Sentences with phrase «useful precedent»

Another click on the most useful precedent and I can have a document that's already addressed to the client and connected to the file matter I'm working on.
The practicePRO website provides useful precedents, such as retainers and statements of account.
Lawyers are trained to perform legal research, identify useful precedents, prepare for and conduct proper examination - in - chief and cross-examination, and then craft legal arguments.
Appendix 5 sets out useful precedents intended as examples of material to be included in agreements and orders.
Justice Nakatsuru's new approach should be commended as one that still educates the public, provides useful precedent, and still exemplifies respect for the parties.
«This new legislation will be a useful precedent for countries looking for innovative ways to hold companies to account and to improve their marketing behavior.
I have combed around the world to see where else the term «Senior Minister» is used and found some useful precedent in Singapore that is largely a Parliamentary System with a Prime Minister heading cabinet and a President with ceremonial powers.
The highly practical features of the book include its step - by - step structure, the clear examples of rules, tactical insights, useful precedents, templates for drafting key documents and essential forms.
This case is, as well, a useful precedent for defendants to argue that activities that may otherwise be illegal under the Competition Act (or subject to civil liability) should be shielded based merely on legislative authority, where no specific rule exists mandating activities.
However, the fact that those representing the Respondents appear to have put up no real resistance and that the Judgment is otherwise almost devoid of reasoning would tend to call into question how much of a useful precedent the judgment of Keehan J will be for Local Authorities facing the same dilemma.
This decision holds that Transport Canada can be found liable and we anticipate that this case will operate as a useful precedent in future cases.
This is what makes Pepper a useful precedent.
The highly practical features of the book include its step - by - step structure, the clear, practical examples and illustrations of rules and principles with tactical insights, useful precedents and templates for drafting key documents and essential forms and worked examples.
Whilst the case does not create new law as such, it is a useful precedent supporting a situation where a client only wants a limited service.
The handbook will have a particular focus on «frequently asked questions» about the scope and application of s. 718.2 (e), as well as summaries of key cases, useful precedents, and relevant literature on Gladue and subsequent developments in the law.
Is the dispute resolution practice of WIPO or CIRA for domain names a useful precedent?
The case is not a useful precedent for finding that bitcoins are subject to banking or currency regulation laws.
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