Sentences with phrase «use vocal communication»

Kershenbaum and colleagues believe that studying the sounds of other intelligent species that use vocal communication for cooperative behaviour — such as wolves and dolphins — may provide clues to the earliest evolution of our own use of language.
Limited research suggests that baby sign language might give a typically developing child a way to communicate several months earlier than those who only use vocal communication.

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Notice here that we do not use the words «spoken» and «heard,» because studies in communication have shown how much depends not only on explicit verbal content, but on appearance, gesture, and facial expressiveness as well as vocal tone and inflection, and how all of these are interpreted through the ethos of a particular congregation.
But now new research published in Nature Communications reveals that humans and birds use the exact same physical mechanism to make their vocal cords move and thus produce sound.
We are using cutting - edge molecular techniques to identify genes that are important for vocal communication in non-human mammals such as bats.
Exploring the theme of communication, Auel assumes that the Neanderthals lack the full vocal development of modern humans and has the clan using a mixture of gestures and body language to supplement their small vocabulary.
Howling is one of many forms of vocal communication used by dogs.
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