Sentences with phrase «useful for other purposes»

You wrote: (the results) «are useful for other purposes, such as year by year comparisons of the global effective greenhouse gas activity of the atmosphere»
But they are useful for other purposes, such as year by year comparisons of the global effective greenhouse gas activity of the atmosphere.
Portable playpens can also be useful for other purposes.
A Forex Currency Converter is a crucial currency trading tool in the foreign exchange market, yet it can also be useful for other purposes, such as business, commerce or tourism.
The primary argument for a floating exchange rate is that it allows monetary policies to be useful for other purposes.
We erred on the side of a simple presentation of information — focused on comparing earnings and prices within the selected field — which may not be useful for other purposes, such as comparing majors within a selected institution.
Facebook is useful for other purposes, it's fantastic for engaging a parent community, it's awesome for closed groups, but we wanted this one to be as open as we could make it.
The tissue is not a viable organ, but may be useful for other purposes such as replacing animals in drug toxicity tests, the team said.
Begel keeps a rubber sleeve around his pencil; at first, he slipped it on so he wouldn't get paint chips on his teeth when he flipped the pencil, but he soon discovered that its gummy texture makes it useful for other purposes, like turning pages and manipulating CDs.
He said: «The initiative is a form of poverty alleviation because the transport fare will be useful for some other purposes.

Not exact matches

Today, some organizations are using biometric technologies to keep outsiders out, but others are finding the technology — especially the less - expensive fingertip and hand scanners — far more useful for in - house security purposes.
This is particularly useful for maintaining contracts, NDAs and other documents required for compliance purposes.
The main purpose of this burglary was to get hold of the powerful computers which would be useful for mining bitcoins and other virtual currencies on a large scale.
This type of binary option facility can be particularly useful if you are using binaries options for hedging purposes on other trading strategies.
Therefore, this article can be useful as a reference point in a mock examination, to prepare for marketing meetings and for other purposes.
For several examples for the recent use of firearms for defensive purposes not typically reported by the national media please visit: please forward this address to others to whom this information may be usefFor several examples for the recent use of firearms for defensive purposes not typically reported by the national media please visit: please forward this address to others to whom this information may be useffor the recent use of firearms for defensive purposes not typically reported by the national media please visit: please forward this address to others to whom this information may be useffor defensive purposes not typically reported by the national media please visit: please forward this address to others to whom this information may be useful.
At the very least it provides us with a useful summary of more detailed expositions for didactic and other purposes.
But when you emerge out the other side, you are beautiful and useful for His purposes.
The bible is a book of myths and fables... It just has had better promoters, who found it useful for their purpose, than Aesop or any of the other fiction writers of the past...
You can also tell who's in it for the passionate purpose of helping others, in which case money is seen as a useful tool.
It's great for adding coconut flavor and can serve other purposes, but not very useful as a thickening agent (after all it's just tiny shavings of coconut that are hardly more absorbant than a nut flour).
They say the quantum dot has practical advantages over other leading quantum computing platforms but still requires cryogenic cooling, so it may not be useful for general - purpose computing.
In other words, does the product serve a useful purpose, like a washing machine or a lawnmower, or is it typically bought just for pleasure, like movie tickets or a fancy new watch?
doing stuff like 5 × 5 is only necessary if you're training for powerlifting competition or you're in some other sport that requires a high power - to - bodyweight ratio; it really doesn't serve any useful purpose as part of a general health regimen.
If you do want to know which specific supplements I recommend for various purposes including the exact recommended brands, dosages and other useful tips, then make sure to download my complete Fitness Supplementation Guide for more information.
These Advanced Spreadsheets resources were developed originally to help students build skills required for the Level 3 Advanced ECDL, but are also useful for developing more complex spreadsheet skills for other purposes, both at KS4 and KS5.
We found MOOCs particularly useful for this purpose, as well as a range of other free eLearning content.
Although these may appear under many banners and in many forms the intention and purpose is the same; for school business managers and other colleagues to meet as a group to share good practice, disseminate useful information from external sources and support each other through shared business processes.
It flexes and shakes over bumps due to its lack of structural rigidity caused by the huge aperture for the convertible roof, and the ride height serves no useful purpose other than to make the CrossCabriolet look ridiculous and be less efficient.
It also includes an array of other benefits that make it even more useful for travel purposes.
Home equity loans can be used for many different purposes: you can use them for going on vacations, making home improvements, purchasing a car or other vehicle and they are particularly useful for consolidating consumer debt like credit card balances, bills, payday loans, etc..
One is serious in its interest in social and political issues, like what Brecht and Weill were doing with their work that served socially, politically useful purposes, and the other is playful and humorous, which was insightfully brought up in Lynne Cooke's excellent catalogue essay for your show at the Stedelijk van Abbemuseum in the Netherlands [Allan McCollum: The Art of Duplicitous Ingemination, 1989]?
-- I suspect that if one engaged in grand mitigation today (as useful as that would be for many other purposes), many of the extremes listed in [the paper] would happen anyway, and will likely happen again.
Jim — Thinning of forests for logs or other purposes can be useful, but clear - cutting involves a net loss of a carbon sink for a period of years.
(Sec. 242) Requires the Secretary to establish a program to make monetary awards to encourage the owners and operators of new and existing electric energy generation facilities or thermal energy production facilities using fossil or nuclear fuel to use innovative means of recovering thermal energy that is a potentially useful byproduct of electric power generation or other processes to: (1) generate additional electric energy; or (2) make sales of thermal energy not used for electric generation, in the form of steam, hot water, chilled water, or desiccant regeneration, or for other commercially valid purposes.
Grants to improve the commercial value of forest biomass for electric energy, useful heat, transportation fuels, and other commercial purposes, section 210 of EPAct2005, 3 percent
Yet, for the purposes of showing the utter inadequacy of existing US federal government and US state commitments, the C&C framework is very useful because other equity frameworks which have received some attention and respect in international discussions of what equity requires of nations would require even steeper reductions for the US and US state governments.
seems to make any analysis with a linear dependence on global mean surface temperature suspect I suppose I should also add, for the purpose of analyzing equilibrium climate sensitivity — there may be other questions relating to short timescale processes where it may still be useful..
The measure directs how a unit's overall efficiency shall be determined on the basis of outputs of electrical generation and useful thermal energy output, which is defined in the bill as (i) including direct heat and other valid thermal end - use energy requirements for which fuel or electricity would otherwise be consumed and (ii) excluding thermal energy used for the purpose of drying or refining biomass fuel.
According to the AG, «data of that type does not reveal information about the booking methods, payment methods used and travel habits, the cross-checking of which can be useful for the purposes of combating terrorism and other serious transnational criminal activities.
If so, the deposition will be less useful for impeachment and other purposes.
This decision will be useful for taxpayers and advisors when considering the application of «one of the main reasons» or «one of the main purposes» in section 94.1 and other provisions of the Act.
His site contains links to other tech law blogs and often links to primary materials which are useful for research purposes.
As the others you mention have noted, many other possibilities for achieving the useful purpose of loose - leafs should be on the horizon.
Other comments noted that the signature would be useful for compliance and risk management purposes because it would document that the individual had received the notice.
When it comes to legal documents you draft for other purposes, it may be useful to add hyperlinks, but consider how the document will be used.
This tweak is most useful for when you have extra user accounts set up for file sharing or other purposes.
The act of not only dedicating a button to it but also making it hard to use the button for other purposes makes it look like a voice assistant is like the most important and useful feature a phone can offer, while in fact they're simply not at all.
Not only is that useful for archival purposes, as you're getting an exact 1:1 representation of the webpage, but you're also able to show other people exactly how the page looks as oppose to exactly how the page prints.
This mechanism is useful when the player must quit the game quickly without having time to travel to a save point, and is almost essential on a mobile release when the platform is used for many other purposes besides playing games.
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