Sentences with phrase «useful debate»

Her ideas will spark useful debate on our approach to kids» food, and she deserves the widest possible audience.»
Better to ignore the sceptics, and have more useful debates about disasters and climate change — which, for now, are two separate problems.
It leaves you looking very much like a posturing fool, and renders useful debate on the topic very difficult.
They are effective in distracting from actual useful debate using emotionally appealing, but ultimately empty and illogical assertions.
Oh, and I'll just add, since it was raised on Deltoid, but not in an atmosphere as conducive to useful debate as the one Deep has provided here (thanks for that) that commenter Olavi raised an important point on that thread which modifies my early comment about the enhanced co2 effect.
A useful debate guide with a balanced view of the topic, this book in the Video Games and Society series discusses the conflicting research regarding physical and social costs and benefits associated with gaming, as well as how gaming can become an addiction.
A useful debate has begun about America's biggest domestic challenge, but it is comically shallow
Any useful debate of full coverage auto policies has to start with an examination of what such protection includes; move to a discussion of examples when such protection are appropriate for a policy holder; and finally, the sharing of some cases when it may not be so appropriate to put that much money into your auto insurance investment.
In Van Huysteen - Meyer's view, the debate around whether or not women are better investors than men is not a useful debate.
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