Sentences with phrase «use of the term points»

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He hopes that businesses will be more explicit in describing how third - party companies can use data collected by technology companies, offering bullet - point summaries in terms the average person can understand when policies are updated, and even explore the idea of creating an ombudsman to field concerns and mediate conflicts between platforms and users.
In software, there's a notion of «technical debt» — the debt a company accumulates by using sloppy, get - us - there code in the short term that really should be rewritten at some point.
Purchases of usage subscriptions (including credits, points, and / or virtual currency) or any virtual items made available on the online services are nonrefundable, have no monetary value (i.e., are not a cash account or equivalent), and are purchases of only a limited, non-exclusive, revocable, non-assignable, personal, and non-transferable right to use, even if such came with a durational term (e.g., a monthly subscription).
Few people even used the term «social media» at this point, and it wasn't clear whether any of these new social networks would last.
We felt that we were past the tipping point in terms of video technology and comfort with it — most applicants would have used Skype or FaceTime.»
But he added that thinking in terms of incremental changes may miss a larger point: As wearables and home devices become more important to the way we use our phones, the design of the phone itself may become less critical.
MT: What I love about Apple Pay — I don't use it in terms of presenting my phone at the point - of - sale — but the cards that I have are on my phone — the transactions can be pulled up right away.
Thus, the long - term target incentives for the NEOs who head these significant business segments are determined based on a blend of peer positions with similar titles at peer group companies and CEO positions among smaller companies, using the 75th percentile for peer - company positions and the median for CEO positions at smaller companies as competitive reference points.
(It makes money not by tracking and profiling its users, as Google does, but by serving ads based on the search terms being used at the point of each search, and also from affiliate revenue.)
They point to an article that you wrote in March, I think, of 2012 in Policy Options, where you basically said, dirty oil, the tar sands it's called, dirty oil and the future of our country, where you argue that the development of the, as you use the word, tar sands, it's become a political term, by the way, as you know, is basically not necessarily good for the country, in fact it takes jobs away in the manufacturing sector of Ontario.
To me, it seemed to complicate an easy concept of finding long term dividend raisers by breaking down these lists into subcategories but I see your point of using a more complete list to potentially find a new investment.
The purpose of this post is to point out that while the payment of interest on bank reserves is now the Fed's primary tool for implementing rate hikes, there are two other tools that the Fed will use over the years ahead in its efforts to manipulate short - term US interest rates and distort the economy.
The previous fragment, translated from Siete términos médicos que todo el mundo debería conocer, is a clear example of situations we all have lived at some point in our lives — some expert is using a set of technical terms we simply don't know, and therefore we can't follow.
At certain points during the term of coverage, such as your birthdays, you can increase the policy's death benefit and premiums will be determined using your initial health rating.
Like many have pointed out the use of Bitcoin by Chinese and China looking to diversify outside of China in terms of their asset holdings?
For most of them, though disconnected in terms of not owning a laptop or desktop computer, their disproportionate ownership of mobile phones is a central entry point into crypto, giving them the potential to add mining revenues to the money they use to live every day.
As Jessica Rabe from Convergex points out in her «Memo From Millennials To Janet Yellen,» millennials are used to the idea of long - term low inflation.
Whitehead, to be sure, resists the idea that a society is simply an aggregate: «The point of a «society,» as the term is here used, is that it is self - sustaining, that it is its own reason.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
William Lad Sessions, who summarized and analyzed Hartshorne's doctoral work writes: «The concepts, or «ideas» of philosophy, Hartshorne insists, are communicable (or «transferable» to use his term which points to the experiential basis of conception) but only partially so, because... obscurity is directly proportional to concreteness, and good philosophy plunges thought into the concrete....
Dr. William Porcher DuBose seems to suggest in his fine autobiography Turning Points of My Life, and James Matthew Thompson explicitly said in his Through Fact to Faith — both of these books are nearly a half - century old — that the soundly biblical conception of providence serves to safeguard and to state all that the term «miracle» was once used to affirm.
Still, the Encyclical uses the term at key points of Chapters Two and Five with significant thematic links to other parts of the encyclical, not least Chapter Six on technology.
In particular, we may note that there are three points at which the Kingdom teaching of the synoptic tradition tends to differ both from Judaism and from the early Church as represented by the remainder of the New Testament: in the use of the expression Kingdom of God for (1) the final act of God in visiting and redeeming his people and (2) as a comprehensive term for the blessings of salvation, i.e. things secured by that act of God, and (3) in speaking of the Kingdom as «coming».
When I use the term «civil religion» I am pointing to that revolution in the minds of men that John Adams argued was the real Revolution in America.
He said that nothing really doesn't exist, that there is something where we say nothing, pointing out that not the definition of nothing is incorrect, but the use of the term nothing is incorrect in this instance.
But I» m for the point that the term «silence» should not be used in the sense that God has been always on the business of talk to people in defferent forms and also during that period a lot happened, we get the likes of Zechariah the priest who always led worship ceremony.
Whitehead's own use of the term «metaphysics» is not systematic, as is well - known,» so not much is gained by pointing out that Whitehead speaks of Creativity as «the ultimate metaphysical principle» (PR 32; my italics).
If I were to argue against abortion the way you argue for it, I would point to late term abortions, regretted abortions, or the abuse of abortion by people who use it as a form of birth control, etc..
After describing in some detail the principle of complementarity in physics, Austin suggests that images of God as Father and as Judge are complementary models used to interpret individual and corporate experience.24 The prophet Amos, he points out, interpreted events in Israel's history primarily in terms of God's judgment, while Hosea understood events in terms of God's forgiveness.
The point upon which the emphasis rests is before God, or the fact that the conception of God is involved; the factor which dialectically, ethically, religiously, makes «qualified» despair (to use a juridical term) synonymous with sin is the conception of God.
A case in point is Childs's recurring use of the term «coercion,» by which he apparently means that the text itself, in its deep authority, requires a certain exposition, redaction or reading.
All that Bergson really says is that we can not know disorder without making it into an order of some sort first, and points out that the relation between the «two directions of order» is really a continuum that we distinguish on the basis of its extremes (completely free activity and geometrical mechanism, or integration and differentiation, to use the terms Gunter recommends) for the purposes of talking about this issue.
Further, in using the term «possible,» I want to emphasize the point that whatever conditions are relevant to creative acts, these conditions are not guarantees, but at best are necessary if not sufficient for occurrences of radical creativity.
But from the frequency with which he calls himself the Son of man, he may have used this term, not solely as referring to his own humanity, as at some points seems its natural interpretation, but with the apocalyptic connotation it has in Daniel 7:13 - 14 and in the intertestamental Book of Enoch.3
Translators have decided Jesus was cursing these people or towns by use of the term, and have even added exclamation points to their work.
Our point is that Whitehead, within the limits of his knowledge, might more properly have spoken of material electromagnetic societies, or have used some other term to acknowledge mass explicitly.
John Knox in Christ the Lord, pp. 30 38, points out Jesus probably used the terms «Son of man» in both senses, but that the early church, convinced that he was the Messiah, gave an eschatological interpretation to some sayings not so intended.
(A critic may point out, correctly enough, that Whitehead uses the terms «void», «enemy», and «companion» to describe the historical development of the concept of God.
However I think that my «existential» use of the terms here is not alien to his more general line of thought; and in any event I find the words extremely apt in making the point I am arguing in this paragraph.)
Dogmatic Formulations The Catechism also presents the various terms used by the Magisterium of the Church with regard to the Trinity (in particular substance / essence / nature, person / hypostasis and fnally relation) and also the various key points of doctrine that need always to be kept in mind.
13 Whitehead does not use the term judgment at this point, but see S 50; PR 100, 260, 267; MT 181 for various summaries of PI in which its judgmental character emerges.
On that supposition, my main point is that the use (however longstanding) of the term remedium concupiscentiae to signify an end of marriage has had a profoundly negative effect on married life, inasmuch as it suggests that lust is «remedied» or at least «legitimised» by marriage; in the sense either of automatically disappearing once one marries, or else of no longer being a self - centeredelement hostile to the growth of married love.
Miss Arendt has been criticized for use of the term «banality» here on the ground that it minimizes the monstrous character of the crimes, but the critics seem to me to miss the point.
Moreover, in practical terms scientific authority pointed in too many mutually exclusive directions to be of much use.
There was one point a few years ago when I was «done» with church, and some things, I have allergic reactions to still — for example the use of the term «sinner» at times.
Although the method used to guide the readers of Process and Reality resulted in many textual anomalies — discontinuities, ghost references, terminological inconsistencies, and so forth — it nonetheless succeeded in getting readers to interpret all passages written from abandoned points of view (most of the book) in terms of the final metaphysical position conveyed in the book's third part (ECTC 1; RIWW 47).
23 This is but one of several tests for the presence of differential forces, and the test itself is described in very simplistic terms; nevertheless, the point illustrated is correct, namely that the presence of «differential» forces may be ascertained without the use of instruments which themselves involve established measuring scales.
Closely related to these latter points are what have been the most devastating critiques of Niebuhr's actual analysis, those aimed at his use of the term «culture.»
My point in calling attention to use of the term «values» in Notre Dame documents is not to criticize the anonymous author of a public relations brochure, but rather to point out the depth of the confusion concerning ethics at Notre Dame today.
Consider the term «point» as it is used in the discourse of pure geometry.
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