Sentences with phrase «useful home dog»

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Ralph the dog from Scotch has been rather useful for patching everything up at home, and is super easy for the kids to use which means I don't have to cut loads of tape and stick to a table edge for them.
Training pads are useful for anyone who has to leave a puppy or dog at home in case the dog needs to potty while you're away.
Check out this link for some useful tips for the first 30 days after bringing a new dog home.
Pet Care Services Finder is a very useful app that helps you in finding specific nearby places for what your pet needs.From veterinarian offices where you can get your puppy's regular checkups, to daycares where your dog can spend the day while you're not home.
To make your kennels even more welcoming, we thought of some extremely useful accessories that will add an extra touch to your dogs» new favourite home.
It can be useful to teach your dog to spend some time occupying himself even when you are home.
The crate can be a useful tool and help manage life with a dog in the home.
We are so grateful for your donation of a very useful vehicle for transporting our shelter dogs and cats to their veterinary appointments as they get ready for their new forever homes.
The «Come» command is useful when your dog runs out of your home because you've left the door open, and you need to call it back.
It's useful for hairy dogs which may bring grass and dirt into their homes.
We also occasionally have a need for foster homes to care for puppies born to dogs we've rescued, dogs that are no longer useful to puppy mill owners, and dogs that have been given up by their family due to an unforeseen change of circumstance that could not be avoided.
This information is useful for the rescue because it helps to match the dog's personality to the home best suited for it.
Some traits were very useful for the original role the dog had to play, but we find odd or «bad» when we see it happening in our homes or in public, and we are expecting the dog to act in ways that aren't normal for that breed in that circumstance.
It's also useful when I have to leave my dogs home alone for longer than their bladder will allow.
Humane Society of Boulder Valley Training & Behavior Coordinator Jai Robichaud is joined by shelter dog Rascal in this video about useful management tools for in the home and out on the town.
Liver Cleansing Diet For a diet that is useful for dogs with liver disease, those on extended medical treatment and dogs with epilepsy or seizures, the following link will provide a healthy home cooked diet.
Dog Owners Equally useful as a compliment to training classes or for people who are «home schooling,» this book will help you and your puppy graduate at the top of your class.
Crates are also useful for keeping destructive dogs out of mischief when you're not home to keep an eye on them.
This may be particularly useful if you leave your dog home alone for extended periods of time.
In case you need help with the feeding schedule, or you are not always at home to feed you dog at the determined time, there is a useful tool for you to use.
Included are practical tricks to make your dog useful at home; tricks to build rapport between dog and trainer; and cute tricks, great just for showing off.
Also somewhat creepy but probably useful is that Cloud Cam has two - way audio to use your app to «tell your dog at home to stop barking or let your family know you're leaving work.»
It's extremely useful because you don't have to necessarily be home to grant or restrict access to people like dog walkers, maintenance workers, or other people who need to come into your house.
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