Sentences with phrase «used in pregnancy antenatal»

Ultrasound scans sonogram ultrasonogram Ultrasonography used in Pregnancy Antenatal Obstetrics 12 Week Scans fetal nuchal translucency test NT Downs syndrome nasal bone dating anomaly First Trimester Ultrasound sonogram soft markers in Pregnancy
Ultrasound scans sonogram ultrasonogram Ultrasonography used in Pregnancy Antenatal Obstetrics Calculate delivery due date, gestational age and other important dates during pregnancy using LMP, ultrasound dating, or date of conception (IVF).
Find out what pregnancy scans you're likely to have, when you'll have them and Ultrasound scans sonogram ultrasonogram Ultrasonography used in Pregnancy Antenatal Obstetrics

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NICE Multiple pregnancy guidance (2011): The management of twin and triplet pregnancies in the antenatal period recommends using the Baby Friendly initiative as a minimum standard to support mothers.
For all women included in the study, we collected data on their age, height, weight before pregnancy, body mass index, income quintile, drug and alcohol use (v. no use) during pregnancy, smoking status, status of parenthood (single v. other), parity, gestational age at first prenatal visit, number of antenatal visits and history of ultrasonography before 20 weeks» gestation.
Last, but not least, and in fact my favorite resource for both personal use and antenatal classes, is Magical Beginnings, Enchanted Lives: A Holistic Guide to Pregnancy and Childbirth by Deepak Chopra.
Relation of Maternal Characteristics to Increases in Retrospective Reports of Substance Use in Pregnancy to the Antenatal Report ‡
Each of the maternal antenatal and retrospective reports of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana use and smoking during pregnancy was examined in relation to the MAST and other maternal background characteristics.
Second, self - reported alcohol information is generally underreported, however there is evidence that reports outside of the antenatal period may be more accurate than prenatal reports given that alcohol use in pregnancy is underreported to a greater extent [16].
Furthermore, studies that have incorporated a genetic approach to the understanding of the association between maternal alcohol use in the antenatal period and offspring outcomes, using a Mendelian Randomization (MR) design, have on the whole demonstrated adverse associations of moderate maternal drinking in pregnancy and offspring outcomes [5,9,59].
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