Sentences with phrase «useful as deterrent»

That way, the fine is more useful as a deterrent, and not simply an irritant or a drain.
However, attack dogs can be very useful as deterrent weapons.

Not exact matches

The film could be especially useful as a theft and vandalism deterrent for ATM machines.
As with nuclear weapons in the cold war, these companies» massive patent portfolios serve no useful purpose other than to serve as a deterrent: if you sue me with your patents, I'll sue you with minAs with nuclear weapons in the cold war, these companies» massive patent portfolios serve no useful purpose other than to serve as a deterrent: if you sue me with your patents, I'll sue you with minas a deterrent: if you sue me with your patents, I'll sue you with mine.
While these products can be useful, they may also act as deterrents to database use.
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