Sentences with phrase «use them as a reference when»

Keep this notice and use it as a reference when speaking with a debt collector.
i will definitely bookmark this so i can use it as reference when i travel.
Print this out and use it as a reference when drawing comics and creating cartoon characters.
Teachers use it as reference when marking students» work.
Leave these ideas on the front board so the students can use them as a reference when creating a poem on their own.
Print out this sound pronunciation chart to use as a reference when teaching your child.
Arts teachers and school administrators should use this as a reference when reflecting on practice and during the REACH observation series.
Apparently The American Way of Housekeeping was a real book that Japanese brides used as a reference when they married American soldiers, and this book was the basis for Dilloway's novel.)
I also had a friend in school that always brought a copy of one of the games to school to use as a reference when drawing the characters on the cover.
An incredibly detailed codex has been created for you to use as reference when developing new themes or extensions.
Called the Yellow Paper, the document is what ethereum developers use as a reference when coding, and it's what clients rely on to stay on the same page with the network (without, say, creating bugs that could fracture it).
We are to help all you who want to apply as customer service by providing the best Customer Service Cover Letter Sample that you can use as reference when you need to make a cover letter.
here we gonna give you the Business Analyst Cover Letter Sample that you can use as reference when you want to write your own cover letter.
These examples are to be used as references when you write a job description to hire a veterinarian for your organization.
Here we have a great sample that can be used as a reference when you are applying for a job.
Many job - seekers don't put a lot of thought into whom they will use as references when potential employers request them.
Provided on this website are the best marketing resume templates you can use as your reference when you make a resume for the marketing position you are vying for.
You can customize this sample resume to suit your profile or use it as a reference when drafting your own resume.
You can download this format and customize it to suit your needs or use it as a reference when drafting you professional profile.
The IT cover letters provided on this site can be used as a reference when you create your cover letter.
Above is a professional resume sample to use as a reference when writing yours.
You will only use it as a reference when you write targeted resumes.
If you're applying for a pharmacy job, then you may be finding entry level pharmacy technician resume 2017 to use as reference when writing one.
I used this as a reference when I updated my resume.

Not exact matches

He also uses references, or as he puts it «the referee,» to get the answers to negative questions (examples of when the candidate made a mistake) if the candidate doesn't provide them.
Use these as reference points when discussing business - ownership options with a franchise coach.
«We described it as a modest investment when we launch, and nothing has changed in terms of our use of the word «modest» with reference to investment levels,» he said.
I will tell you from experience that when companies do specify a style guide to use as a reference for their content, they nearly always cite AP Stylebook.
This filing is a notification to the SEC that a company is allocating a portion of its raise to the investors on SeedInvest, includes an overview of the business fundamentals and raise, and serves as a reference document potential investors can use when evaluating an investment opportunity.
Our entire days are structured around meal times with breakfast, lunch, and dinner often used as reference points for what we do and when.
Great post, and the really disproportionate thing about it is this is all done using the «law» demanding the tithe when not one New Testament book endorses this model (The reference in Hebrews was not to establish tithe as it was to establish Jesus in a different order, and his comments in the gospels was to people living under the law)... how is it that no other «law» is preached with the same force and conviction as tithing?
Genesis18: 1 word used is translated LORD, a Hebrew form of reference to God Exodus3: 4 «when the LORD... God called to him from within the bush...» Not an angel God Exodus33 reference you have already acknowledged as God Joshua 5: really needed a Bible student to know this one as Christ in angelic form.
They said of Him, «He speaks as one having authority» Matthew 7:29 When you go back and look at what Jesus said, He never had to use references to support His ideas or topics.
For example, he rightly points out that Jesus says, «You have heard that it was said, «You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy»» (Matthew 5:38), but what he doesn't say is that there is a reason Jesus uses the expression, «that it was said» instead of his usual expression, «have you not read» or «as it is written» when he references scriptural passages.
Matthew has a characteristic concern for the expectation of the coming of Jesus as Son of man which lie betrays in several ways: lie is the only evangelist to use the technical term «parousia» (24.27, 37, 39); he alone has the parable of the sheep and goats, a kind of haggada on the theme «When the Son of man comes in his glory... «(25.31); lie introduces a reference to it into a saying from Q (Matt.
If one will examine the occurrences of e n C r i s t y in the New Testament, one will find that they divide rather evenly as between those which are used in allusions to God's action (when the meaning «event» would be paramount) and those which are found in references to the situation of the believer (when the conception of community, the body of Christ, is dominant).
As for the psychologist reference, he has made the claim that he is one and when asked where he practises he has used the threat of slander to avoid giving these details.
When I convert from US to UK I tend to use this guide as a reference.
I came across Elana's food blog several years ago when I was searching for a recipe for Cream Cheese Frosting using agave nectar rather than refined sugar... BINGO, her recipe was perfect and over the years I have used her site as a great reference for gluten and refined sugar - free recipes.
Since then, I've used Vegetarian Cooking for Everyone as reference and reassurance, and bandied it about as proof to my younger colleagues that, when it comes to information, books are way better than the goddamned internet... Read the rest of Bon Appétit food director Carla Lalli Music's ode to this vegetarian «treasure trove.»
On a friendly note, when using other bloggers recipes they appreciate that their blog is referenced as the source for the recipe and inspiration.
When singing nursery rhymes and kiddy songs that involve numbers, use your fingers as visual references.
The Desk Reference is provided as a service to our members as a tool to use when looking for products and services for your school nutrition programs.
And while the recently published OFSTED framework [13] certainly has far more reference to citizenship and social education than its previous guidance, there is still little appetite to explicitly relate issues such as pornography to the national curriculum when it could be used as a spring board to many social issues such as respect, body image, expectations, consent, and similar.
I can see it as something that you use to reference your notebook, for example when you're sitting in a meeting.
The real magic begins when, using the standard swatches as a reference, the software color - corrects the image.
This leads to errors of up to 10 % (5 %) in mass (radius) when using the asteroseismic scaling relations with the Sun as the reference.
The theoretical mean sea level is commonly used in Finland as a reference level when sea level information is given for instance on the internet or radio and in the newspapers.
I used to bungee jump (yes, free falling is on my 2012 list of «will do» right beside learning to surf and travel to Cambodia) and when I did, the sensation is mind blowing; a rush of adrenaline like nothing I could describe and a feeling of so much space and freedom... its a powerful visual for me and it gives me courage knowing that I have that experience as a reference.
It's up to you to find out when you feel the muscles contracting the most and use that as a reference point for all consecutive reps.
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