Sentences with phrase «used nonviable»

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Researchers working to fight mosquito - borne diseases have long been interested in using the bacteria to kill off local mosquito populations, but it wasn't until this year that they discovered how genes in the bacteria cause mosquitoes to produce nonviable eggs.
Last spring researchers in China announced they used CRISPR to alter the genomes of nonviable human embryos which could not develop into babies.
In the paper, published May 6, 2015 in Nature, the scientists report using these new stem cells to develop the first reliable method for integrating human stem cells into nonviable mouse embryos in a laboratory dish in such a way that the human cells began to differentiate into early - stage tissues.
In 2015, Chinese scientists even attempted to use the technology on nonviable human embryos but in only a few cases did CRISPR make the right cuts to the DNA [source: Maxmen].
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