Sentences with phrase «useful my critique of»

He then goes on to praise E. D. Hirsch's Cultural Literacy as a more useful critique of current educational practices because it works in «the framework of a Deweyan understanding of democracy» in which students are to be made better citizens by preparing them to «recognize more allusions, and thereby be able to take part in more conversations, read more, have more sense of what those in power are up to, cast better - informed votes.
For a useful critique of this increasingly burdensome emphasis on the interpersonal dimension of married life, see David Matzo, Sex and Love in the Home, SCM 2003.
It is with this in mind that Hoodbhoy provides a useful critique of attempts by other authors to discuss Islamic science as if the realities of modern life simply did not exist, and Muslims could wish themselves back to the numinous realms of the medieval alchemists.
In a way, I'm glad I missed it at the time; I was alerted today through Columbia Journalism Review's useful critique of news coverage of the radiation issue.
For a useful critique of model - starting - points which bear no relation to the real - world, see: D. Koutsoyiannis et al (2008) «On the credibility of climate predictions» in Hydrological Sciences 53 (4) August 2008 671-684, who conclude that the GCM models defy normal assessments of validity and should not be relied upon to predict future climate change.
Sherwin provides a useful critique of Legal Realism suggesting that our «residual Cartesianism» impedes a satisfactory integration of «textual and visual storytelling into the mainstream of legal theory and pedagogy.»
Critique This judgment gives a useful critique of the case - law on negligence: Dorset Yacht Club v Home Office [1970] AC 1004, [1970] 2 All ER 294, Smith v Littlewoods [1987] AC 241, [1987] 1 All ER 710 as well as more recent authority like Van Colle v Hertfordshire Police [2008] UKHL 50, [2008] 3 All ER 977.

Not exact matches

Some of the points raised by the numbered critique are excellent, but true the tone becomes less useful and condescending with some of the points (and I love that Hayward raises the point that this is no doubt the way the author feels he has been treated).
The critique of neoliberals and neoconservatives helps put today's foreign policy debates in a framework that provides useful insight.
The critique can be useful for the capitalist system, because it affects visible abuses rather than an invisible logic, and thus contributes to the reproduction of the latter, since no system can indefinitely resist its own corruption.
Niebuhr's categories have been subjected to numerous critiques and present a number of problems if we are to continue to use them, Without attempting to be exhaustive, let me summarize what I see as the major criticisms that bear on our purpose, which is to see if we can refine and clarify his categories so that they may» be useful to future generations.
As the chapter continues, Wright tackles postmodern scholarship, which he believes has offered some helpful critiques of Enlightenment assumptions while providing useful analyses of how certain texts might be received by particular groups, but which tends to veer into the complete dismissal of large portions of the biblical text.
Reminds me of a parable, in part this was a critique of those who use numbers to define reality, projections,» can you imagine the chickens surprise, looking back at all those days where the farmer provided food, warmth, lodging, and then, one morning, he slashed the chicken's throat, showing that a more refined view of the world would have been useful to the chicken»
Part of the Tawney critique of capitalism was that some kinds of private property right divorce income from useful social function, and that was really a point about reciprocity.
«Although it does not address specifically the right to freely critique religious beliefs, it will be a useful document for decision - makers in universities and student unions in understanding both the importance of free speech and the very limited instances where it can be legitimately curtailled.»
In an early phase of planning a project, meanwhile, a dilemma question may be, «Where would the most useful critique points in this project be?»
She rejected the notion that test scores measure learning in a useful fashion, and noted that Moe's critiques of teacher evaluation or tenure all rest on the notion that test scores can usefully measure teacher performance.
Even though not every critique group is run by Lawrence Block, you can get some useful stuff out of it if you read between the lines.
If you're a member of a critique group, you're the person who gives honest and useful feedback on every story.
While Goodreads has enacted terms of service that require a modicum of respectfulness when posting reviews of books or categorizing titles on personal shelves, the fact remains that Goodreads is only useful to authors because of this innate ability readers have to openly share and critique books, creating a deeper level of discussion than can just be found on a product review page.
Critique Essay: Useful Guide Thus, when you are going to criticize any of the items you have to deal with in your critique essay writing, make the following steps: Consider whether the topic of the ContinueCritique Essay: Useful Guide Thus, when you are going to criticize any of the items you have to deal with in your critique essay writing, make the following steps: Consider whether the topic of the Continuecritique essay writing, make the following steps: Consider whether the topic of the Continue reading
It usually takes 4 hours or longer to even critique of a 32 page picture book for 3 - 6 year olds with editing suggestions, further advice on a couple of re-worked versions and providing written, encouraging and useful feedback at each stage... and then a final grammar, punctuation and spelling check.
While it can be extremely useful for a beginning writer to have the benefit of a full developmental edit at least once, it is not always necessary, and there are inexpensive substitutes, such as judges» comments from contests, critique group comments, free and paid beta reads, and short paid developmental edit samples.
(One of the admins has edited for Disney and NBC, if you wonder how useful those critiques are.)
It's useful as an organizing principle in that it offers a platform from which to critique the prevalence of anemic abstraction and algorithm art, styes that have become almost anonymous in their distancing of authorship and their soulless execution.
But contrast isn't useful only for accentuating distinctions on the visual side of art; it can also be used conceptually to highlight polemics of dialectical critique.
Their practices are useful parallels to Love's; her works in the accompanying exhibition produce social critique in referencing hegemonic symbolic structures — like certain fashion or religious iconography — while being composed of expressive, powerfully raw mark making.
Doc Snow March 1, 2018 at 11:42 pm [Director] Lewis believes that ultimately Kill Climate Deniers must be read as a satire and that «satire is one of our most useful forms for critiquing really difficult politics».
He may have had a useful point to make about a particular statistical analysis, but what damage did he do with his misinformed critique of the big picture?
A useful resource is the 64 page critique by Professor Ian Enting from the University of Melbourne.
While I disagree on much of the recent critique on your work, I'm still not convinced that it allows for particularly useful conclusions at any level of detail.
I think it might be very useful to highlight Ross McKitrick's evaluation of the review process for the BEST paper, as well has his statistical critique of it.
If folks want to make a contribution to understanding of OHC measurements and in particular if they want to formulate a useful and progressive critique of Lyman et al they're going to need to read and comprehend the entire document as well as reach a level of expertise equaling or exceeding that of Lyman and his coauthors.
Missing however, from the self - congratulatory posts, rationalizations for incomplete case law databases, and the unfulfilled promise of expanding its meagre coverage of secondary, was any realistic critique of what had been achieved and what remains to be done if it is to become a useful tool for legal research.
The article touches on the use of humor and figurative language in opinions and then concludes with a useful checklist for critiquing opinions.
Imagine how much your job search will gain from having an expert available at your beck and call who can impart pearls of wisdom and useful tips and critiques on how to land an interview and conduct pre-interview research; on the importance of nonverbal behavior and attire; and on how to use social media to network and establish your personal brand.
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