Sentences with phrase «use of proxies»

He also controls the board of directors thanks the creative use of proxy votes from other co-founders.
The Milwaukee Public Library does make use of proxy server technology in order to give city residents access to private databases to which the library subscribes on behalf of its customers.
The repetitive use of proxies known to be questionable as temperature proxies, but which happen to have a hockey stick shape (such as the bristlecone growth index), raises questions about potential bias in proxy selection.
Nix also went into more detail about his firm's use of proxy organizations for spreading negative attacks against Trump's opponent, while keeping Trump's more positive message relegated to his channel.
Through use of proxy sites, people have managed to get YouTube running on their device.
With this in mind, the U.S. Army has crafted handbook detailing changes in the Russian military, highlighting topics regular readers of The War Zone might already be familiar with, including so - called «anti - access / area denial» weaponry, small drones, electronic and cyber warfare, and the use of proxy forces and propaganda.
Covert activities and the use of proxy troops are financially and politically less costly.
Assassinations in London, President Putin's Championing of Russian Orthodox Church as an arm of state power, cyber warfare against countries and corporations, the use of proxy and paramilitary front groups, attempted coups in the Balkans, loans to the French National Front, the use of Russian forces in eastern Ukraine and in Georgia.
The use of proxies to cloak law - making is something that does not fit the conventional picture of «rubber stamp» parliaments — a label that has been used frequently for the Russian Federal Assembly in recent years.
[2] This use of proxies means, of course, that the Presidential Administration is responsible for a larger proportion of bills than indicated in Figure 1.
Broadening participation by limiting the use of proxy votes and allowing for resolutions to be distributed via email and posting on the Party website.
The use of proxy servers and spoofed Internet addresses to route the attacks, however, made it very difficult to trace their source, and the Russian government has denied any involvement.
The union's use of proxies, or subcontractors, if you will, is not limited to that field.
The screening process, in this case then, is simply guarding against the use of proxies that one might have good reason a priori to believe should reflect local climate conditions, but in practice (e.g. owing to dating errors, within - sample reproducibility problems, etc) do not appear to show a strong signal.
The only way it can possibly explain the divergence while supporting the use of the proxy is if one uses circular logic and assumes that there was no similar temperature increase during the MWP...
Stationarity can also be tested for the validation period, although in most cases the use of the proxy relationship will involve extrapolation beyond the range of observed values, such as in the case of point A in the illustration given above.
There also may be systematic errors in the use of these proxies which I will get to in a minute.
The use of proxies is p...
While Nix was suspended as CEO by CA's board on Tuesday, following a Channel 4 News report aired a series of secret recordings that appeared to show Nix advocating the use of proxy organisations to feed untraceable messages onto social media to influence voters.
There was a very high diagnostic overlap with ODD; however, the use of a proxy DMDD diagnosis containing items from the ODD module of the DISC - IV may have artificially inflated the comorbidity rates.
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