Sentences with phrase «use of tongues»

Her whole little personality just bloomed with a little more use of her tongue, it was amazing.
Our results suggest considerable differences between parrot and songbird vocal production while at the same time the parrot's vocal articulation might more closely resemble human speech production in the sense that both make extensive use of the tongue as a vocal articulator.
That is a critical distinction, for over the course of appointing, training, and supervising missionaries, IMB addresses many significant theological, missiological, ecclesiological and practical issues, including the use of tongues or a private prayer language.
How about the use of tongues in prayer meetings?
Oral sects can be very charismatic, with much emphasis on the use of tongues.
Client: STRP Biënnale, project for Sensory Gym, 2017 About: playful sensory taste experience intimacy and taboo of the use of our tongue
Fanny Foozle's fun and engaging stories are specifically created to enhance creative and critical thinking through the use of tongue twisters and songs amongst children viewers.
Not only does the opioid reward of food intake and sucking help to bond infants to artificial nipples instead of to their mothers» breasts, but the latching technique, sucking pattern and use of tongue and mouth muscles are very different between bottle nipples and real nipples.
This use of the tongue helps to lay down patterns of mouth and tongue muscle use which are helpful in the development of normal speech patterns.
The artist's use of tongue - in - cheek titles for the works act as a reinforcing component driving home her women - centric principles.
This video may be slightly controversial in its use of tongue - in - cheek jokes and monologue, but it is one of the most entertaining video resumes out there.
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