Sentences with phrase «using ancient animal»

New research using ancient animal depictions tracks the collapse of Egypt's ecological networks one extinction at a time, offering a glimpse into how climate change and human impacts have altered the structure and stability of ecosystems over millennia.

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ancients used animals for all kinds of stuff.
While we all take some inspiration from ancient paganisms, there are some groups who are deeply dedicated to studying the primary texts and archaeological records of their chosen cultural framework to try to make their paths as close to their spiritual ancestors as reasonably possible in the modern world — this includes the use of bonfires and occasionally animal sacrifice.
Scientists are using ancient depictions like these to re-create the animals.
He and his colleagues had reconstructed the partial genome of a woolly mammoth found frozen in Siberia, and he was convinced that researchers like himself would soon be able to take bits of degraded tissue samples, extract ancient DNA and use them to piece together whole genomes of extinct animals.
14 Cities have long been gold mines for recyclers: Beginning in ancient times, tanners collected human urine to use in turning animal skins into leather.
Using ancient DNA, along with the remains of pollen, plants, and animals collected from lake sediments, a new study has an answer: about 12,600 years ago.
In 2015, ZooMS pioneer Matthew Collins (left) and colleagues used ancient proteins to classify several extinct South American animals that had puzzled science since Charles Darwin first collected some of their fossils.
The combing of wild lands with man's few domesticated animals is an exceedingly ancient land use.
The collection includes stone tools and other artifacts, as well as fossilized bones of animals and ancient hominins, including the Neandertal bones that formed part of the sample used in three recent studies of Neandertal DNA.
Anthropologists and ethnologists have uncovered much cultural evidence, from oral histories and illustrations, that ancient African artists often used ritual animal blood in their creations, generally as attempts to please or appease their deities.
But most ancient skeletons are highly fragmented, so it's difficult to figure out what kind of animal they were from, and what they were used for.
Because the protein sequence is directly related to the DNA code, the team says that comparing protein sequences — like comparing DNA sequences — is an approach that can be used to determine degrees of relatedness between species and to decipher how ancient animals evolved.
A team of researchers has validated data and found a new model for paleontologists to use to track the diet of our ancient ancestors and animals by analyzing the wear on their teeth.
These findings showed significant differences on how animals were used in other ancient societies.
Barley was used by ancient civilizations as a food for humans and animals, as well as to make alcoholic beverages; the first known recipe for barley wine dates back to 2800 BC in Babylonia.
The word «demon» is used here to refer to any helpful or hostile being that does not belong to the Ancient Egyptian categories of major god, human, or animal.
Carbon dating is a technique scientists used to determine the age of ancient organic materials, such as animal fossils.
Using Feng Shui principles to allow any of us or our companion animals to live a more harmonious and natural existence is inherent in this ancient health system.
Parents used to leave their children with the dog in ancient times, to guard them against wild animals or evil people.
Also, dealing with Graziella Boucher, a tiny ancient tyrant» who headed the local Animal Defenders League and from 1964 to 1979 frequently clashed with Multnomah County law enforcement agencies, first over the use of pepper spray by mail carriers to deter aggressive dogs, later flamboyantly accusing a police officer of abusing his dog.
Hounds were used throughout ancient history to hunt animals.
The word «demon» is used here to refer to any helpful or hostile being that does not belong to the Ancient Egyptian categories of major god, human, or animal.
While we already live in the realms of what used to be science fiction, we seem to have simultaneously gone back to our ancestral past — a time when ancient civilisations believed spirits inhabited plants, animals, geographic features and even objects.
In «Nudity» (2015), the artist emphasises the strangeness of these objects with the use of pale colours, but in a nature - friendly way, that is, by downgrading these civilian clothes into ancient forms made from animal furs or leather.
It's under debate whether the ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician Phythagoras banned the use of all animal products or whether he was okay with using oxen to plow fields.
While some may debate the ethical issues of wearing dead animals, Loucks» intention comes from a place of «no waste» and respect that may be more in line with ancient hunting cultures which uses all parts of the animal:
The word «demon» is used here to refer to any helpful or hostile being that does not belong to the Ancient Egyptian categories of major god, human, or animal.
The word «demon» is used here to refer to any helpful or hostile being that does not belong to the Ancient Egyptian categories of major god, human, or animal.
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