Sentences with phrase «uses exaggerated claims»

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Order requiring an Orlando, Fla., seller and distributor, of cosmetics and cosmetic distributorships, among other things to cease using its openended, multilevel marketing plan; engaging in illegal price fixing and price discrimination and imposing selling and purchasing restrictions on its distributors; and to cease making exaggerated earnings claims and other misrepresentations in an effort to recruit distributors.
Organic marketers and anti-GMO activists exaggerate these efforts, making claims that organics are «pesticide - free» and don't use «harmful» chemicals that they claim are the mainstay of conventional agriculture, and often linked in their campaigns to genetically modified crops.
«DeVry used misleading claims to lure in students who were simply seeking a college degree, greatly exaggerating job and salary prospects for graduates» Schneiderman said in a statement.
He used statistics, at times exaggerated, to paint a rosy picture of the region's economy and claimed his own focus and a $ 1 billion state investment were responsible for it.
There are certain powerful brands which use a variety of deceitful marketing practices to push their products more effectively, and that includes everything in the spectrum of pseudoscience and half - fabricated and stupendously exaggerated claims.
About Colloid Particle Size - Describes the exaggerated claims made for colloid particle sizes and what products are advertised using such claims.
The claim that lifting heavy weights will lead to women building a manly physique is grossly exaggerated, female bodybuilders are often used as proof what will happen if a woman as much as touches any dumbbell or barbell.
Some sceptics are even using their press - releases about «2007 likely to be warmest year», «2009 in top 5 warmest years», to claim that global warming is being exaggerated.
and this leading light of the consensus community uses her own blog to claim, not only that the IPCC did not overstate certainty, but that it used «underwhelming weasel words» in grossly «exaggerating» uncertainty.
Pseudoscientific concepts: Use of vague, exaggerated or untestable claims Over-reliance on confirmation rather than refutation Lack of openness to testing by other experts Absence of progress Personalization of issues Use of misleading language
Self declared «tort reformists» use exaggerated headlines about these rare cases to malign the claims of innocent victims.
At first I was leery of using GEICO because I believed that their claims were most likely exaggerated and that I would be paying a high premium to obtain my renter's insurance through them.
It would be embarrassing to claim that you know how to use a piece of software, only to fail on the job because you exaggerated.
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