Sentences with phrase «uses symbolism»

In Edgar and Lucy, author Victor Lodato often uses the symbolism of stars, especially Betelgeuse.
He uses symbolism like it's going out of style, and it doesn't take long before it becomes weary.
It uses symbolism and metaphors to make its point.
I think of 1 Corinthians 5:6 - 8 where Paul uses the symbolism of Passover to show that the physical meal is not what is important, but the spiritual reality that is in Jesus Christ and our unity together with Him.
Many texts in the Hebrew Bible use this symbolism.
I have problems not with people who use symbolism, but with people who accept the symbolism literally.
In a more «secular» vein, the prophets use the symbolism of baptism to express not so much the traditional values of ritual purity as the idea of moral purification.
The question is how it will use that symbolism around election time»
Do you want to meditate on what has happened to the American Dream using the symbolism of Elvis Presley as a storytelling device?
In the play, Chekhov used symbolism — an avant - garde approach in 1896 — to draw parallels between natural and metaphysical worlds.
I use the symbolism of nature because it is the oldest form of communication.»
Using symbolism exploring Biblical text, diagrams from scientific hypothesis, and visual psychedelia produced by an influx of cultural influence seemingly aimed at searching for the «unknown» the work serves as a catalyst to further reflect upon topics of belief and wonder as intellectual and spiritual intersections between fact and faith.
Using symbolism and allegory, Devine's work reflects a fractured vision of the future, one in which death is just around the corner and hope has faded.
Empty Bowls is an international effort to call attention to hunger using the symbolism of the empty bowl and the simple meal of soup and bread.
Throughout his career he has tackled subjects dealing with the human condition and identity, often using symbolism to communicate larger social concerns.
Her body art explores themes of autobiography and sexuality, as well as the relationship between performer and audience, using symbolism and ritual to enhance her message.
He is a skilled photographer, but I think he's at his best as a critic of the medium, creating images that lampoon the very language of corporate America, or in Thomas's words, «to use the symbolism of advertising to talk about things advertising can never responsibly talk about.»
You are not writing a literary masterpiece so there is no need to use symbolism or complex metaphors.

Not exact matches

Also, the Bible has basic elements of good vs. evil, and for the purpose of a sermon (ie a pastoral message meant to convey some sort of spiritual lesson), having a good modern day example of Christian symbolism is always a fun tool to use to keep a congregation interested.
Yes, he used Christian rhetoric, symbolism, etc..
whether we do not worship other gods or not, we use the same symbolisms, like the egg and the bunny, pagan symbols of fertility.
If to sophisticated thought the irrationality of bloody altars as a means of divine placation and fellowship became troublesome, the use of symbolism could come to the aid of the devout worshiper, as it has done in every other developing religion, Christianity not least of all.
Here we see him grappling with the nature of the material world and using the newly developed symbolism of formal logic as his tool.
But this symbolism could also be used in the description of particular occurrences.
That's exactly what's at the heart of this — that the use of public funds (e.g., tax dollars) should NOT be used to promote (e.g., force down the throat of others) any particular religion or religious belief or practice — that money shouldn't be taken by non-Christians by force (via taxation) and then given to Christians to put up displays of Christian religious symbolism.
This made use of the marriage symbolism of the Scriptures and patristic period to provide, as Podles puts it, an «imaginative playing «out of [a] privileged relationship with God.»
Charles Fillmore, a co-founder of Unity, provided detailed instruction on this symbolism that was published in 1931 as The Metaphysical Bible Dictionary, a reference widely used in New Thought.
It is evident that the sexual symbolism so fully used by Blake (and so widely felt to be the fullest symbolism for total presentness in the imagination of our time) carries with it this sense of the dissolving of structure, of the loss of self in total union.
Lowell's early poetry used Christian symbolism but in a curious form: he expressed his anger because the world was not as Christian as he thought it ought to be.
It was a practice which was already widely used among numerous groups in that day and culture, and which already had clear symbolism and significance.
Yesterday we looked at how new believers in other cultures could possibly symbolize their death and resurrection in Jesus through using the burial symbolism of their culture.
Sure there is irony in the Guy Fawkes mask use as of late HOWEVER it seems fairly clear to me as well that the historical relevance of this symbolism is nowhere near as important as the shear numbers using it to represent their collective frustration against what they believe is a system not working for but instead against them.
The symbolism of feeding each other, using the elements of Communion or perhaps the segments of an orange is meaningful to many couples.
For right now, the «standard» religious symbolism of Christian images, the ones that believers pray before and use within their worship, really don't have any place decorating public places in America because their presence there only serves to mark them as places of worship too.
And surely the symbolism of eagle feathers as a way to commune with the Creator isn't all that different with Christianity's use of bread and wine to represent the body and blood of Christ.
Hip - hop historians call this period the Golden Age (Bradley and DuBois date it from 1985 to 1992), and it produced the kinds of lyrical shifts that are easy to spot in print: extended similes and ambitious use of symbolism; an increased attention to character and ideology; unpredictable internal rhyme schemes; enjambment and uneven line lengths.
Regarding the contents of the book, this meant that all the subjects of higher mathematics (such as mathematical logic, group theory, analytic, non-euclidian, and projective geometries, and integral calculus) could not be dealt with.2 The simpler manner of presentation was conditioned by the fact that neither the necessary mathematical symbols (such as the symbolism of mathematical logic used in PM or that of analytical geometry used in UA) nor the rigorous mathematical methods (such as axioms, definitions, and proofs) could be utilized.
Still more, the liturgical character of many of them is obvious: they are hymns used in connection with some sort of enacted religious symbolism.
But because modern efforts at Christian unity are often heavy on symbolism rather than substance (the harder thing to achieve), a meeting between the Patriarch of Moscow and the Pope of Rome was held out as a tantalizing prize for Catholic ecumenists, one that could be used to extract concessions at some necessary moment.
I do not like to use the phrase «God is dead» for the reason already suggested by Dr. Altizer: in some sense this symbolism is specifically Christian.
They come with strong revulsion to authoritarian use of tradition and the continuation of pre-Enlightenment symbolism and practices.
Religion, after all, is constituted by symbolism — whether in primitive amulets, totems, and rituals, the earth and sky god mythologies of ancient civilizations, crucifixes and relics of the medieval church, formalized texts and creeds of the world's great modern religions, or even the sacred rites and markers we use to define ourselves, our relations to nature, our sense of personal identity, and our collective loyalties and destinies.
I often take a simple shape or symbol and use it repeatedly over a long period... I'm fascinated by the symbolism of a golden bowl, which I use a lot in my jewellery.
Using the subject of sex as an example, when an English professor would discuss sexual symbolism in various literature, they tended to giggle uncontrollably.
We offer 4 stations: 1) The Food Station — see foods that were gathered and grown, use a fire bow and drill, and use a rock to grind corn; 2) The Wetu (home) Station — observe how the home was built when you visit our wetu, learn the roles of men and women in the tribe, see animal hides and hear a legend; 3) The Craft Station — discover the items used for decoration, learn about symbolism and make your own story necklace; and 4) the Game Station — learn about the importance of play in developing necessary skills, learn wisdom through hearing a legend, and play games!
Secondly, the fact that the slogan: «We are Sierra Leoneans, not slaves», was summoned up to protest a project that threatened young people's livelihoods reflects how such symbolism can also be used to give substantive content to notions of citizenship.
Hezbollah's use of aggressive, chest pounding symbolism is no secret, but calling the banner «official party symbol» is a stretch.
Evidence for symbolism among Neanderthals is limited, ranging from etchings on a cave wall to eagle talons possibly used as jewelry.
Rather, the finding that Neandertals apparently wore mollusk shells as jewelry and used them as paint containers offers insight about the social conditions under which symbolism flourished among early modern humans but was rare among Neandertals.
Therefore, this Chinese character is also often used as an implicit symbolism for power.
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