Sentences with phrase «use ultrasonic scalers»

Veterinarians use ultrasonic scalers and sharp dental instruments for cleanings.
It is important to use an ultrasonic scaler, as this instrument reaches below the gum line.
One of our specially trained veterinary technicians performs the cleaning using an ultrasonic scaler and hand instruments to remove all the tartar and calculus from above and below the gum line.
Dental scaling is performed using an ultrasonic scaler and a high speed polisher which leave the teeth with a smooth clean surface.
The teeth are cleaned by our trained dental technician using an ultrasonic scaler.
«We use an ultrasonic scaler, which makes a high - pitched noise and vibrates really quickly.
While under anesthesia, your pet's teeth will be cleaned using an ultrasonic scaler, then polished to a pearly white shine.
In an effective dental cleaning, veterinary professionals use an ultrasonic scaler to clean the teeth and under the gum line.
A scale and polish using an ultrasonic scaler like your dentist uses needs to be performed under anesthesia to do the job right.
The vet then cleans the teeth one by one using an ultrasonic scaler meant to effectively remove tartar and plaque.

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All About Pets uses a combination of the ultrasonic scaler and hand instruments to fully clean and examine individual teeth, similar to what your dentists use.
Full teeth cleaning using hand and ultrasonic dental scalers to eliminate dental plaque and tartar, which causes periodontal disease.
Next, an ultrasonic scaler is used above and below the gumline.
This involves the use of hand instruments and ultrasonic scalers utilizing high frequency sound waves which are emitted along with a steady spray of water from a hand piece, and polishing with a dental pumice.
Step 3: Prohylaxis - An ultrasonic dental scaler is used, similar to what is used for human dental cleanings.
Scaling can be performed with an ultrasonic scaler, using a smaller version of a crosshatch technique and limiting scaling time to 5 to 7 seconds per tooth.
Scaling to remove tartar is accomplished using ultrasonic and sonic power scalers, plus hand instruments that must have a sharp working edge to be used effectively.
Next, tooth scaling will be performed, using both hand and ultrasonic scalers, to remove tartar above and below the gum line.
After examination, tooth scaling will be performed, using both hand and ultrasonic scalers to remove tartar above and below the gum line.
First, an ultrasonic scaler will be used along the surface of the teeth, as well as below the gum line, to remove accumulated tartar and plaque.
Usually, an ultrasonic scaler is used to vibrate the tartar off.
Complete teeth cleaning using hand and ultrasonic dental scalers to eliminate dental tarter and plaque, which can lead to periodontal disease.
Step 1 — Pre-anesthetic bloodwork ensures safety; anesthesia; examination of the mouth Step 2 — A Certified Veterinary Technician uses hand tools to remove tartar and probe for gum disease Step 3 — An ultrasonic scaler is used to remove plaque and tarter below the gumline Step 4 — The teeth are polished Step 5 — Flouride is added to protect the teeth Step 6 — The pet wakes up under the supervision of a veterinarian, and goes home with a dental care plan to keep teeth healthy & pearly white!
We use an ultrasonic dental scaler, much like the one your own dentist may use.
Scaling is accomplished using a piezoelectric scaler that uses ultrasonic sound waves to remove hard dental calculus without heating the surface of the tooth.
An ultrasonic scaler is used to clean above the gumline while a curette cleans and smoothes the teeth under the gumline in the crevice.
An ultrasonic scaler is used to clean above the gum line while a curette cleans and smooths the teeth below the gum line.
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