Sentences with phrase «uses signaling molecules»

Scientists have proven the brain uses signaling molecules to influence gut bacteria, but there is now evidence that such communication is two - way, with your gut also directing your brain to tell you what to consume.
They cultivated human muscle cells and artificially synchronised them in the absence of a master clock, using a signal molecule normally secreted in the body.

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Mitochondria, specialized organelles found in nearly every cell of the body, use cellular respiration to generate one of the most important sources of chemical energy — adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a versatile nucleotide that powers everything from cell division to cell signaling to transportation of large molecules across the cell membrane.
«Most of what we are all doing with liquid biopsies is dealing with very small numbers [of molecules], so using a poor sample extraction or nonoptimized kit can really get rid of a lot of the signal,» she says.
Using small - molecule inhibitors to eliminate the activity of the proteins produced by the bird - specific, median signaling zone in chicken embryos, the researchers were able to induce the ancestral molecular activity and the ancestral anatomy.
Whether you are studying the expression of thousands of genes simultaneously using DNA microarrays, or the interaction of multiple molecules to understand intercellular signalling, the skills that will help you understand your findings are statistics, computational techniques, and modelling — so all you really need is a mathematician.
«That upheld our hypothesis, which was that biochar could interfere with cell signaling, most likely by binding with the fatty - acid molecules that the speakers were using to broadcast their message.»
I mean cyclic ANP — the molecule that I found to be important in learning and memory — is used as a scape in bacteria, it's used as a hunger signal in bacteria.
When the researchers looked for prostaglandins in COX - deficient mice models from Vanderbilt using mass spectroscopy tests, the signaling molecules were there — and not just in the ovaries.
Frey and his colleagues made use of mathematical models to analyze the complex interplay between ecological factors and population dynamics, and were able to demonstrate that populations can indeed respond in a coordinated fashion to chemical information even when the signal molecules are generated by only a subset of the cells.
Because Zika typically has trouble establishing infections in mice, the researchers used animals that were genetically altered so that they could not produce interferon, a key immune system signaling molecule, thus dampening the animals» immune response to the virus.
«In people, we have to use the intrinsic signals of those molecules
Bacterial cells communicate with one another by using chemical signal molecules, which they synthesize and secrete into their surroundings.
This lets the experimentalists of CELIA to determine the chirality of the molecules very efficiently, with a signal 1000 times stronger than with the most commonly used method.
By using pharmacological small molecule inhibitors as well as neutrophils from genetically modified mouse strains the team could identify essential receptor and signaling pathways involved in the nicotine - mediated activation of neutrophils.
But in the mid-1980s, three U.S. investigators discovered that it is a signal - transmitting molecule naturally used by the pulmonary, cardiac and other systems, a discovery that received the 1998 Nobel Prize.
As a postdoctoral researcher at Harvard Medical School, he investigated the use of small - molecule drugs to manipulate signaling pathways to enable otherwise senescent progenitor cells of the cochlea to divide and form new sensory cells.
Using radio telescopes in Spain, France, and Australia, a team headed by researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy in Bonn, Germany, scanned the LMH for signals in the precise wavelengths that would reveal the presence of more complex molecules.
Dopamine, a molecule crucial for signaling between neurons, can not cross this barrier, which is why its chemical precursor, L - dopa, is used instead to treat Parkinson's disease.
«Although the two types of inhibitory neurons are very similar to each other in terms of morphology, synaptic connectivity, and the kinds of small molecules they use for signaling, they're very different in terms of the methylation pattern.
Our nerve and muscle cells send signals to each other using ions and molecules.
«If further studies validate that these processes are critical in human breast cancers,» Koshy notes, «the possibility exists that agents that favorably modify the biophysical properties of the extracellular matrix, or that target the receptors and signaling molecules associated with how cells sense this matrix, could be used as a new avenue for the prevention or treatment of breast cancers.»
When they turned up the volume on the signal, using gene therapy techniques to increase the production of the signaling molecule, the mice with CMT regained muscle strength and their ability to walk improved significantly.
Tino Krell and colleagues from the Spanish National Research Council in Granada found that rosmarinic acid mimics a molecule that bacteria use to signal each other in response to changes in population density.
They discovered that if they maintained the cells in a three - dimensional culture, rather than a flat dish, and used a new mixture of signaling molecules, they could maintain the NPCs for more than 15 months.
The T cells use their CAR receptors to bind to molecules on target cells, and the act of binding triggers an internal signal that strongly activates the T cells — so that they swiftly destroy their targets.
But it does allow researchers to use a single - stranded «reporter» molecule with the CRISPR - Cas12a protein, which produces an unambiguous fluorescent signal when Cas12a has found its target.
Using an animal model, they found that TIMP - 1 recruits immune cells by increasing the levels of a specific signaling molecule in the liver.
Using pharmacological substances and antibodies, the researchers were able to block this interaction between the signaling molecule and its receptor, thus inhibiting the metastatic process experimentally.
Researchers have used this strategy to probe how cells react to the sudden release of signalling molecules, such as the neurotransmitter glutamate and calcium ions.
They identified signals that white blood cells use to control their behaviour, then one by one disabled those signals — discovering that one particular molecule called ERK5 could be manipulated to encourage white blood cells either to throw out pathogens better or to keep them inside and try to kill them for longer.
«The body already uses them as signaling molecules, and when they have done their job, they can be recycled by the body — no accumulation, no complicated detoxification.»
In this study scientists used cells from the fruit fly Drosophila to screen for small molecules that suppress the signalling pathway central to the development of MPNs in humans.
Most of his work focuses on the pharmacologic manipulation of mammalian brain circuits which use the most abundant inhibitory neurotransmitter in the central nervous system gamma - aminobutyric acid (GABA) as their chief signaling molecule.
However, the weak radio emission from molecules often made the observations difficult and took us many days for signal detection using conventional radio telescopes.
Development of novel / customised Luminex bead arrays (MHRA): Luminex technology uses bead arrays for the quantitative detection of diverse biomarkers, including cytokines, antibodies, signalling molecules and proteases.
«The study by Egli et al. holds promise for enhancing the response of the seasonal influenza vaccine by blocking the receptor used for the innate immunity signalling molecule IL28B.
Likewise, many of the same small molecules used by cells to signal to each other as they rout microbes are the ones that whip up unhealthy inflammatory responses, chief among them pro-inflammatory cytokines of the TNF family, which activate T cells and prolong their response.
«Systemically and chronically blocking IKK2 activity is too toxic to be used in chemotherapy, but we might be able to target another molecule in the signaling pathway by which IKK2 regulates tumor growth.»
These therapies use non-specific molecules that do not affect the cancer directly, but send signals that stimulate other cells of the immune system to fight against cancer cells.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute researchers have discovered how the T cell, the body's chief immune - system warrior, organizes signaling molecules that mobilize the weaponry used to attack foreign...
The excited atoms, in turn, emit signals that can be used to create images of the brain, muscle, and other tissues, which can be distinguished based on the local physical and chemical environment of the water molecules.
Using DOS and small - molecule screening, Schreiber helped illuminate many cellular pathways, including the nutrient - response signaling network involving TOR proteins in yeast and mTOR in mammalian cells.
On the next slide I show you basically the key domain that's involved in this signaling interaction, so when the insulin receptor is phosphorylated, in order to recruit adaptors such as IRS - 1, it uses an important domain called the PTP domain, or phosphotyrosine containing peptides that can actually mediate this interaction, and lead to the interaction of these various molecules within the pathway.
Now, researchers have discovered a class of small molecules that all nematodes use to signal such processes as growing, developing, mating and moving toward or away from an area.
Scheller impressed Kandel with his desire to enter the realm of neuroscience with no previous background in the field, and his use of the new recombinant DNA techniques to identify genes encoding for signalling molecules called neuropeptides.
The researchers first discovered ascarosides as a signaling molecule in C. elegans, a nematode used as a model organism to study cell, developmental and nervous system biology, as well as human aging and diabetes.
Beyond the internal interactions of the protein itself, these designed oligomers can be used to explore basic questions about how the structure of signaling molecules affects the behavior of receptors and cellular response.
The scientists report that the next step is to identify this cell - to cell signal and attempt to block it using small molecules.
We hope to use this approach to identify candidate molecules that might represent previously unknown pro-growth signals.
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