Sentences with phrase «use simple questions»

Through casual interactions with the school population, principals can promote literacy, invite student and staff ideas, and use simple questions to highlight patterns and uncover blind spots.
There are many tests and quizzes out there (and I don't mean the «fun» ones) that can use simple questions and answers to determine your main parenting traits.
Use these simple questions to determine how you can make travel more effective while also saving time and money.
In those cases you can use a simple question like, «Would you recommend our product to a friend?»
Use that simple question to build new vocabulary and expand oral language skills for your toddler.
You will learn and practice using a simple question - based approach to assessing a candidate's all - important «personal characteristics,» such as their ability to hear and use feedback, their ability to manage setbacks and adversity, and their ability to manage disagreements and conflict.
Derived from the theories of Jung and Freud, the testing uses simple questions to gauge the ways people think and interact with others and matches using a balance of similar and complementary characteristics.
Using these simple questions: «What would mean the world to you?»
you used a simple question to get on your soap box and crow bar your issues into the subject.

Not exact matches

Here's a simple test: If someone sat down with you and asked you a series of questions about your company's revenue, expenses, and profits (or losses) for the previous month, quarter, and year, could you answer within a few minutes, using your accounting software?
According to bestselling management author and CNBC contributor Suzy Welch, there is one simple mistake that even the most well - prepared candidates make: They use an interview to answer questions instead of to have a conversation.
The open question is whether they'll be simple and straightforward enough for the average gamer to hook up and use.
Now let me pose a simple question: If social media is such a powerful business tool, why don't the most successful companies and their CEOs use it?
Plasticity, which charges clients $ 3 to $ 5 per employee per month for use of its platform, begins its workplace data collection with a simple question every user answers when they sign in: «How happy are you today?»
At this point, conducting a job interview can seem quite simple: use the shortlist of candidates, meet them, ask them questions, and compare them with other applicants.
Why even answering simple questions quickly online using social media can improve customer satisfaction
Alliance Virtual Offices uses a live chat facility, as does Clarendon Business Centres — which they say handles everything from simple questions to meeting room bookings.
While I definitely agree that his response is great in many circumstances and (without knowing the context of that conversation) may have been the perfect thing to say at that moment, I think calling this statement «a template that can be used to respond to questions concerning sexuality, gender and other important issues» reduces a very complex issue down to a very simple response that doesn't really answer any questions for anyone.
Why won't you answer the simple question of what definition of religion you are using that could possibly put NOT believing as a religion?
On the radio I use this simple rule to help me answer the majority of Bible questions I'm asked, even when I'm not familiar with the particular passage.
Just a question I love that all recipes are so simple... but you use a lot of nuts in a lot of recipes.
Just a question about using toasted buckwheat — is it a simple replace oats with buckwheat?
This is a pretty simple question to answer using the Bet Labs database.
25 to 36 months Your child doesn't know what to do with everyday objects, doesn't understand simple instructions, doesn't use two - word phrases by 30 months, doesn't ask questions, can't pronounce vowels or be understood half the time by someone who doesn't know him by the time he's 3, or loses skills he once had.
Talk with your child using new vocabulary, longer sentences and simple questions during conversation — «How old are you?»
Your baby has learnt using single words, so you make him speak out words by asking simple questions.
In 2010, the American Academy of Pediatrics began to recommend that pediatricians screen new mothers for postpartum depression using the Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale or a simpler 2 - question screen for depression.
By the end of your child's second year, he still says only single words instead of two - to four - word sentences, uses new words once and then doesn't repeat them frequently, or doesn't ask or respond to simple questions («What's this?»
The Natural Breastfeeding program is a perfect fit for these women because it uses simple, clear, concise videos and easy exercises to answer their questions, all without overburdening them in today's hectic world.
They're all very good questions, so I thought I'd take you through the very simple diaper changing system I used with my kiddos.
Kevin Brodwick, founder of Thinkbaby and Thinksport explains why: «We always use the precautionary principle and as we expect the debate on the safety of nano particles to continue, we asked a simple question: Does the product have to contain nano particles to be an effective sunscreen?
By teaching active listening, simple introductions, how to read other people's body language, what kind of questions to ask and then how to excuse herself politely from a conversation, you are teaching your child a social skill that she can use for life.
Also, do not ask too many questions and use simple comments.
Breastfeeding Answers Made Simple: A Guide for Helping Mothers by Nancy Mohrbacher, IBCLC, FILCA is a comprehensive, research - based counseling guide that provides the answers to virtually every breastfeeding question in an easy - to - use two - column format.
Spangler, Amy BREASTFEEDING: Keep It Simple Amy's Baby, 2004 Using a question and answer format, this short book uses simple language to provide information on how to breastfeed aSimple Amy's Baby, 2004 Using a question and answer format, this short book uses simple language to provide information on how to breastfeed asimple language to provide information on how to breastfeed a baby.
These questions can drive you to discontinue use of the stroller but rest assured, a squeak is a simple fix that can be done at home.
Gemma Doyle (Lab, uses simple terms) asks another question about the bedroom tax.
The one piece design makes it simple to use and ensures you don't have to locate several pieces and put them together in order to go again.If you have a problem within 30 days, or even just change your mind, you can get your money back with no questions.
The team tracked the patient's brain activity using functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) while posing simple questions, such as whether he had a brother.
Using this simple code, the patient answered five of six questions correctly.
When I was in medical school, I spent a summer in an Indian Reservation in the Upper Peninsula [of] Michigan and went to University of Michigan, and there we did a survey of nutrition and found that half of the population, adult population, was diabetic and that really fascinated me; and I wondered why, and we also used some dietary assessment methods and found that actually we could learn a lot about what people were eating were some fairly simple ways of measuring diet; and so in some ways I have spent the rest of my career trying to unravel some of those questions.
But those studies separated out the effects of natural variability using relatively simple statistical techniques, and many researchers questioned the assumptions that went into them.
End - use / least - cost analysis begins with a simple question: What are you really trying to do?
To answer the carbon question, we used a simple model of the UK electricity market.
The best questions are challenging and involve understanding and using basic concepts rather than simple memorization.
«The advantage to using a simple organism like C. elegans is that you can look at questions in great detail,» Bargmann says.
Two decades ago, using only a few simple rules and concepts, British mathematician John Conway figured out how to wring meaning from apparently nonsensical questions like these.
The question is whether we can also use this simple and low - cost method to move people's food behaviour in a more healthy direction, or to facilitate the choice of healthier options» said Federico J. A. Perez - Cueto.
In child psychology researchers often use one simple question to assess how well a child understands video: «Where does Sponge Bob [or another favorite fictional character] go when you turn off the TV?»
Then, in 2009, Owen's postdoctoral student Martin Monti asked one of them, a 22 - year - old who had been in a vegetative state for five years, to answer simple questions with his thoughts, using the output of the scans to communicate.
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