Sentences with phrase «using gamemaker»

Specifically using GameMaker: Studio and GameMaker Studio 2.
Well it definitely shows, Bounce Rescue is very unique and really shows what talented creators can make using GameMaker Studio.
PurpleBit Surfing Cow was created using GameMaker Studio and launched on Google Android with an IoS version in the works.
Cook, Serve, Delicious 2 is created using GameMaker Studio 2 and look absolutely fantastic which is sure to boost Gamemaker's reputation at being a serious game engine.
If you're a developer using GameMaker Studio for your next project and would like to appear on this blog then please get in touch or comment below.
After reading all this success stories using gamemaker, it inspires me to start working on it again.
He has also written an article titled How I Make A Living Using GameMaker which provides insight into his career choice.
I have been using GameMaker since it was developed by Mark Overmars alone I lost functionality for a while due to GamerMaker 7 not taking my code, but I had 5 and 6.
The game itself is an infinite action platform inspired by the likes of indie titles Super Crate Box and Risk of Rain, both of which were also built using the GameMaker engine.
Connor informed us that unlike Elysian Shadows, which relies on an engine the Elysian Shadows Team developed themselves, he is simply using GameMaker Studio to develop Towards the Pantheon, which makes a Dreamcast port difficult.
A curriculum for the Southern Alberta Institute of Technology which teaches teens how to make a 2D game using GameMaker: Studio.
Games were created in 48 hours using GameMaker.
The aptly named Sonic Maker is being developed using GameMaker Studio 2 and is said to have physics and collision detection that closely match the original Genesis games.
Following the announcement of Undertale's imminent arrival on Nintendo Switch, Toby Fox, creator of Undertale said, «I'm excited to use GameMaker Studio 2 to put Undertale on Nintendo Switch.
By partnering with Nintendo, developers that use GameMaker can export their titles directly to Nintendo's latest console.
«I'm excited to use GameMaker Studio 2 to put Undertale on Nintendo Switch.
Any developers that use GameMaker: Studio, including the free version, will be able to distribute their games through the Windows version of GameMaker: Player.
Technology is increasing at an amazing pace and we think that all information is good information but we also do not want to drive away the main focus of GameMakerBlog: Showing off the great games and developers that use GameMaker, so to accomplish this, Tech Bits will remain as a separate section and the posts will not show up on the front page but can be easily accessed from the main menu.
In a new YouTube series, indie developer Tom Francis will show you how to use GameMaker: Studio, a program meant to teach novices how to make video games.

Not exact matches

Speaking with The Hollywood Reporter, a Lionsgate insider revealed how Lawrence could use a digital double to finish Hoffman's missing scene - which has been described as a «heartfelt» moment for the former Gamemaker, Plutarch Heavensbee:
The Year 5 to 12 students worked individually or in teams and used free platforms such as Gamestar Mechanic, Gamemaker, Kodu, MIT Scratch and Unity to transform their ideas into reality.
I also believe these skills can be taught using programs like Scratch, Gamemaker, Kodu, and others, without emphasizing the need to learn «hard core» programming languages like C++ or PHP.
Abylight Studios is currently working on the adaptation to Nintendo Switch closely with Yoyo Games, developer of the engine «GameMaker» used to create the game, as this title pushed the technical envelope.
GameMaker Studio 2 combines easy - to - use drag - and - drop tools, tutorials and game assets with the powerful GameMaker Language (GML) and advanced, professional functionality, like the physics engine, particles and advanced shaders.
GameMaker Studio 2's ease of use also ensures inclusivity, from a technical standpoint, is kept as high as possible.»
Abylight Studios is currently working on the adaptation to Nintendo Switch closely with Yoyo Games, developer of the GameMaker engine, which was used to create the game.
The teams used different game engines from Unity to Unreal Engine and GameMaker Studio.
Using a single development workflow GameMaker Studio 2 allows you export your game directly to Windows desktop, Mac OS X, Ubuntu, Android, iOS, fireTV, Android TV, Microsoft UWP, HTML5, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One.
The goal for the camp was to have the students work on a game by building objects and giving them behaviours using the Drag»N' Drop system within GameMaker: Studio.
Some notable titles that have used the original GameMaker are Undertale and Hyper Light Drifter.
With this partnership in place, developers will be able to port their games to the Switch via the use of GameMaker Studio 2.
YoYo Games announced the new GameMaker: Player can be used to share everything from concepts and early access builds to finished games, either distributed for free or paid on multiple devices and platforms.
Below you can download the GameMaker Studio scripts and example and the Tiled map I used for the demo.
I created this since I needed a good way to get Tiled maps to Gamemaker Studio but this tool can be used for any other game production environment that can read binary files.
If you are looking for a program that offers both ease of use as well as the ability to have more detailed control over all aspects of your game, GameMaker: Studio is a great option.
Additionally, games made in GameMaker Studio Standard will now include a «made with GameMaker» splashscreen in game, and you will need to register the software using an active email address.
Hikati Games already had a few Indie game projects in development and one of the first things I did was start testing out different game development platforms; a few months ago, I had the great opportunity to try out GameMaker Studio 2 closed beta for MAC and was blown away by the ease of use and how quickly I could get working prototypes of my visions working.
GameMaker is currently used by 1.2 + million active developers monthly and has fueled various success stories.
GameMaker Studio, the popular game development engine used to create titles such as Hotline Miami and the original Spelunky, is currently on sale.
The trick to his success, as demonstrated in his monthly online income reports, is the combination of several different sources of income, most of which are heavily focused around HTML5 technology; this includes sponsorships, mobile advertisements, and sales of his book Making Money With HTML5, within which he shares details of his successful use of GameMaker within the growing HTML5 scene.
The change comes just a few months after Apple started rejecting GameMaker Studio apps due to the automatic inclusion of an advertising identifier even if the game didn't use ads.
Using accessible, relatively - simple development tools like GameMaker and GameSalad, Toronto's indie game developers gather in support of newcomers to help them realize their ideas.
Before beginning to practice GameMaker, watch the following video (in Portuguese) that shows the final result of a Regressive Counter and its use within Super Mario Bros game.
«I've used unity sometimes, but I ended up choosing GameMaker because it is simpler to handle with positions.
Alex Arthur joined the GameMaker Community in 2006, first using Game Maker 7 to create maze games.
GameMaker: Studio is great for rapid prototyping, whether you're using GML or the drag - and - drop system.
God, please inspire gamemakers to use the PSP in a suiting fashion... please cause them to make a worthwhile game.
Now at first glance this all seems pretty steep and when considering these are going to be yearly fees, the price for console game development increases sharply if you are currently using the free console exports on GameMaker: Studio 1.4.
Valued at $ 49.99, GameMaker Studio Standard is a significant improvement upon the free version of the software which imposes harsh restrictions on the resources that developers can make use of.
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