Sentences with phrase «used nipple guards»

I pumped all the time, used nipple guards to make it easier for him to latch, went to lactation meetings, acupuncture, took all the herbs, logged every time I nursed and pumped, and still could not produce enough for a solid feeding.
basically you shouldn't use a nipple guards for too long because it makes it harder for your baby to get milk out and sometimes lowers your supply.
I also had to use a nipple guard with my firstborn on one side for the first weeks and change the hold to football for her to suck better.

Not exact matches

once i started oh boy i had to hold my breath and latch her on with nipple guards on using a few choice words along the way.
A nipple shield, or as some new mothers have called it a» breast shield» or «nipple guard» is used as a breastfeeding tool to help assist some babies with latching difficulties.
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