Sentences with phrase «useful roles by»

The most interesting aspect of the study, say the authors, is the discovery of a new, specialized function of a certain type of regulatory T cell, which is to enable microbes to play useful roles by keeping them from causing inflammation.
Twenty years ago we thought we could play the most useful role by staying neutral and offering a balanced look at the pros and cons of a convention,» said NYPIRG's executive director Blair Horner.

Not exact matches

Christianity has yet to bridge the gap between itself and God's word as attested by the gospel in order for the church to have a credible witness and play useful role in African renewal.
Contract and property law are useful far beyond their role in litigation because they allow people of good faith to coordinate their activities by following pre-announced legal forms rather than having to work out their plans (even in good faith) on a case - by - case basis.
Our Mission: To improve the business climate for members by playing a proactive role with the legislative process, public safety entities and the Michigan Liquor Control Commission, as well as implement innovative and useful membership services to promote the moral, social and intellectual advancement of members of the Michigan Licensed Beverage Association.
It's useful to remember that families are usually very hierarchical by nature and the role of parents is to lead the tribe or gang rather than resolve individual problems.
Miriyam Aouragh discussed the useful and useless roles of the internet in the Arab revolutions by revisiting mainstream narratives on its role, and satirising the surprise voiced by some observers at Arabs» use of social media.
The emergence of this theme has been a useful and important educative role played by our running this blog, for me, and so I hope by extension for other readers!
«Noise in neural systems can play a useful role» by enhancing transmission, says team member Frank Moss, a physicist at the University of Missouri in St. Louis.
You might find it useful to look at the UK GRAD Web site, which outlines the role of a supervisor or the advice of former Ph.D. students (in the United States, although the advice is largely transferable to the United Kingdom) gathered by the Survey on Doctoral Education and Career Preparation.
But in recent years the Australian Senate has not been controlled by the government, and so is fulfilling a useful role in reviewing legislation.
Cloves are among the most notable vegetable sources of phenolic acids, which are powerful antioxidants with a potential protective role against degenerative diseases, and have proven useful for the treatment of memory deficits caused by oxidative stress.
Beauty contests via international rankings play a useful role to combat complacency by political leaders, although rankings can never be the aim of education alone, but more the start of a conversation on the quality of education systems.
Cameras in the halls monitor employee movements, and those who take too long for lunch are shamed by having their names announced to the entire company; employees who are no longer «useful» in game development roles are assigned jobs as security guards, cleaning staff, or at a pachi - slot machine factory.
Metaphors that use blankets to explaining how the greenhouse effect works, income and spending in your bank account to stand in for the carbon cycle, what the wobbles in the Earth's orbit look like if the planet was your head, or conceptualizing the geologic timescale by compressing it to a day, for instance, all serve useful pedagogic roles.
Roger could reply again by stating that models that don't show skill in projecting changing statistics can not be used for this reasoning by simulation, but I remain to disgree with him: the skill of climate models to project changing climate statistics at decadal time scales can formally not be established due to large role of natural variability, but is also not always required for generating useful information that enters the imagination process.
Although the analysis in this working paper points to interesting trends and provides useful insights that enhance our understanding of China's role as an overseas investor in the wind and solar industries, it is limited by a paucity of information.
Most of the glibertarians, cultural conservatives, and gadget - heads who constitute the useful idiots around the core oil - and - coal - company global - warming denialist constituency would be horrified to imagine themselves playing the role of 9/11 Truthers, or RFK Jr. pumping the thimerosal / autism link, or Thabo Mbeki claiming that AIDS isn't caused by HIV.
-LSB-...] The Alberta Law Reform Institute considered whether the New Rules should allow litigants to be assisted by a «McKenzie friend» adopting the definition of a McKenzie friend as being a -LSB-...] The McKenzie friend's support may range from a role similar to a legal expert (prompting the litigant to make useful points and representations, and examination of witnesses and giving -LSB-...] The rationale for allowing a McKenzie friend is fairness to self - represented litigants: R. v. Leicester City Justice; ex parte Barrow, [1991] 3 All E.R. 935, cited in CM 12.18 -LSB-...]
You can add credibility to your CV by interning or volunteering, as you'll gain transferable skills that will be useful in the role you are applying for.
By providing parents with useful skills, information and resources, we can empower them to develop the competencies needed to be successful in their role as the primary sexuality educators of their children.
Whether or not your child should have an active role in your child custody mediation heavily depends on your child — while some children can make a vital contribution to the discussion and feel a positive impact from the experience, others may be traumatized by participating or simply contributing information useful to the creation of a parenting plan.
The two shared one important point of agreement: REALTORS ® are playing a crucial role in the making of federal polices that affect real estate by providing the kind of realistic and useful input lawmakers need.
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