Sentences with phrase «used near the baby»

Make sure sheets fight tightly, and that blankets are not used near the baby.

Not exact matches

They mostly use the large eggplants, which are delicious but not near as delicate in flavor as these babies.
Anyways, if you don't have a super cool Turkish market near you to buy baby eggplants, you can also use regular ones for this recipes.
Never spray any sort of pesticide near your baby, or on carpets, furniture or equipment which your baby uses.
PRO TIP: Use olive oil and round cotton pads (found in the makeup isle near the regular cotton balls) to wipe your baby's bottom instead of regular baby wipes.
A canopy for use outdoors is also important if you are going to be using your baby swing in the outdoors area a lot or near a window where there is direct sunlight.
You should use baby powder very carefully when you apply it near face and lungs because it can be harmful.
Store that applesauce inside the nearest baby, or — if this is your brand of freaky — use it in baking instead of butter and enjoy the kind of smugness you have only seen on Pinterest until now.
Keep a sanitizer near baby's bed and you use it before touching baby.
When you use the sling, the folded end will be at or near your shoulder, and the baby's bottom should rest in the curved edge, the pouch part, which will be between your hip and your chest (depending on where you want the baby and how old s / he is).
Your baby has gotten used to being near you during meal times, and that may be one of the most drastic changes that can lead to unsuccessful weaning.
When you use the sling, the folded edge will be at or near your shoulder, and the baby's bottom should rest in the curved edge, the pouch part, which will be between your hip and your chest (depending on where you want the baby and how old s / he is).
He should speak in a low tone when near the baby and try to use a light, sing - song tone that comes naturally to women but not to men.
finally I used triple paste, it worked wonderfully, but I hate that stuff, I don't like putting steroids near my baby's privots, that's just asking for trouble.
Using a bassinet can help you nurse your baby easier because you can leave it near your bed, and anytime your baby need a care, you only need to pick her up without leaving your bed.
Even though I generally use cloth diapers 90 % of the time with my kids under 2, I still like to have disposable wipes on hand for convenience, especially for the times I'm unable to change baby's diaper near the sink.
And since 75 % of injuries are related to falls down stairs, in addition to the above recommendations, don't use a baby walker near stairs, even if you have a gate on the stairs.
It will still be wiser to stop using the baby swing set once your baby's weight near the maximum weight limit of the swing set.
When your baby has been used to having all night access to an unlimited milk supply, night weaning can be difficult, and seem darn - near impossible.
And if the thought of using any nail clippers at all near your sweet baby leaves you sweaty, give us a call and we'll show you some alternatives.
Since 75 percent of injuries are related to falls down stairs, in addition to the above recommendations, don't use a baby walker near stairs, even if you have a gate on the stairs.
Some airlines will allow you to use the flight attendant's jump - seat; some will let you change your baby on the floor near the galley or in the bulkhead area.
Slowly I got used to the idea and now it's a lot easier to take all three kids with me but I've still experienced some near - impossible events of having to corral the kids through the parking lot or chase them down while holding my purse and a baby.
My friend lend me a bassinet on wheels that become very practical I use it to keep the babies near when they were napping and I was washing dishes, cooking, showering, but at night we had a futon on the floor so we all fit and because they were breastfeed we all had a «good night's sleep» (I never changed nappies in the middle of the night)
It's not easy finding stretch marks where your skin used to be flawless, or trying to work off your baby pooch when baby is nearing preschool age.
However, though they may make things like plugging in lights, the baby monitor, the bottle warmer — basically, tons of baby - related items - and pretty much everything else in your house that you use on a regular basis and makes your life way easier, letting a baby sleep near them can be downright deadly.
I use one pillow and the baby sleeps at chest level (i.e. head near my boob for easy access).
We first used one at a restaurant near our house and it made dining out with a baby so easy.
The researchers used functional near - infrared spectroscopy, a technology that measures oxygenation in regions of the brain using light, to assess the babies» brain activity.
While some families use a high chair to allow baby to sit near the dinner table as they eat, it's not a necessary purchase for a newborn.
The carriers made by this company are designed for use in the water so your baby can be near you when you're on vacation or going for a swim.
Bouncing chair — I used to prop my babies up in their bouncing chair on a wide counter near to where I was preparing dinner.
Breast Sandwich You can also increase the depth of baby's latch by using the, «breast sandwich» technique of compressing breast with fingers on one side of the breast, well back from the areola and thumb on the other side near the areola.
Using only a skein of yarn and needles or a hook, local knitters and crocheters create baby caps, lap robes and prayer shawls for people near and far in need of comfort.
To feed your baby in this position, place him beside you — on the side of the breast you will use — with his head near your breast.
I use it for all of my laundry needs, but I particularly like to use it for the receiving blankets because we're going to be wrapping a sweet, precious baby in this, so chemicals, scents and toxins have no business being anywhere near this fabric.
Baby and I are looking forward to using this in the near future.
We recommend using the Hands Up swaddle in the first couple weeks, as baby is still very curled up and prefers the position of holding hands near the face.
Babies will use their whole hand to grasp objects, so try holding an easily - to - grab soft toy near your baby (within her eye - line) and see if she reaches for it.
If you use any body products on or near your breasts, be sure to wash your breasts well before breastfeeding your baby.
It is important to choose diaper pins or fasteners that are hygienic and easy - to - use, but also safe and reliable, as these will be near baby's most sensitive areas.
Use cordless window coverings wherever possible, and avoid placing your baby's crib near a window.
We shared a family bed much of the time, used wraps so that the baby was always near, and cuddled son while he bottle - fed.
Position your baby's tummy near your shoulder and gently press their tummy using your shoulder.
For instance, you might purchase just mediums or larges for an older baby and be able to use just that size until you're at or near the potty training stage.
Then she wants to use near - infrared spectroscopy on babies who are in the act of babbling.
The ingredients are very clean but I would most definitely worry about mold growth — I would not want to use these on my baby, an open skin, or near my eyes.
According to Dr. Sears «when a baby is near his source of milk and comfort, he does not have to use much energy to get his mother's attention; he can use this energy to grow instead.
Using baby wipes or waterless shampoo is okay as long as it is not on or near the surgery site.
In order to keep your puppy near you when he is not crated, you can also use baby gates, close doors to bedrooms, use tethers or an indoor dragline and the like to restrict his access to your house and make it easier for you to supervise him.
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