Sentences with phrase «used by humans as»

In some parts of the world, dogs were also used by humans as faithful partners in hunting and gathering activities.

Not exact matches

By using our own brain as a model, this technology is able to apply human intuition at machine speed.
McDonald's is requiring suppliers of its broiler chickens to begin phasing out the use of antibiotics defined by the World Health Organization as «highest priority critically important antimicrobials» (HPCIA) to human medicine.
The companies join gay - rights and human rights groups as well as the American Civil Liberties Union in attacking the law over its broad language, which could be used by business owners to use religious objections to deny same - sex couples wedding.
The joint research undertaken by the two companies will examine how blockchain, the technology at the basis of cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, could be used for developing innovative cybersecurity solutions, such as secure transmission of information between services and supply chains, user authentication, critical devices and elements that run with no human intervention and additional solutions for the cyber challenges in a hyper - connected world.
To manage such risks effectively, we believe companies must assess the risks to shareholder value posed by human rights practices in their operations and supply chain, as well as by the use of their products.
So, by your reasoning, if «People put so much importance on words» (implying that they don't matter and we shouldn't take thought of how we use them) then I ought to be able to sing along with the lyrics from pac's «hit»em up» with my black friends, curse in a kindergarten class as well as a corporate meeting for my boss... what impression would a client have of my boss if I were cussing in a professional meeting or at a charity event... it doesn't add up, it's a cop - out rebuttal... trying to find loopholes or applying «human reasoning» like» ll take a swearing guy who's helpful» doesn't change Jesus or scripture it's just setting up a what - if scenario and trying to allow that to in some way justify your stance when again, that doesn't change The Holy Spirit or His heart in those who have been born again... the verses (inspired by His own Spirit) speak for themselves.
We conservatives think that nature exists to be used well by the human person, just as we think that human nature isn't an oxymoron.
Begin with the thought that human development appears these days driven entirely by scientific and technological advances (knowledge) as influencing and influenced by economic, political, and social uses of that knowledge (praxis).
By the time Pope Benedict XVI addressed the U.N. General Assembly on the sixtieth anniversary of the UDHR in 2008, opportunistic uses of human rights were in full swing, prompting the pope to announce, «Efforts need to be redoubled in the face of pressure to reinterpret the foundations of the Declaration and to compromise its inner unity so as to facilitate a move away from the protection of human dignity towards the satisfaction of simple interests, often particular interests.»
As a participant in that 1998 Ramsey Colloquium, a longtime supporter of the cautious use of rights language, and a frequent critic of its misuses, I was moved by Reno's arguments to ponder whether the noble post — World War II universal human - rights idea has finally been so manipulated and politicized as to justify its abandonment by men and women of good wilAs a participant in that 1998 Ramsey Colloquium, a longtime supporter of the cautious use of rights language, and a frequent critic of its misuses, I was moved by Reno's arguments to ponder whether the noble post — World War II universal human - rights idea has finally been so manipulated and politicized as to justify its abandonment by men and women of good wilas to justify its abandonment by men and women of good will.
By the way could the «BrainWashing» be from the uses of those Funny Shampoos and Products which are said to contain so many bad chemicals that could lead to cancers??! Any way I thought brainwashed one's are less human affectionate, rather acting as Robots in many ways so better check who does appear like that...!
But the question is one that must be faced by any process philosophy or theology which sets out to use an analysis of human experience as a basis for characterizing God.
Whiteheadians seem able to imagine such ecstatically spanned unities - across - time on the so - called «microscopic» scale of the «specious present,» but give up on the idea as the scope of the temporal disclosure space is widened to the scale of human lifetime and of generations.7 But worse than this from the point of view of Heidegger's temporal problematic, by submitting the ecstatic unities of their «specious presents» to the before / after ordering and metric properties of linear time, at least in terms of their mutually external relations and arrangements, they give back ontologically every advantage they gained from the use of an cc - static - temporal disclosure horizon in the first place, even though it was only the single horizon of presence.
What about some 2,000 proteins that are used by a human cell as enzymes?
I see humans read the Bible as if it were written originally by modern day americans using modern day English... one has to remember that the Bible was written from a Jewish culture of 2000 plus years ago..
For example — Often used by many christians as an arguement for intolerence towards human rights... I pose that every religiously ran nation like that of Iran and Iraq are exactly what the religious in this supposedly tolerent country wish to turn this country into, where science and logically thought are frowned upon and knowledge of fairy tales are rewarded.
He will not require not merely that the new knowledge be used as the foundation of the proof, but that the very spirit and atmosphere of the new knowledge enter in such a way into thedemonstration of God's existence, that the complexities and confusions of human thought engendered by the new knowledge shall be resolved in harmonious unity in the postulate of God's existence, nature, and relation to created being.
As yet, no one has ventured to translate Dasein or Vorhanden, but in order not to disfigure the English translation by the frequent use of German words, I have rendered Dasein as «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the contexAs yet, no one has ventured to translate Dasein or Vorhanden, but in order not to disfigure the English translation by the frequent use of German words, I have rendered Dasein as «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the contexas «human life», «human Being», or even «Being» where its human character is made clear by the context.
The believe that he is driving home is somewhat a mystery as the human mind anticipates by using the internal clock to determine when or where an arrival takes place, and when Dad does arrive home, everyone is happy to greet him.
Vorhanden, which Heidegger uses of the peculiar mode of being characteristic of inanimate objects, as contrasted with responsible human Dasein, I have translated by «tangible», as in Bultmann the antithesis is not so much between Vorhandensein and Dasein as between the tangible realities of the visible world and eternal realities, very much like the Pauline contrast of kata sarka and kata pneuma.
That also is why the experiences of human life, with all its perversions and distortions, may yet be used as a proper illustration — and it was so used by our Lord himself — for the divine charity in its outreach to men.
This ordered dependability can be explored and used by human wills, but as far as we can observe, it is not set aside upon request.
Gregory of Nyssa, (c.330 - c395), who was bishop of Nyssa, but exiled for a time by the Arian party» used this analogy: «We may be confronted by many who individually share in human nature, such as Peter, James and John, yet the «man» in them is one.»
The story could be heard and understood by anyone who had experienced the depth of love in a family with its dilemmas and decisions, and Jesus uses it as a lesson about God which is reflected in the human situation.
Though people may describe themselves by using terms like «gay» or «queer» which are commonly used in today's culture, as Christians who believe in man created in the image of God, we should ask if these cultural terms are, in fact, true ontological categories of the human person, in accord with the blueprint of human existence.
I tried to make this clear both in the reference to being in the expression «ontic power» and by using the expression «fundamental entity» in the latter part of the book to refer to human beings and other kinds of entities as well.
Whitehead's use of assumptions dating back to Descartes and Locke in his account of perception leaves him vulnerable to the criticisms introduced by the revolution in philosophic method taking place at the time he was writing his major works, one in which the analysis of the functioning of language was replacing psychological introspection as the principal method for understanding human thought.
This opened the way to affirming the use of coercive power by humans as well.
Modernity's emphasis on secularism involves three elements - a) the desacralisation of nature which produced a nature devoid of spirits preparing the way for its scientific analysis and technological control and use; b) desacralisation of society and state by liberating them from the control of established authority and laws of religion which often gave spiritual sanction to social inequality and stifled freedom of reason and conscience of persons; it was necessary to affirm freedom and equality as fundamental rights of all persons and to enable common action in politics and society by adherents of all religions and none in a religiously pluralistic society; and c) an abandonment of an eternally fixed sacred order of human society enabling ordering of secular social affairs on the basis of rational discussion.
«If the image of God and the law of God were completely obliterated from man's soul by sin, if no «faint outlines» of the original remained, men would have no conception of justice, righteousness, or peace to use as the foundation of the human standards of equity.
It looks as if one religion is trying to claim love as its own even though loving human beings have always existed long before any of the «gods» were ever conceived by human beings and used by scamming human beings in their efforts to control others.
As we read this history, the furor over stem cells was fueled by numerous factors: the near - universal human desire for magic; patients» desperation in the face of illness and their hope for cures; the belief that biology can now do anything; the reluctance of scientists to accept any limits (particularly moral limits) on their research; the impact of big money from biotech stocks, patents, and federal funding; the willingness of America's elite class to use every means possible to discredit religion in general; and the need to protect the unlimited abortion license by accepting no protections of unborn human life.
A decade ago humanitarian intervention, defined by Brian Lepard as «the use of military force to protect the victims of human rights violations,» seemed...
By using the tools of historical and literary criticism, however, biblical scholars such as Reimarus, David Strauss and Julius Wellhausen revealed the human origin and character of the Bible.
As Bultmann uses them, the former refers to an event so far as it is significant for human existence (e.g., the cross as the salvation - occurrence through which I understand myself as judged and forgiven by God), while the latter refers to an event considered in abstraction from such significance (e.g., the cross as an incident in the annals of ancient history).&raquAs Bultmann uses them, the former refers to an event so far as it is significant for human existence (e.g., the cross as the salvation - occurrence through which I understand myself as judged and forgiven by God), while the latter refers to an event considered in abstraction from such significance (e.g., the cross as an incident in the annals of ancient history).&raquas it is significant for human existence (e.g., the cross as the salvation - occurrence through which I understand myself as judged and forgiven by God), while the latter refers to an event considered in abstraction from such significance (e.g., the cross as an incident in the annals of ancient history).&raquas the salvation - occurrence through which I understand myself as judged and forgiven by God), while the latter refers to an event considered in abstraction from such significance (e.g., the cross as an incident in the annals of ancient history).&raquas judged and forgiven by God), while the latter refers to an event considered in abstraction from such significance (e.g., the cross as an incident in the annals of ancient history).&raquas an incident in the annals of ancient history).»
I think that the references to hell are talking about the practice that was once used of sacrificing humans by burning them, and if we were evil we might suffer the same fate as those human sacrifices
Indeed, most cultures in human history have generated no such marvel as the modern scientific movement, and even in our own culture, scientifically oriented as it is supposed to be, most people accept the benefits of technology and use the vocabulary of science but do not in fact choose to abide by the disciplines that alone make scientific productivity possible.
Not only must the use of the radio spectrum, as a technical matter, be on terms which are mutually acceptable to the members of the human race, but through the ITU, its users contribute the knowledge of the propagation and other characteristics of the radio spectrum which is the by - product of its use.12.
The other estimate appears under the heading of «useby which they mean donations categorized by type of recipient institution, such as religion, education, health or human services.
Adam, to suggest your SUPER inflated numbers (most were killed due to conditionso f war, including by their own governments failure to to give two squirts of piss about them and using then as human shields) somehow makes my country's actions in the war on terror equivalent to terrorism itself is beyond offensive to me.
While Paul's thought is by no means always clear, and perhaps from letter to letter not always exactly the same, it is nevertheless certain that his concept of resurrection can be clearly distinguished from that of the traditional «bodily resurrection».27 Paul does not speak in terms of the «same body» but rather in terms of a new body, whether it be a «spiritual body», 28 «the likeness of the heavenly man», 29 «a house not made by human hands, eternal and in heaven», 30 or, a «new body put on» over the old.31 In using various figures of speech to distinguish between the present body of flesh and blood and the future resurrection body, he seems to be thinking of both bodies as the externals which clothe the spirit and without which we should «find ourselves naked».32 But he freely confesses that the «earthly frame that houses us today ’33 may, like the seed, and man of dust, be destroyed, but the «heavenly habitation», which the believer longs to put on, is already waiting in the heavenly realm, for it is eternal by nature.
The myth of the Last Judgment attempts, by using the end - time as the reference point, to proclaim a truth about human responsibility which is not confined to any point in time, but which pervades all time.
The importance of whether they are used destructively or creatively has been magnified a thousandfold by what Jung referred to as «that peculiar flower of human ingenuity, the hydrogen bomb.»
It may seem that to emphasize the pervasive operation of the Holy Spirit, as well as to stress the Spirit's focal action in the life of Jesus and its consequences, will in the end reduce men and women to mere automatons used by God with no respect for their freedom, their dignity, and their own responsible decisions, without any personal or social human contribution to the process.
Deeply influenced by the religious icons in churches of his home country, Greece, Platon uses photography as an opportunity to capture the complexities and beauties of the human soul through each of his subjects.
A panel of nineteen experts appointed by the National Institutes of Health has recommended government funding for conceiving human embryos in the laboratory for the sole purpose of using them as materials for research.
Soft just war theory is characterized by seven key components: a strongly articulated horror of war; a strong presumption against war; a skepticism about government claims; the use of just war theory as a tool for citizen discernment and prophetic critique; a pattern of trusting the efficacy of international treaties, multilateral strategies and the perspectives of global peace and human rights groups and the international press; a quite stringent application of just war criteria; and a claim of common ground with Christian pacifists.
As the devotees give themselves to their god, using some token for their oblation such as a human life, an animal, grain, a dance or other ceremonial, so the god responds to their action by relating himself afresh to them in a helpful and enriching fashioAs the devotees give themselves to their god, using some token for their oblation such as a human life, an animal, grain, a dance or other ceremonial, so the god responds to their action by relating himself afresh to them in a helpful and enriching fashioas a human life, an animal, grain, a dance or other ceremonial, so the god responds to their action by relating himself afresh to them in a helpful and enriching fashion.
If God is really actively engaged with and in the world, adapting the divine intention to it, taking into the divine life what occurs there, and hence seriously affected by it quite as much as sustaining it creatively and working within it to accomplish an enduring purpose, then indeed God must be understood in a fashion that is most suitably symbolized by what we know of relationship at the human level — granted, of course, that we say this with an O altitudo, to use Sir Thomas Browne's phrase.
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