal is to provide the finest quality pearls available along with an ongoing commitment to protect and support only responsible use of our natural resources.
What we witness today is a steady deterioration and degradation of the biosphere, all life and physical environment.6 The consultation further notes that «the enormity of the problem is caused by the wasteful life - style of the rich and irresponsible use of the natural resources and the degeneration of environment by the profit oriented industry.
While we can not agree upon a uniform life - style, a conscious and judicious rejection of extravagant and wasteful use of natural resources should be priority and possibility for all.
Find ESG - focused ETFs Search for ETFs with strategies that may meet your sustainable investing goals, such as strong employee relations, efficient use of natural resources, or gender diversity.
On a global level this concern about the gap in the control over and use of natural resources should be raised to gain a correct perspective on globalization.
What the poor people are telling us is that, unless we rethink the basic questions of life - style, the use of natural resources and the reaction between environment and development, we can not address the question of a new economic order.
We may be efficient in the use of natural resources, or in the generation of a law - abiding public, or in reaching consensus among antagonistic groups, or in moving toward a more egalitarian society.
It is important to note the political basis of an economic system as one of our basic dichotomies because there is a very real difference in the foundation of a capitalism in which the rules governing the system are determined by a few — rules concerning wages, monopolies, taxation, use of natural resources, government benefits, etc. — and one in which these rules are determined by representatives who are chosen by the general populace.
The increase of gross global product involves the increased speed of use of natural resources.
On this basis, technological reason can argue against continuing the rapid growth of population, pollution, industrial production, and use of natural resources.
Third, the uneven distribution, control and use of natural resources are serious justice issues.
Negatively, it is placed against economic exploitation and unjust control and use of natural resources.
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