Sentences with phrase «use of probiotics»

As a result a whole host of research has been conducted on the therapeutic use of probiotics for treating such diseases.
In other small studies, vaginal use of probiotic tablets seemed to be helpful in preventing future infections.
Sanders ME; «Considerations for use of probiotic bacteria to modulate human health; The Journal of Nutrition; (February 2000); 130 (2S Suppl): 384S — 390S
I've seen clients improve skin conditions with regular use of probiotics, and I especially recommend them to pregnant mothers, as newborn babies receive their gut bacteria from their mother and this can make a tremendous difference in if baby will get ear infections or illness in the first months.
Suggested use of probiotics is to take them during mornings, before breakfast.
I had discovered an article written by Dr. Kelly Brogan, a Holistic Psychiatrist, in which she discusses the detrimental effects of gluten and the positive use of probiotics in treating neurological disorders.
Synbiotics is the combined use of probiotics and prebiotics to assist in the growth of beneficial bacteria, particularly after an illness or disruption in health.
There is, however, to date not enough evidence to suggest that probiotics are of use in treating acute, severe pouchitis — more research is needed into this aspect and indeed into the clinical use of probiotics for pouchitis in general.
Daily use of probiotics helps to re-populate the gut with beneficial bacteria and to keep their level high.
The detrimental effects of imbalance in the microflora in the body are known to cause a bloating and fat gain, which can be controlled with the regular use of probiotics.
Demand for these prepackaged cold drinks has been largely driven by such innovations as the use of probiotics for digestive health and the infusion of nitrogen in lieu of sweeteners.
Another area that has some newer research behind it is the use of probiotics in infant reflux, specifically lactobacillus reuteri.
Once her surgery was complete, she still went on to need a high dose of anti-reflux meds, which I was disappointed with, but I was able to get her off of these with the use of probiotics.
You can also ask your pediatrician about the use of probiotic drops, gas drops, or gripe water.
With constipation and diarrhea being two frequently experienced common discomforts during pregnancy, the use of probiotics during pregnancy is common.
The good news is that recent studies are revealing that when all doesn't go as planned, positive impacts can be made on baby's flora and intestinal health with the use of probiotics and other healing measures, thereby reducing later risks of many chronic diseases.
These findings differ from previous smaller trials and do not support a general recommendation for the use of probiotics to treat colic in infants.
There is some evidence that the use of probiotics may help reduce the severity of infant eczema — the following article by Dr. Greene explains more; Probiotics For Baby Eczema?
Most experts agree there's not enough evidence at this time to support the use of probiotics to treat colic.
In the future, it is our hope that the use of probiotics - containing [supplements] would be a potential chemopreventive for normal humans, while the same type of microbiota would decrease tumor incidence in cancer susceptible populations.»
As Zitvogel notes, regulatory agencies in the United States and Europe haven't approved the use of probiotics for cancer patients.
Another conservation method being explored is the use of probiotics.
This could open up the possibility of boosting helpful bacteria through the use of probiotics.
Review: The use of probiotics in different phases of diverticular disease — Veronica Ojetti — Reviews on Recent Clinical Trials
Some in the natural products industry believed the use of probiotics in foods and supplements was merely a fad, but it is clear now that this is not the case.
In addition to maintaining the use of your probiotic and prebiotic supplements, it's important to check in on your lifestyle to see how it affects your health.
Companies use a variety of management tools to keep birds healthy including: more individualized nutrition plans; the use of probiotics and vaccines; barns with better air circulation and temperature controls; and additional training programs and education efforts for farmers and service technicians.
This conclusion leads many to believe that the use of probiotics, beneficial bacteria found to influence serotonin levels, the immune system, and digestion, may be a helpful therapeutic tool for behavioral disorders.
An important component of a colon cleansing program is the use of probiotics to help replenish the population of friendly bacteria which resides in your colon.
The use of probiotic bacteria in the form of fermented foods dates back to pre-Christian times.
Have a look at our pages on the following digestive diseases to learn more on the use of probiotics for specific digestive problems:
And finally... you'll find a wealth of additional information, including the use of probiotics for pet health issues - yes probiotics can even help animals!
Marteau PR, et al., Protection from Gastrointestinal Diseases with the Use of Probiotics, American Journal of Clinical Nutrition73 (2, Suppl 1): 430S - 436S, 2001.
And although real world human medical trials are still needed, the use of probiotic bifidobacteria, specifically, appears especially promising as a long term option for patients with celiac disease.
I understand that the experts disagree about the use of probiotics while trying to kick SIBO.
Although research on the use of probiotics for IBS is complicated due to the difficulty of making comparisons of the many strains that are tested, for the most part, studies have shown a positive effect of probiotics on the variety of symptoms that make up IBS.
Thus in recent years numerous scientific studies have focused on the use of probiotic agents (both probiotic supplements and probiotic foods) to favorably alter the gut bacteria in cases of ulcerative colitis.
The reason why attempts to reduce inflammation with the use of probiotics have in the past sometimes failed might be that the pro-inflammatory pressure induced by the underlying disease is simply too high, but also influenced by larger consumption of proinflammatory foods and prescription drugs, many with strong inflammation - enhancing abilities.
One of the most exciting recent advancements in skincare is the use of probiotics.
Due to the constipation and (painless but pretty significant) bloating, I could never extend my use of this probiotic more than two weeks.
The research to date on the use of probiotics for SIBO is limited and has not yet shown a clear - cut benefit.
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