Sentences with phrase «useful results»

I learned technical skills and how to produce useful results with the distributed responsibility of a working team.
When you are counting on a professional there are certain rules that you should follow to get useful results.
A more comprehensive calculator, like a 401k calculator, will ask for several other inputs that will let it get more useful results for planning.
But a high level of activity does not necessarily equate to a high number of useful results.
Not only is it dangerous to buy and use the medicine by itself, but it also provides far less useful results in the real world.
Play around with this to create a search that will render the most useful results.
Most of the time in corporate life an investment like that, and the distraction that goes with it, is expected to produce some kind of commercially useful result.
If you have never tried joining them, then you must join them today as they are sure to give useful results.
While this wasn't a perfect solution it seemed like a good way to search the collection that might turn up unexpected and also useful results.
Seriously, if you had a billion dollars and wanted to start a search engine, what's your big fancy algorithm going to study in order to produce useful results?
This turns out to yield more useful results than relying on the p - value.
Ask about a Cortana skill that isn't installed, like Skyscanner or Dark Sky, and the Invoke tells you that you need to set it up - and Cortana pops up a dialog to do just that on your PC (although we didn't always get useful results from either service via the Invoke).
Edutopia's tech integration review explores some of the vast body of research out there and helps you navigate useful results.
I understand the resource issues, but perhaps the lack of useful product indicates that we should be considering modeling options rather than explaining and apologizing for a class of models that seem to have plateaued without yielding very useful results I suggest that our (good) community climate models have hindered our search for better climate models.
It is nice to know that the experiments being funded will yield useful results even if things don't go as planned, which is easier to be confident of when there is a carefully framed question motivating the experiments.
This it does through the use of search filters known as «slashtags,» which rely on actual humans to curate the most useful results under frequently searched topics.
But because the mathematics developed to describe wave phenomena continued to achieve useful results, they continue to use the idea of wave as if there were something to wave.
The search of alloys began to yield useful results when Hirose and his collaborators began mixing more than one alloy.
«The project has generated both valuable theoretical knowledge and practically useful results.
Thus it seems clear that a major present opportunity for the AAAS within science is to act, in all ways that promise useful results, as a synthesizing and unifying influence.
Even when researchers can evaluate charter schools that are large enough to contribute useful results to a study, old enough to have a track record, and representative of a substantial share of all charter schools, they face a daunting analytical challenge: finding students in the regular public schools who are truly comparable to the charter school students.
When the ordinary actors of the economy can't borrow because they are overindebted, monetary policy has a hard time producing any long - term useful result.
Subdividing the group may bring useful results.
For Google to make money, they need to remain the unquestioned best at providing useful results for searches.
to undertake or fund research to understand why problem debt happens and its effect on individuals, families and the wider United Kingdom economy and to disseminate useful results.
Their search turned up a lot of information on passive homes, but the most useful result led them to a Seattle man who owned one.
If well done, a page like that will also serve as a great resource not only for the bar, but for the public at large by making law more accessible through reducing the barrier of one's technical skills or computer literacy on the path to finding useful results.
Gearing interviews to discuss instances where candidates successfully employed soft skills will yield useful results supporting fit; for example:
These lawyers might use a search engine to seek out available training resources, but the self - assessment of their own search skills leads them to conduct ineffective searches that do not produce useful results.
«Bigger than most people think» Beyond its capacity to transform law enforcement, Memex marks a major shift in Internet search technology itself, which some day could help all of us get more useful results to our own searches.
Edutopia's tech integration research review explores some of the vast body of research out there and helps you navigate useful results.
One extremely useful result of chaos theory is the design of complex orbits that enable spacecraft to travel great distances in a fuel - efficient manner, by analysing the Earth, Sun and spacecraft as a 3 - body system (eg see the articles here and here).
Type in what you want to spend your cryptocurrency on, and you'll get a feed full of useful results, with likely a few alternatives for each transaction you might want to make.
Too often, people compare the reality of self - publishing to the ideal of legacy publishing, and such a skewed comparison doesn't yield useful results.
The Canadian Business team used the platform for only a few weeks to get a quick snapshot of how it works (typically, it needs a few months of data to yield useful results), but that was enough for Moss to suggest our sense of inspiration was declining — an observation that wasn't surprising, since we were juggling an unusually high number of projects at the time.
Such Catholic philosophy is hamstrung by its failure to engage fully with material reality, and its credibility is shaken in the light of the specific, successful and useful results of science.
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