Sentences with phrase «use of their legs because»

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If someone's spine gets severed and they lose the use of their legs, it is not because they are weak, or not «joyful» enough, it is because something is damaged.
We like this particular burgoo recipe because it uses leaner cut meats; here we see sirloin steak and pork tenderloin used in place of the usual shank or stew meat and boneless chicken breast instead of chicken legs or thighs.
But after practice Byrd waded into the group and found a blind woman who was sitting on the grass because she had no use of her legs.
If that name seems vaguely familiar, it's because it used to be Gayle Olinek, 12th fastest female marathoner ever, at 2:35:12, and possessor, as an SI headline (Jan. 5) put it, of the «greatest legs to ever stride the earth.»
Also has anyone noticed the skill Welly uses quite a lot, where he kind of allows the player to commit a sliding tackle before he touches the ball and he kind of picks it up with his trailing leg, it's very effective and useful because he seems to break away more often than not using it.
Of course, a baby this age still needs constant supervision because, as you will soon find out, those chunky little legs are still getting used to supporting all that baby weight and they have a tendency to unexpectedly give out.
The only downside to these overnight diapers is that they are a little more expensive than other traditional diapers because they are meant to be used as the last leg of your diaper changing journey, so you should only need one of two packs until your little one is ready to primarily use the potty.
This is because compression socks are most commonly used for swelling of the lower legs, by runners or athletes who want a performance boost, for those with varicose or spider veins, by pregnant women and by people who stand all day at work, for example nurses.
They work better than a Birdseye flat on my newborns, (I use them kite folded when not used as a booster) because of their amazing stretch, I can really get a good fit around baby's legs.
She does have a bumbo, but her legs are too chunky for it... I couldn't justify returning it because I figured I would use it for future babies of their legs weren't as chunky.
As your baby grows and begins to use his feet to push off of things, the Kickin Coaster is also fantastic, because the kick plate at the bottom of the seat gives baby something to use those kicky legs on.
Our little one is only five months now so pulling the hood down fully protects all of her; a great feature because it's too early to use sunscreen and nice not to have to worry about her arms and legs getting too much sun.
I ALWAYS RECOMMEND AGAINST THE USE OF BUMPERS, because a bruised leg is always better than a risk of suffocatioOF BUMPERS, because a bruised leg is always better than a risk of suffocatioof suffocation.
A wheelchair user without the use of their legs doesn't immediately rise up and walk because they become a Paralympian, someone with a lifelong health condition doesn't suddenly lose it.
Of course, the extra bite force was necessary because, beyond latching onto the occasional unshaved human leg, these critters were using bulked - up bodies and the weaponry that accompanied them to consume their omnivorous pondmates.
India has banned the export of frogs» legs because of the public outcry against these cruel slaughter methods and the environmental impact of pesticides used to replace them.
In a related commentary, Dr. David Hogan, University of Calgary, writes that quinine sulfate, although widely used in Canada to treat nocturnal leg cramps, is not recommended for routine treatment because of safety concerns.
Just so you know, I used to dread the beginning of bikini season because I was super self - conscious about my stomach, butt and the back of my legs.
There were months during my worst years where I would use a cane because my DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) was so bad that I couldn't really bend my legs, and I would walk with that cane to the deck of the pool so I could still get my 3,000 - yard swim for the day in.
I used to go out five minutes before because I didn't want [my wife and daughter] to see me psych myself up for the pain of swinging my legs into the car.
The push / pull / legs workout routine is a very popular one and is used by both powerlifters and bodybuilders because it delivers great muscle building results.One of the reasons the push / pull / legs workout works so well is the fact that you give your body a chance to recover between workouts and also there is a minimal overlap between muscle groups.
The free squat (no weights used) will not build the level of leg strength that can be obtained with weights because the high number of repetitions that are possible with this exercise are not conducive to strength building.
You can lift more weight using the push press than using the military press because of the initial leg drive.
I also believe it because I have seen multiple cases of lives restored and transformed with the information, including my own case and cases of the doctors I teach who use the three - legged stool as their guide.
If you are not at ease with feet on the floor because of short legs, use blocks or weight plates under the feet to boost height rather than placing legs on the bench, which reduces stability.
So you're using your aerobic system in the same way — it's just more tiring for your leg muscles because the body is pouring much more of its metabolism into them than with running.
That's because the standard leg exercises used in most bodybuilding programs don't allow for full extension of the hip joint, which is the primary function of the gluteus maximus...
Although, in the past couple of days I have felt exhausted, I have a low appetite for the foods allowed in the TWT and I usually turn to eating nuts which scares me because of the incredibly high fat content (I would like to lose weight not gain it), sugar cravings have started again (I used to chew a lot of gum and have not had any but have wanted to again in the past couple of days) and on a short jog last night my legs felt so heavy and fatigued I walked on and off.
Your calf may work harder than what it used to on one leg because of the gait imbalance, or your hamstring may work more because your quad isn't functioning correctly due to the gait and joint disturbances caused by the dietary imbalances; these nutritional dysfunctions affect your nervous system that, in turn, affect the muscles.
I used to have great muscle on my legs but since I left exercising because of work I started to lose muscle, can HIIT help me recover my muscle since I don't have so many time for weightlifting?
TRuly an awkwardly placed contrast seam in your leggings... a line drawn from your crotch to your ass crack... I have a Nike pair and they are for home use only because of that seam... such an odd design
I was looking at photos of last year... boy oh boy... Some of the photos were green, or distorted (with very short legs because of the use of the wrong lens).
So as I said I'm excited for spring because of bare legs and pretty dresses like this one here but also for buying clothes in smaller sizes and shopping my own closet of things that used to fit prebaby!
You might want to stay away from dresses that fall way above your knees because you won't be able to use them as much during the latter part of your pregnancy (I'm not sure if wearing them with shorts of leggings will be as comfortable during this time).
I used to be terrified of them because I'm so short (5» 1 ″) but I feel like they actually make my legs look longer.
Anyways the problem i have become convinced is the true enemy, is how many women can not get happy with their appearance, not even to the point of when i am very adamant about how much i love their breasts (i happen to prefer breasts that are saggy, because to me, those are real breasts, perky just makes me feel like a pedophile), and i use that as an example, it could just as easily be their bottom or legs or whatever.
People think that just because I can't use my legs I can't use the rest of my body and they think I can't do as much as I can.
You may also want to keep a thick folded towel or blanket nearby and use it to protect your lap so that your kitty can knead and your legs don't suffer because of all that affection.
Because the ends of a completely torn ligament inside the knee do not reattach on their own, surgery is frequently recommended to stabilize the joint and allow normal use of the leg.
We have to try to keep her from a faster gait than a walk and ramp her in and out of our vehicle because of the damage done to her joints when she could not use her hind legs.
Rear or full support wheelchairs can help tone weakened leg muscles because they are still being used with the support of the wheelchair.
If you train your kitten to a leash, use a harness designed for cats - never a collar because a cat will only struggle against the pull of a collar around its neck, but may be more amenable to the behind - the front - legs tug of a harness.
However, staff from Belfast City Council called at her home in May, using what she alleges was a warrant for a different address, and impounded him after he was deemed to be a banned American pit bull terrier - type because of his leg and muzzle measurements.
Because he so used to keeping weight off that leg, it's necessary for Dr. Carter works to carefully to support Dwayne in gentle exercises that encourage use of the back legs.
I think one of the main reasons attempts to potty train fail is because pet owners tend to look at their dogs as four - legged humans, and if a human in your household were to use the floor instead of a bathroom to relieve himself, it would be quite upsetting.
You'll juggle long lists of elemental and support skills because picking the right ones means the difference between getting an advantage over your enemies and giving them a leg up on wiping your party, yet even the most basic and free - to - use attacks can have value depending on who you're squaring off against.
The plaintiff argued he was hurt because of the Zimmer Periarticular Distal Medial Tibial Locking Plate, a metal plate used to provide internal stabilization when a patient has serious fractures in his or her lower leg.
This was because a piece of angle iron used by him as a makeshift tool and which he kept in the side pocket of the driver's door had caught in his trouser leg.
Spotify has said in the past that even though other music services will build Discover Weekly clones, Spotify will still have a leg up in terms of personalization because of its use of streaming data.
She came in to use the guest bathroom before we left for Cincinnati last week and I almost had to take a puff of my inhaler because I held my breath so long, hoping she didn't break a leg on a toy or notice the pile of dishes by the sink.
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