Sentences with phrase «used as a lie»

Can be used as a lie - flat car seat.
We also bought the rear facing cocoon to use as a lie flat travel system.
The carrycot can be used for overnight sleeping and also can be used as a lie - flat auto carrycot for baby when travelling by car.

Not exact matches

This argument assumes that people will believe an organization is objective and unbiased so long as it uses words like «false» or «inaccurate» or «unsupported,» rather than the word «lie
It's as old as industries that know their products do public harm, but lie to keep them in use.
Using the «willful disregard» benchmark, Trump's statement should qualify as a lie.
as we know the difference between the impossible and the possible lies in a person who uses their determination.
Perhaps the most lucrative — and life - saving — use may lie in reproducing living soft tissue, a field known as bioprinting.
This web of associations develops over time as you use an object (think of how experts recommend that you don't use your bed for nearly anything besides sleep so that your body learns to associate the space with rest and begins to unwind as soon as you lie down).
This is simply a lie as you can automatically talk to your Facebook friends using Messenger without adding them one - by - one.
Instead, I have gone through my career in national media with a misinformed sense of satisfaction that, as a perceptive young journalist, I called Trump on his lies and gave Forbes readers who used the Rich List as a barometer of private wealth a more accurate picture of his finances than the one he was selling.
Last week, the media stood by homophobic liar Joy Reid, dismissed allegations of misconduct against Tom Brokaw, gave Jake Tapper an award for fake news, used Michelle Wolf as a hate - avatar, destroyed an admiral with lies, and were caught colluding with the Deep State to overturn Trump's election.
Used as a proxy for the long - term trend, it is hard to imagine one concluding that the index has already broken down given that the 200 SMA lies below it.
What bothered me the most was the comment that fact checking wasn't enough, politicians continue to use the lie even after it's been exposed as a lie because it gets votes.
The uncertainty about what lies ahead for the European Union - the world's largest economic grouping - as well as the subset of nations that use the euro common currency, hit energy stocks hard.
After the suit went public, Avenatti unearthed and released an email proving that Cohen used his Trump Organization email account to arrange the wire transfer to Daniels, which could serve as additional evidence that Cohen is lying when he says Trump had no knowledge of the deal.
Be careful for what you ask for, the Modern Day Pharisees are laughing all the way as they use you as their foot soldiers... if you destroy Jesus» truth, their lies get to reign.
Einstein used god as a metaphor, christians ignored the metaphor and have been lying about Einstein ever since.
They have used lies to enlist the poor as cannon fodder in their war.
Whenever truth is used as power it is no longer truth and turns into a lie.
hopefully your not using the Dentsu poll as your source, it is based only upon those who answered they do not fit into any religious group and their statistical sampling is notoriously skewed (there are 3 kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics... Mark Twain)
But both Ike and I have experienced the new creation as a club that can be used, often with the best of intentions, to assault our human truths and cause lies, pain and sometimes even death.
His strategy is to lie about what he's going to do («I support Israel»), do the opposite (send massive funding ovderseas to the Muslim Brotherhood for use against Israel, and positon Israel as the «threat») and then lie abouit what he did («relations with Israel have never been closer»).
Between the religious belief in revelation and the secular rejection lies a popular middle ground, «the spiritual world picture», Ross Douthat explains in his New York Times column, using the Christmas story as an example.
It used to be lying was wrong... now it's OK «so as to not hurt their feelings».
The new life in Christ, the consequent transformation of all their hopes and expectations, the sense of fresh power to achieve the hitherto impossible, the vital awareness of the change which had been effected in their relations with God, the confidence of sin forgiven and of restoration to divine favor, the «joy in the holy Spirit,» and confident looking forward to great events still to come, and soon, as the result of Christ's exaltation at God's right hand and of his promised coming as Redeemer and Judge — all this lies behind the choice and the use of technical terms or concepts borrowed, first of all, from current Jewish messianism.
The key, of course, to its resolution lies in the use of conscience as safeguard from self - will.
I agree with your summary, though I would not use a word as strong as «lies», but rather «convenient interpretations».
You use attacking and mocking as a means of conversion» As opposed to religion which uses lies and threatas a means of conversion» As opposed to religion which uses lies and threatAs opposed to religion which uses lies and threats.
It described the forelock (frontal lobe) of the brain of someone who used to curse the prophet Mohammed (Peace and Blessings be upon him) as being a lying and sinful.
As for using it to condemn gays it always has it just that a man from the APA decided to lie and distort the truth, thats the problem moron.You side with man and hope he wins, well he may win the battle but he will lose the war.
Try as it might, the mighty brain of HS is unable to leap over the smallest of hurdles without attempting to use some form of conjecture, falsehood or outright lie to back it's preconceived religious world view.
You really must stop using the Bible as a source since you find it to be trash and lies.
the christian myth is a scam... a lie... a political tool just as it is used today... That is why it was created..
Again, as with the patterns disappearing because they are jarred, a desire to overstate the case lies behind the myopic use of images.
The Bible is a book of lies, written by charlatans with an agenda, and it has been used for centuries as a means to oppress innocent people, ratinoalize bigotry, justify wars, and as a hiding place for false prophets who bugger little boys and defraud little old ladies.
One of the great lies of Satan is in how he uses human institutions such as religion and politics to make it look like God uses violence to defeat violence.
Fred wrote,» You really must stop using the Bible as a source since you find it to be trash and lies.
You said, «You really must stop using the Bible as a source since you find it to be trash and lies.
When people use their religion as a cloak of immunity which they feel gives them the right to spread lies about another person's character, well that is just wrong.
and «As a Christian how do I stand with God on issues like gay marriage and abortion while both sides are using propaganda and lies to cause pain and advance their cause.»
Such efforts give the lie to what is accurately described as the racist slander that black Americans are incorrigibly incapable of facing the truth about their situation, are perpetually parasitic on the larger society, and have no other strategy than to exploit white guilt in order to continue the free ride that blacks are getting on the wagon that others pull (to use Senator Phil Gramm's ugly image).
I reiterate, as I have over and over again, that it is not about the details of a difficult divorce, but how questionable actions and statements were lied about, covered up, and used to develop a smear campaign about victims, all to protect important people.
The prayers of the Church which have been used through the centuries, such as the English Book of Common Prayer, contain many moods but center in the adoration and praise which lie at the heart of worship.
It's obvious «as with» is an intentional mistranslation especially when «a man shall not lie with another male in a woman's bed» can't be used to condemn gay people.
As the lie of anxiety began to creep up, I settled in my heart that regardless of who won, God could use them to accomplish His purpose and to unfold His plan.
They show also that the root of the malaise of the Church, and of Christendom as a culture, did not lie and does not lie in structures, canon law, liturgy, or the use of the vernacular, necessary and urgent though reform in these spheres may have been.
Having stated his thesis that one must begin with Whitehead's diagnosis, Rorty quotes him as follows: «The difficulties of all schools of modern philosophy lie in the fact that having accepted the subjectivist principle, they continue to use philosophical categories derived from another point of view» (PR 253; WEP 134; italics mine).
As for lies about condoms — your pope claimed that use of condoms in Africa would make the AIDS crisis worse.
The answer has to be No, if certain conditions all came together again: (1) an economic and political situation as desperate as it was in Hitler's Germany; (2) the rise of a new evil genius with Hitler's demagogic powers; (3) virulent and all - pervading anti-Semitism; (4) repeated use of the «Big Lie» with mastery; and (5) an entire nation's being stricken by megalomania and arrogance, by the curse of pseudoscience, and by the deadly combination of sentimentality and cruelty.
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