Sentences with phrase «use the bathroom because»

When we went for the check up the next day, my doctor was staring a little too much at the sonogram screen, she then told me to use the bathroom because my bladder was full.
I wouldn't even let my husband use the bathroom because I didn't want him to mess it up!

Not exact matches

«He used to send us to the opera and also have us clean the seminary bathrooms, because he wanted us to be adaptable to all kinds of situations.»
The first time around, no one used the bathroom for the first week, whereas most of us have used the bathroom every day, I think partly because of the coconut melts (also known as constipation candies!).
I remember liking them, but not quite as much as other bars available in the US because of their sticky texture (problematic when eating them on a 16 hour Amtrak, for example, when you're doing everything in your power * not * to use to disgusting train bathroom!).
I actually pump in the bathroom at work because the lactaction room is too far away (I can't get the breaks to go pump, I have to use my 15 min breaks and 30 min lunch).
She also is starting to get up sooner to use the bathroom in the morning now because she can feel the wetness against the skin.
Constipation may become a problem because some children are embarrassed to use the bathroom at school.
Like, don't go around saying «oh, my child will NEVER watch more than 10 minutes of TV a day» because I guarantee you, the first time you actually want to do something normal like blow dry your hair, paint your nails or use the bathroom without an audience, the TV becomes your best friend.
PUBLIC BATHROOM are extremely contaminated because of the amount of people using it.
If another kid discovers her disposable underwear at a sleepover, she can say, «Yes, I wear these because I'm a sound sleeper, and sometimes my body doesn't wake me up to use the bathroom
If your child is over the age of one, you can use a product containing honey and you can also try giving them tea with honey or putting them in a steamy bathroom in the evening, but no lozenges because again, we're worried about choking.
Instead, it is because they do not have all the feelings in their body to let them know that they need to use the bathroom, that their bladder is full or that they need to poop.
& 41; The directions say to fill up with 1 1/2 - 2 bottles of water, I only used 1, it was enough to fill the doll up so that he would go to the bathroom, but not so much that he leaked for days after because no matter how you try.
I'm startled awake and quickly go use the bathroom knowing that I won't have a chance for the next 30 minutes or longer because that's exactly what they both need to do.
This can happen also because of the fact that they do not always have all the feelings in their body to tell them that they need to get up and use the bathroom.
Also, because these require you to install hardware, renters may be unable to use them in their kitchen or bathroom.
Babies who are breastfed may actually use the bathroom less frequently than a baby who is bottle fed, and this is because they generally take in fewer fluids per day.
Usually it is because the child's body has created more urine than the body can hold and the child does not wake up or does not wake up in time to use the bathroom.
After the sort of prolonged delivery that requires the use of forceps or a vacuum, you may find it difficult to go to the bathroom, or you may experience urine leaks because of temporary changes in your pelvic and perineal nerves and muscles.
Because this basin is lightweight you can feel free to use directly in your bathrooms tub, sink or right on the floor.
Kids are up and down because they have nightmares, they wake up to use the bathroom and can't fall back asleep, they think there's a monster in their closet, they remembered they had something super important to tell me at 2 am while I was in the middle of REM sleep (like what snack their friend shared with them at school).
Because of my own birth defect, spina bifida, I have to catheterize myself when I use the bathroom.
When the kids were newborns we used to keep a chart of how often they went to the bathroom and if it was poop or pee because the doctor always asked.
Essentially it helped free up a bathroom for Joseph because I was able to use it in the living area instead of hogging the hotel vanity.
Because it's not socially acceptable to use the bathroom anywhere.
If you're in a public, crowded place such as a festival and you can't get to the bathroom in time because there's a line, then you should put your little potty close to the port - o - potties, in an out - of - the - way corner, and let your child use it there.
This works great in our guest bathroom, because that shower is rarely used... and when guests come, I just take it all down and hide it!
I am currently trying to keep the bathroom cleaned safely because I have a curious, crawling 9 month old who likes to investigate all things bathroom... problem is that I use the diaper sprayer and it sprays yuckiness all around the toilet, and I also have a 3 year old that has poop accidents and has to get sprayed down in the shower, leaving the tub dirty.
Even at four, I tell my daughter to use the bathroom before we leave the house because she doesn't realize that she has to go until we are in the car.
I would say just talk to them about the potty read up on babycenter about the different things to help the process along because even if they are not talking that much they still may give off many non verbal clues of having to go potty.However if they are really not ready try potty training keep a onesie on in the day time with their clothing and a blanket sleeper on at night that way they hopefully won't be able to get to the dirty diaper before you.My dd is 19 months as well and I have been training her sort of by letting her sit on the potty I have only let her use the one that goes on the big toilet but she peed in it once and she often will say she has to pee when in the bathroom but will sit and not do anything and get little pieces of tissue off the roll and push it into toilet this is her renditon of wiping even though the tissue does not really come in contact with any areas that need to be wiped I have slacked off on the training because she can not pull her pants up and down which is on the list of things kids need to be able to do to go by themseleves.Maybe just get them a few books and videos and a potty chair and talk to your dd's and see what happens you may be surpised.HTH
She said she now stops drinking water at work at 3 p.m., «because I don't know if I'll be stuck on a train and can't use the bathroom
Recovery was tough, even after the pain subsided: You can't really stand up straight for a few weeks, and simple choices, like whether to take a shower or use the bathroom, become big decisions because you have to be so careful with your incisions.
I distinctly recall locking myself in the patient therapy bathroom (where we taught clients to use adaptive toilet equipment as part of their rehab) because it was the closest one to my desk.
I have used whole eggs and thrown out the yolks because I found that egg whites in a carton would always give me severe gastrointestinal distress requiring that I stay in close proximity to a bathroom for several hours.
I used slimfast but apparently didn't get enough fiber or whatever because it made going to the bathroom very difficult and painful.
It's so painful and I have managed to gain weight while using it because I can't go to the bathroom!
In high school I used Avon because my mother was a rep, so she got it super cheap and stocked up (she still has it all under her sink in the bathroom).
We created this distinctive bathroom curtain using our signature burlap because the neutral color and natural texture blend with any palette.
This is actually another full bathroom (not technically a powder room) but I honestly don't think anyone has ever used this shower because we all use the outdoor shower, rain or shine!
And maybe it wasn't for the best reason, mostly it was because they are not that convenient when it comes time to use the bathroom!
To clean the sink, I used the Disinfectant Scrubbing Bubbles ® Bathroom Cleaner because it can handle the tough messes and kills 99.9 % of viruses and bacteria *.
So I have to be extra careful when using one of my Singapore sheet masks, because it may or may not have happened that the surprising sight of myself in the bathroom mirror made me squeal... As you might have seen in my haul post here, I got quite a lot of them.
I use their Beauty Bar too because the smell is reminiscent of my grandmother's bathroom.
Maybe it's the bathroom countertop you can no longer see because it's cluttered with makeup and half - used bottles of lotion?
It glosses over a lot of his legal troubles, but there's enough here to suggest a sordid life behind the music, especially in the film's second scene, which sees an older Brown threatening people with a shotgun because one of them dared to use the bathroom in a building he owns.
Neustadter: There was a scene we wound up shooting and not using where an agent, in the middle of the premiere, Greg runs to the bathroom, because he can't stand to watch the sex scene.
Free standing Vanity Mirror Table Mirror: whether using it on the dresser, in the bathroom or your vanity table in your dressing room or bedroom, this pedestal cosmetic mirror is very useful because you can use it everywhere.
Other bathrooms in the home are also important, he says, because «buyers don't want to have to remodel rooms they need, and bathrooms are some of the most used rooms in a home.»
Eventually your dog will realize he is going to go outside several times during the day and will begin to play outside instead of using the bathroom, because in his mind he's thinking «I don't need to go to the bathroom right now, I'm going to go outside again later».
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