Sentences with phrase «use to anyone other»

Even online exchanges were of little use to anyone other than large - scale traders
I stated the type of evidence you asked for, and even addressed why personal experience is not of use to anyone other than that individual.

Not exact matches

For anyone already using HomeKit, the device can serve as your HomeKit hub, and you can use it to control the other smart devices in your home.
Some have taken to using popups that ask users to «whitelist» the site, while others have blocked anyone using ad - blocking software from reading anything on their pages.
But like many other, overly optimistic hydrogen - based fuel entrepreneurs, Dean, whose company made a specialized membrane that was to be used in the fuel - cell modules, watched the ground open beneath his feet as the commercial take - up proved to be far slower than anyone anticipated.
The rules related to depreciation and losses were so generous that anyone with money and a decent accountant could very quickly write off the costs of their investments, including ones in which they were just passive investors, and use any losses to offset their other income.
If you don't plan on using your iPhone (or, again, other compatible devices) for serious work, but want a keyboard that'll wow anyone nearby, this is tough to top.
We've built a popularity index into our system so anyone can see how many other websites already use a photo before they decided to use it too.
Phil, on the other hand, believes that «the term «entrepreneur» has been hijacked by those who want to use it as a positive appellation for anyone who works independently.»
If anyone in America still needed an explanation of how rich people use their money to silence others, President Donald Trump has you covered.
And then there are just people who are worried that the government might use their census data to cross-reference it against other information they've given the government (income being the obvious example - anyone know someone who plays fast and lose with their taxes?).
Imagine a network of computers linked together throughout the globe: these computers verify each other's work, anyone can run programs on them, and users can pay for only what they wish to use.
While the service promises to replicate much of the functionality of Venmo and Paypal, allowing anyone to send money to a recipient using nothing more than an email address, mobile phone number or bank account number, it mostly operates through banks as a simple and free way for U.S. customers to send each other money.
10) If the applicant or anyone else enters into Insolvency and a News Company receives any money as a result of making a claim or for any other reason, that News Company may set that money aside and not use it to pay the guaranteed obligations until all News Companies have received enough to pay all of the guaranteed obligations.
I believe in order for anyone to unseat Bitcoin from the number 1 position, they will need to be the first to transparently integrate their currency with current forms of payment options -LSB-...] By taking cryptocurrency mainstream, and allowing it to be used like any other form of payment, they can hit a user segment that has largely been untapped by current cryptocurrencies.
Unlike other digital currencies Stellargold is not only designed to become an distal currency that can meet the highest advanced technology but also become the friendly digital cash and can be easily used by anyone.
Bair directs new investors to read Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Chairman Clayton's December 2017 advisory statement on cryptocurrencies and initial coin offerings (ICOs) and echoes his message that anyone entering into these realms should educate themselves on the difference between cryptocurrencies and the many other uses of blockchain technology.
In Griswold the Supreme Court was asked to review the consti - tutionality of a Connecticut law that banned adult residents from using Birth Control and prohibited anyone from assisting others to violate this law.
We used to support each other and our country but it appears that no one supports anyone but themselves anymore.
Have they forced anyone to NOT use other sites?
While I definitely agree that his response is great in many circumstances and (without knowing the context of that conversation) may have been the perfect thing to say at that moment, I think calling this statement «a template that can be used to respond to questions concerning sexuality, gender and other important issues» reduces a very complex issue down to a very simple response that doesn't really answer any questions for anyone.
And I object to anyone trying to claim such and use it as a means of control over others.
Ronnie G this is not about the Meat Puppet — it is about a person who is scamming anyone who listens to her she is leveraging other folks misery just do a Google search on her and her organziation as for my contribution to society — my employees and I fund and support two food kitchens on weekends for disadvantaged youth if you were able to master the use of tools we would invite you to join us — go phuck yourself
The idea expenses anyone more income and uses much more vitality to high temperature along with great your own home compared to any other method in your home.
Anyone who judges others using the bible as their scale is a person who does not understand the teachings to be found therein.
A morality which rejects this fact as too harsh to bear is not much use to anyone in practice, and tends to involve being generous with the resources of other people, either those far away or those not yet born.
The word Imam means leader, and is used in other sects to refer to anyone who becomes an authority in religion and knowledge and is recognized as a leader.
But take a look at the carnage in the Thirty Years War, a war between two groups of Christians who were horrified that anyone dared to believe other than the way they did, and tell me with a straight face that the religious zealots who waged that war wouldn't have used ANY technological advantage they might have gotten their hands on and didn't kill with modern bombs not because of self restraint but because of lack of availability.
Just as there is no set structure, form, language, and topics that must be used in any other conversation, Paul simply talked to God the way he talked to anyone else.
Now I find nothing wrong with anyone's religion and I have very strong faith myself but I find it very wrong to use religion to sell your politics or to push religion on others.
An overwhelming 94 % of the time, the teams used the first answer anyone shouted out — often giving only perfunctory consideration to others that were offered.
I am only saying that was not particularly inspirational to anyone but perhaps yourself, and others who want to use it to bolster their own beliefs.
This highly ambiguous notion has done a great deal of harm, and has all too often been used to pour scorn on anything that can be labelled simplistic, overly dependent on authority, or — that other great bogey of today's Church — «fundamentalist,» which is usually a code word for anyone who believes the Gospel might actually be worth believing and acting on, especially if they belong to one of the new ecclesial movements.
I don't think either way that God or whatever would care cause your using your God given ability to think logically for yourself not by others or anyone else!
fred... yes fred, i have a better way — but you sir, i have no need to keep this conversation going, for you are terribly thick headed, and beyond brainwashed by religion... you claim to believe the bible and what is has to say yet allow for me to be a di - ck to god without fear of recourse or any form of punishment from god — back in the day, i would have been smoted, now you losers claim that he will just torture me forever in hell as my punishment — this implies that god has learned better ways to function as god — whoa, did anyone else just see what i said, god learned... thats rather un-godly, to learn, being he is all knowing - but your right, i am wrong... jesus christ where did i put my fuk you card, oh god - dam - nit... i must have thrown it away with all the other garbage i don't use... well too bad.
He used the analogy of someone on a boat: «If anyone is in a moving ship and imagines that he is at rest, then should he see another ship, which is truly at rest, it will appear to him that the other ship is moved....
By making a Contribution to the Sites or to an Application, you grant us a perpetual, non-exclusive (meaning you are free to license your Contribution to anyone else in addition to us), fully - paid, royalty - free (meaning that we are not required to pay you to use your Contribution), sublicensable (so that we can use affiliates, subcontractors and other partners such as wireless carriers and hosted service providers to make the Sites or the Applications available to you) and worldwide (because the Internet, the Sites and the Applications are global in reach) license to use, modify, create derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce and distribute the Contribution in connection with the Sites or the Applications, our business or the promotion thereof in any media formats and through any media channels now known or hereafter devised.
I've made a tonne of this (far too much than I can eat) and don't want to waste it — does anyone have any tips about using it in other recipes too?
You may not use or reproduce or allow anyone to use or reproduce any trade marks (such as «Packaging Europe magazine» name and logo or other trade names appearing on the Site) for any reason without written permission from Packaging Europe magazine.
If you have uploaded a recipe from a magazine, cookbook, blog, or other published source for personal use in your Recipe Box, please take steps to ensure that it is not viewable by anyone but yourself, for your own private use.
And to other readers, if anyone is thinking of using a silpat instead of parchment paper, definitely get the parchment paper.
Anyone using or accessing any of the Juicy Juice Websites from other locations assumes all responsibility for compliance with local United States laws, if and to the extent applicable, in connection with the Website.
Anyone wishing to apply for a permit to use methyl bromide as a feedstock in the manufacture of other chemicals should download the permit application form and send it to the Department.
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My iPad, my Mac, and iPhone are three other options frequently used — I could do an ad for Apple, which is hysterical to anyone who reads this and knows me well enough to know I came kicking and screaming to using all these electronic devices.
All of Wenger's disastrous plans when it comes to transfers, both incoming and outgoing, are coming home to roost... why would anyone pay a significant fee for a player that was hardly used, is overpaid and has a spotty injury record; not to mention the fact that Wenger nickels & dimes everyone when it comes to transfers so it only makes sense that other teams would do likewise when dealing with us... the fact is I wouldn't be surprised if Wenger does this so that players won't be moved thereby giving him a ready - made excuse not to spend more money on transfers; there's a reason why the latest headlines regarding Arsenal transfers seem to suggest that we aren't bringing anyone in until some players are sold or moved elsewhere on loan... we know this club knows how to utilize press coverage to further their questionable agendas, it's the very reason why the Sanchez situation has become such a nightmare
we can't even get rid of players that have barely mannered to us for several years... which is incredibly annoying considering that our beloved owner would never risk his own financial resources whether he brought in some new blood or offloaded several failed Wenger projects for less than market value... he would simply make a little less and the burden would fall squarely on other sources of income, primarily us... I don't know about you but I would gladly use all the money they have been stockpiling to rid ourselves of those that don't meet acceptable standards and to replace them with a few higher priced gems... I know, I know, Wenger and his minions have been scouring the globe for years now to find anyone that was as good as our current lot to no avail, but I've just got to believe there must be two or three guys somewhere out there that can play this crazy game
I don't believe we will bring anyone in, in the January transfer window, because Kroenke is stockpiling Arsenal funds to use them as collateral for his LA Rams move, and possibly for a takeover bid of the other Arsenal shareholders, following in those esteemed Glazer footsteps.
Whether you chose to use drugs or not; whether you had a scheduled or emergency c - section; whether you adopted or went through IVF or used a surrogate, the way in which your child was brought into the world shouldn't matter to anyone other than you.
You may like the design or cool description of other pumps but if you ask anyone who used Medela they will have no hesitations to recommend it.
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