Sentences with phrase «use other skills»

You may have expertise in one area, but want to use other skills.
Forcing the player to think tactically about how to use their other skills is great for the learning process.
If DD is serious about continuing the place to be is cutting his teeth on a personal blog for the next 500 articles - to get a perspective on how to use other skills which he thinks might be useful online.
«We need to get more women into leadership roles in the science and engineering enterprise» throughout the world, Richmond said in an interview after the summit, «and sometimes this will mean women will be going to uncomfortable places of speaking out and using other skills that they might not be comfortable doing in their countries.»
Consider using the other skills that students have practiced — annotation, main idea / details, and summary to move toward inference.

Not exact matches

Alexa also understands you very easily and what she lacks in search power, she makes up for with skills, which use the knowledge from other apps and services to serve your needs.
WLES underpins other, more complex skills, so if you organize formal or informal higher levels of training — such as quality - assurance systems or computer use — you could be missing out on the full value of those programs if your employees don't have foundational literacy and numeracy skills.
People who fail to use their emotional intelligence skills are more likely to turn to other, less effective means of managing their mood.
«I thought if I am using my brains, expertise, skills, and experience for others then I can do it for myself too»
In fact, other research shows that 90 percent of employers already use independent contractors to gain access to workers with specific skills as the need arises.
LeadGenius uses a unique combination of the most modern data science technology and skilled human researchers working in concert with each other on client - defined B2B marketing and sales data projects.
If you have a skill to teach others, put it to use for a reasonable fee.
And a skilled negotiator on the other side may well use this moment as an opportunity to stall, and thus to negotiate further concessions.
Those individuals contribute to our economy, using their skills and determination to help create products and services that other individuals choose to buy.
Uber uses technology to displace low - skilled workers who may have little access to other jobs, and as a result makes labor (and ultimately the cost of a ride) cheaper.
Then use the other improv skills to get the results you want.
Sustainability factors to look at include energy and water use, worker safety, employee skills, and supply chain risk, among many others.
Just in the same way we created March and Pop Funk, users with some Python skills can create a new mood, using layers of instruments (for example: two violin layers, with three piano layers), along with other musical structures, like a waltz, or swing.
It's calculated that after two years of use, one - third of a pillow's weight is dead skill cells, dead dust mites, and other less - than - desirable leftovers.
Employers are adopting resilience training for their employees at a rate faster than any other intervention in the United States.1 Resilience — the ability to use positive mental skills to remain psychologically steady and focused when faced with challenges or adversity — contributes substantially to how workers deal with stress and perform at work.2, 3 Employers are developing resilience to achieve a competitive advantage, similar to how the military trains active duty soldiers and their family members to withstand challenges.4, 5
Advice is in the retirement investor's best interest when the advice is rendered «with the care, skill, prudence, and diligence under the circumstances then prevailing that a prudent person acting in a like capacity and familiar with such matters would use in the conduct of an enterprise of a like character and with like aims, based on the investment objectives, risk tolerance, financial circumstances, and needs of the Retirement Investor, without regard to the financial or other interests of the Adviser, Financial Institution, or any Affiliate, Related Entity, or other party.»
Specifically, the exemption requires that the advisor, the institution issuing the product and client enter into a contract that clearly commits the advisor to acting in the client's best interests, using the care, skill and prudence that would be exercised by prudent person under the circumstances (the definition that generally governs a fiduciary's duties in other contexts).
Take that thought a step further and you encounter the need to implement new processes and procedures as required. calls this skill «curiosity» — a curiosity about what your competitors are doing, what technologies they're using and how other companies (both in your sector and outside it) are finding new customers.
Use those skills as a service to others.
• Assess your skills, resources, and goals • Evaluate the right profit path for you • Find clients, create proposals, manage projects, and set rates • Market your website using smart, high - quality content that ranks well • Generate traffic using display ads, retargeting, and other traffic drivers • Distribute content using social media, Q&A sites, and forums • Create sales funnels using proven traffi c strategies and tactics
[158] Other causes include the rise in non-cash benefits as a share of worker compensation (which aren't counted in CPS income data), immigrants entering the labor force, statistical distortions including the use of different inflation adjusters by the BLS and CPS, productivity gains being skewed toward less labor - intensive sectors, income shifting from labor to capital, a skill gap - driven wage disparity, productivity being falsely inflated by hidden technology - driven depreciation increases and import price measurement problems, and / or a natural period of adjustment following an income surge during aberrational postwar circumstances.
Playing to its town - centre location, such as close proximity to the motorway network and access to a skilled labour pool, the project masterplan envisages a mix of new office space, a business - class hotel and other complementary uses such as retail and leisure.
The use of game metrics allow skill - based gaming and playing smarter than others.
ReproMAX is a network of independent digital print service providers (PSPs) designed to provide information, technology and a community where PSPs can use the skills and advice of other like - minded companies to grow their business.
Use your creative thinking skills to find other solutions.
The mobile platform used by binaryoption360 is a bit different from the mobile trading platforms offered by other brokers in that it is more user - friendly and easy to use foe trades with varying skill levels.
Chances are you have a skill or knowledge others are willing to pay for, and you can use it to start a service business on the cheap.
When ready to get back into the workforce, I wanted to find something flexible, but high level, so I could use my skills to help others grow their own businesses.»
If possible, encourage employees to use their skills in other departments or try on other roles for size.
Our job, for both of us, is to make use of whatever skills and knowledge we have to help each other make it out.
From the earliest weeks of life, when an infant is taught to control hunger in order to meet the sleeping needs of parents and to fit into a social pattern in which people do not eat during the night; through babyhood, where etiquette skills include learning conventional greetings such as morning kisses and waving bye - bye; to toddler training in such concepts as sharing toys with a guest, refraining from hitting, and expressing gratitude for presents, manners are used to establish a basis for other virtues.
This Bible helps children understand God's Word by utilizing the nine common ways that children learn: Logical reasoning; Visualizing; Discussing and debating; Learning with others and using interpersonal skills; Reflection or intrapersonal skills; Emotional engagement; Experimenting and doing; Kinesthetics; and Nature.
To determine what is evil, it is necessary first to look at the evil in ourselves, in others, and in the world Then, using our caring and empathetic skills and Noddings» criteria, we can decide in each case what will cause the least unnecessary pain, separation, or helplessness to ourselves and / or to others.
Change in ministerial role performance: better preaching, counseling, other skills; improved relations with laymen, more effective use of community resources, etc..
Any accuracy in the history of Israelites probably comes after the Babylonian captivity, where serious written language skills would have been learned, and where they would have heard the story of Gilgamish, amongst other myths that they could adapt to their use.
Schweitzer sensed that medicine was one of Europe's most prized developments, and so out of his own sense of moral compulsion he decided to give up his other flourishing activities, learn medicine, and use that skill for the benefit of Africans.
But many rich people love to use some of their money to help other people, especially when it goes for a good cause, or to help people out of a bad situation, or even to provide life skills and job training that will lift other people out of their current situation.
While these are properly regarded as special subjects of study and are taught as separate disciplines, skill in reasoning and in the use of language is also a necessary aspect of every other intellectual discipline.
In the most archetypal of these tests, Harry has to use his magic skills to swim all the way across the bottom of the mysterious lake as part of a contest with other schools of wizardry.
you atheists are pathetic to think one thing of a person yet not use critical thinking skills to think MAYBE there are other factors
To the extent that he possesses a therapeutic attitude toward himself and others, he will be able to use his knowledge and skill.
In other words, nurturant fathering helps relieve sons of the compulsion to prove themselves adequately masculine by engaging in truculent and misogynist activities, and so frees them to use their energies for acquiring more adaptive and less rigidly gender - stereotyped relational and work skills.
They are always waiting for the other shoe to drop, a crisis to arise, so they can use their skills.
In our new aims of education for the 1980's and beyond, therefore, we shall have to dedicate ourselves to bringing back, among other things, the civilized use of language (both written and oral), a sensitivity to beauty, powers of analytical reasoning, the intellectual vision of ourselves as historical creatures, the ability to cognitively articulate ideas rather than let communication skills courses degenerate into merely «touchie - feelie» experiences of «affirming the other,» and finally, a sensitivity to the nuances, complexities, and ambiguities of meanings.7 In this way, and only in this way, our educational system will equip its students for the future with an intellectual vision comprised of both knowledge and foresightful adaptability to environmental changes.
Second, growth counseling involves a variety of growth - stimulating methods to help people use more of their potentialities by (1) developing better communication with self, others, nature, and God — the four basic relationships within which all growth occurs; (2) developing new skills of relating in mutually - affirming, mutually - fulfilling ways; (3) growing by making constructive decisions and taking responsible action; (4) using the growth possibilities inherent in each life stage; (5) learning to use the pain and problems of unexpected crises as growth opportunities; (6) learning better methods of spiritual growth — the maturing of one's personal faith, working values, sense of purpose, peak experiences, and awareness of really belonging in the universe.
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