Sentences with phrase «use problems»

The risk of substance use problems during periods of medication use was 35 percent lower in men and 31 percent lower in women in the study.
Think of specific examples how you helped the company by using your problem solving skills.
In the absence of evidence of an existing workplace alcohol use problem, it concluded that a dangerous workplace was not, on its own, reason to implement such a policy.
By using conflict as a catalyst for closeness, couples can intentionally use problems as an opportunity to discuss their goals, fears, and dreams.
PBS aims to teach individuals who use problem behaviour a broader range of skills to enable more effective interactions with their environment.
She and other elected people need to seriously look at building and land use problems.
See examples of how teachers use problem - based learning to collaborate across the curriculum and integrate technology into their instruction.
Teaching mathematics using a problem solving approach requires preparation if it is going to work.
This kind of parent uses problems and incidents as a teaching tool, which can lead to important conversations with your child.
You can't make lasting behavior changes without using problem solving.
Once a child has stopped using the problem substance, the real battle begins.
You can also use a problem - solving approach to help your child become more independent.
Transition words that can be used in topic sentences using the problem - solution paragraph structure are: answer, propose, suggest, indicate, solve, resolve, and plan.
More powerful experiences arise using a problem - of - practice approach.
An Adventure game is one that requires the player uses problem solving skills, exploration, and attention to story and environment cues to accomplish the game's goals.
Moreover, I am adept at logging and tracking calls using problem management databases, and can effectively maintain history records and related problem documentation.
I have been providing therapy for people with mental health and substance use problems since 1988.
The couples improved emotional bond is often a big part of the solution to the alcohol use problem.
I'm always looking for ways that I can integrate a problem solving approach into my everyday teaching rather than using problems as «bolt on» extras at the end of a module.
The activities on the cards are creative and imaginative and require the students, in some cases, to use problem solving skills.
I have experience and training in marriage and family therapy and alcohol and drug use problems using a solution oriented approach.
It can be helpful to bring it up for discussion by using the problem - solution model.
In the present study, parents used both problem - focused and emotion - focused but tended to rely more on problem - focused coping strategies.
This is unfortunate, considering that early onset is one of the strongest identified risk factors for substance use problems in later life (Breslau et al. 1993; Chen et al. 2005; De Wit et al. 2000) and these personality predispositions may play a particularly important role in explaining risk behavior and receptivity for substance use during the period of adolescence (e.g., Carver et al. 2009; Malmberg et al. 2010b).
Dr. Bry's systematic program of prevention research has included studies that: 1) search for precursors that differentiate adolescents who will develop conduct or substance use problems from those who will not and environmental factors that might reduce or buffer those precursors; 2) investigate whether these factors actually precede or reduce future problems; and 3) test the outcome efficacy and effectiveness of experimental methods to modify these factors.
Identifying Mental Health and Substance Use Problems of Children and Adolescents: A Guide for Child - Serving Organizations (PDF — 2,953 KB)
Prevalence and Timing of Diagnosable Mental Health, Alcohol, and Substance Use Problems Among Older Adolescents in the Child Welfare System
On the indirect land - use side, policymakers should encourage mitigating or offsetting strategies from biofuels producers that help to address external land - use problems while we try to fix the international policy problems.
Conversely, research has shown that child victims of abuse, particularly sexual abuse, often develop substance use problems later in life, perhaps to attempt to escape the unresolved emotional trauma of abuse or neglect.
Substance use problems including alcohol / drug use, medical status problems due to substance use, employment / self - support problems due to substance use, family / social relationship problems due to substance use, psychiatric status problems due to substance use, and legal status problems due to substance use; and trauma - related symptoms including anxiety, depression, dissociation, sexual abuse trauma, sexual problems, and sleep disturbances
I Expect You To Die is a virtual reality puzzle game where players take on the role of an elite secret agent as they attempt to survive deadly situations in immersive dangerous locals by completing missions using problem solving skills and wits.
They can not use the problems of the Americans to bring down the Canadian markets.
In his speech, Yifei emphasized the importance of 2018 for China's long - term economic strategy, and discussed how the central bank's gold and silver department used problem - oriented, market - oriented, and livelihood - oriented «philosophy, style and methods» to promote reform and innovation in «key areas» of «currency bullion» as well as «currency gold and silver business.»
At first they performed okay, but I guess they weren't prepped enough because my baby girl is now 2 months and about 12 lbs and she can still use these no problem.
This involved using a problem - based collaborative approach with discussion questions and experiential learning activities incorporated throughout the presentation (Knowles et al., 2005).
If I already owned 3 dozen yellow smalls or novice light green edge, I'd keep using them no problem but it is time to get the next size and prep them.
We're seeing people using the problem of grooming and sexual abuse to push their own agenda — like the English Defence League have been long doing.
«Very little has been known about recovery from cannabis use problems, and this is the first study to examine that on a national basis,» says John Kelly, PhD, director of the Recovery Research Institute, who led the study published in the March issue of the International Journal of Drug Policy.
«The best design is one that takes advantage of high - knowledge consumers, and that is a design that uses problem decomposition very explicitly and in which other consumers» ideas are not shown,» Luo and Toubia write.
Some of these chemicals bioaccumulate in the body, making a lifetime of makeup use a problem.
- Recaps Division - Explains the connection between FDP - Loads of assessment slides to assess understanding - Ordering and Comparing using problem solving skills perfect for the new GCSE - Plenary assess learning over two lessons
They are asked to use this data to compare the different schools using the Problem Solving Approach.
This task uses a Problem - Solving Approach and is designed to take approximately 3 hours of teaching time.
Learners are asked to investigate whether a marathon could ever be run in under two hours using the Problem Solving Cycle.

Phrases with «use problems»

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z