Sentences with phrase «use political labels»

Most people almost certainly use political labels wrong as they simply don't have the reflex of opening a dictionary and encyclopedia.

Not exact matches

Meanwhile, Facebook plans to use this information to append a «Political Ad» label and «Paid for by» information to all election, politics and issue ads.
Of course, another possibility is that antiabortion people are not really interested in developing a «pro-life» philosophy but rather are just using the «pro-life» label because it will enhance their political effectiveness.
The label is used to refer to a quite different way in which theology can be related to political life.
Bill, my point was, which I think you understood because you ignored it, is that what is being labelled persecution of Christians, is (with the exception of missionaries who are routinely disliked because of what they do and how they behave) part of a larger political situation where religion is used as a nationalistic demarcation line.
It has been used not only to identify a wide range of anti-established and anti-neoliberalism movements, but also as an evergreen «offensive tool» of labelling every type of political opponent.
«Fear of being labelled «racist» has paralysed the entire political class — leaving the way clear for Labour ideologues to use mass immigration to remake British identity, all but collapsing public services under the weight of numbers and driving down wages to undercut British workers... whereas Labour concealed what it was doing to dupe its core vote, the Tories have concealed what they are not doing in order to dupe their core vote» — Melanie Phillips, Daily Mail
Neudert's metric is crude, she acknowledges: She labels any account that posts more than 50 tweets a day using certain political hashtags as a bot.
What might have gone away, had they never opened their mouths on the topic, is the political argument over Common Core, which was quietly receding into implementation challenges in the states that still acknowledge that they're using those standards — and something similar in places that put new labels on the same (or very similar) content, as well as a few jurisdictions that are still struggling to come up with anything nearly as good on their own.
In general, labels like these are insufficient to capture the realities of political variation, even though we refuse to stop using them to do so.
The Connecticut Council for Education Reform (CCER) purports to be a non-partisan, 501 (c)(3)(non-profit) organization, but their agenda is extremely political and their funds are being used to undermine Connecticut's public schools and unfairly label Connecticut's public school students and teachers.
Shortly after our visit, Riverside decided to stop providing CPS with grade - equivalent score labels which CPS used to make the political claim that flunked students were simply reading or doing math «below grade level.»
In an attempt to provide context, the label text says: «As a political gesture, [Hershman Leeson] partly painted the masks black to express her solidarity with the civil rights movement,» and moves on to discuss the controversy the works caused — due to the novelty of using sound in an art gallery.
For the discerning shopper, there are ethical shopping apps which rate products based the earth - friendliness of the company, or their ingredients, or the political contributions of the company's leadership, all of which can help us to make more informed decisions, but now there's a new kid on the labeling block, which uses the power of the crowd to bring more transparency to product labeling.
Meanwhile, Facebook plans to use this information to append a «Political Ad» label and «Paid for by» information to all election, politics and issue ads.
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