Sentences with phrase «using antibodies against»

Using antibodies against the tetraspannin CD9 and the pericellular matrix proteoglycan recognized by monoclonal antibody GCTM - 2 [14], we fractionated HES - 2, HES - 3 and H9 cells grown on serum - containing medium or in the presence of Knockout serum replacer and FGF - 2 respectively.
(E) Western blot analysis of iPS - RPE protein expression using antibodies against a panel of RPE cell markers.
The cells were then harvested and cell lysates were analyzed by Western blotting using antibodies against p53, phospho - p53 (Ser15), GAPDH, and β - actin.
An astrocyte stained using antibodies against the sorting receptor SorLA (green) and the cytoskeletal protein GFAP (red).
Flow cytometry and high - content analysis experimental data will be presented to demonstrate performance in receptor occupancy, antibody internalization, and effector function assays using antibodies against CD20, CD71, and HER2 in breast cancer and leukemia models.
Individual, edited (CD81 knockout) hiPS cells were expanded into clonal lines and analyzed for expression of CD81 and three pluripotency markers via flow cytometry using antibodies against CD81, Oct ‑ 4, TRA ‑ 1 ‑ 60, and SSEA - 4.
An HS293 colony monitored with the automated system was immunohistochemically characterized (f) using an antibody against an undifferentiated hESC marker, Nanog (green), and a differentiated hESC marker, SSEA1 (red).
The expression of the p53 protein was probed using an antibody against p53, as revealed by fluorescence of a goat polyclonal secondary antibody to mouse IgG - H & L (DyLight ® 488).
The Stanford investigators found that when they used antibodies against CD47 to negate this «don't - eat - me» signal, macrophages were able to chew up many of these cancer cells.

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The antibodies were against the stalk of this mushroom, and by using this mushroom stalk only, we made synthetic peptides of this stalk.
Researchers used tissue and blood samples to show that the gammopathy (a precursor to myeloma) in both mice and patients with Gaucher disease is triggered by specific lipids, and that the antibodies made by tumor cells in nearly a third of myeloma patients are directed against such lipids.
Last year, the FDA approved for use against lung cancer two antibody - based therapies that block PD - 1.
Flu vaccines are designed to prevent infection by eliciting antibodies against HA, which the virus uses to break into cells lining the airways.
One reason vaccines using weakened flu virus are not used in the elderly is that they have been exposed to many strains of flu virus over the years and have more antibodies in the nasal tract, which can inhibit the weakened flu virus from infecting and stimulating the immune response necessary to protect against the virus.
Using a mouse model of HSV - 1 as well as autopsied samples of human adult and fetal tissues, investigators from Dartmouth College's Geisel School of Medicine found that antibodies against HSV - 1 produced by adult women or female mice could travel to the nervous systems of their yet unborn babies, preventing the development and spread of infection during birth.
Using assays to assess concentrations of anti-infliximab antibodies, half (50.4 %) of the Remicade - treated patients tested positive for anti-infliximab antibodies, and 100 % of those who tested positive for anti-infliximab antibodies also exhibited antibody reactivity against the biosimilar.
These companies must first decide what antigens to make antibodies against, then try to guess how they're likely to be used.
As a further therapeutic option, the researchers are pursuing the approach of using specifically developed antibodies against CEACAMs in order to fight diseases associated with the bacterium.
According to Wilson, monoclonal antibodies from (deliberately infected) animals were routinely used in the first half of the 20th century to try to treat diphtheria (an upper - respiratory illness that killed roughly 15,000 people annually in the early 1920s until a vaccine was formulated against it in 1924) and tetanus (a potentially fatal infection also known as lockjaw, because one of the muscles it destroys is in the jaw).
Mice whose eosinophils had been incapacitated using antibodies exhibited poor defense mechanisms against tumors and soon succumbed to the disease.
A study led by scientists at The Wistar Institute describes a novel immunotherapeutic strategy for the treatment of cancer based on the use of synthetic DNA to directly encode protective antibodies against a cancer specific protein.
«But the issue with Meningitis B is that the coating of this bacterium has similar characteristics to a human protein found in the brain, and therefore if we used the same method, we would potentially create antibodies against the body's own protein.»
Using improved understanding of those antibodies and the specific sites on HIV to which they bind, the natural process of antibody evolution could be replicated and greatly expedited allowing protection against initial infection.
However, «past studies performed with viruses containing higher populations of 7U viruses using other MAbs did not protect [non-human primates] against Ebola - Zaire, whereas studies using different antibodies containing high populations of 8U did.
In the new analysis, investigators sought to understand the role of pre-existing anti-HA stem antibodies in protection against influenza using data from a healthy volunteer influenza challenge trial that took place in 2013 at the NIH Clinical Center in Bethesda, Maryland.
«Strong maternal antibodies for HIV ineffective for protecting infants from HIV: Researchers caution against using antibodies to prevent transmission.»
«Currently, there is a lot of focus on the use of antibodies transferred passively or through a vaccine to prevent infection in infants, however this study cautions against that and suggests that broadly neutralizing antibodies may actually aid in enhancing transmission from mother to child,» added Sagar, an attending physician in infectious diseases at Boston Medical Center.
In the new study, CDC's Nicholas Komar and Kasen Riemersma — who's now at the University of California, Davis — used existing blood samples from white - tailed deer, raccoons, moose, and coyotes collected between 2009 and 2014 in 19 states, both in the center of the lone star tick's range and its periphery, and tested them for antibodies against the Heartland virus.
Several of the antibodies we isolated have broad neutralization capacity in vitro against divergent influenza strains and show potent prophylactic and therapeutic activity when used to treat mice that were lethally infected with influenza.
Scientists investigating the potentially deadly hantavirus have used a novel approach to developing protective antibodies against it.
iTeos and Adimab LLC are collaborating on the discovery, development and commercialization of multiple, antibody - based therapeutic programs, with Adimab using its antibody discovery and optimization platform to identify fully human therapeutic antibodies against targets selected by iTeos.
Rapid Discovery of High - Affinity, Human Antibodies Against 17 Immuno - Oncology Targets Using Molecular Genomic Screening Methods Keystone Symposia conference Whistler, British Columbia Feb. 26, 2018
Another approach, still early in clinical development, uses antibodies to vaccinate patients against their own tumours, pushing their immune system to attack the cancer cells.
After extensive washing with immunoprecipitation lysis buffer, the immunoprecipitated proteins were analyzed by immunoblotting using specific antibodies against DDX3 and FLAG epitope (ab1257, Abcam, Cambridge, United Kingdom).
Once optimal detector gains were determined, an extensive brightness index of dyes was established on this instrument using sequential single staining of mouse splenocyte with 43 different antibody conjugates against mouse CD8a (53 - 5.8).
With investigators and clinicians from the Wistar Institute, University of Pennsylvania, Merck Pharmaceuticals, and Philadelphia FIGHT, Objective 2 (IRF2) focuses on stimulating the immune system with which we are all born (innate immunity), through a combination immunotherapy approach using highly - potent antibodies against HIV, together with pegylated interferon alpha 2b.
Using standard enzyme - linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) and peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) assays, researchers discovered that unlike previously described human antibodies to lipids, WR321 did not react with any of 17 other lipids it was tested against, including cholesterol, glycolipids, and other phospholipids such as cardiolipin and phosphatidylserine, but it bound specifically only to two phosphoinositides.
Those antibodies could be used to develop vaccines to protect against Zika, as well as therapies to treat the virus, according to the study, which was a collaboration between researchers at UNC's Gillings School of Global Public Health and the UNC School of Medicine.
Ideally, all can be marked using an antibody directed against the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA but parvalbumin, calbindin and calretinin are also commonly used as markers to narrow down the specific interneuron subtype.
The difficulty in using monoclonal antibodies against tumor cells is that most of the antibodies raised will be against immunodominant antigens — all the high - visibility proteins that the immune system recognizes.
To raise antibodies against goat MSTN, the C - terminal region of goat MSTN (amino acids 266 — 375) was expressed in bacteria, purified with a nickel column and then used as antigen to immunize rabbits.
Annotated protein expression profiles are performed using single antibodies as well as independent antibodies (two or more independent antibodies directed against different, non-overlapping epitopes on the same protein).
Made major contributions to the field of immunology through his studies on immune tolerance in animal models, with particular focus on transplantation tolerance and autoimmunity, in addition to pioneering the use of therapeutic monoclonal antibodies against T cells, resulting in the development of Campath - 1H, the first humanised monoclonal antibody to be used therapeutically.
Vaccines are used to offer protection against a number of diseases and so ensuring their effectiveness is important, and a study published in the journal Vaccine has reported that flu vaccines given in the morning brought about a greater immune (measured by antibody levels) response than those given in the afternoon.
New biological treatments using antibodies or antagonists against receptors or inflammatory enzyme inhibitors (e.g. CXCR2 antagonists, phosphodiesterase - 4 inhibitors, endothelin receptor antagonists and kinase inhibitors) to suppress inflammatory pathways in diseases such as asthma, COPD, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension.
Two clinical trials that used antibodies to block PD - 1 and PD - L1, a related molecule that binds to PD - 1, resulted in significant and long lasting responses against melanoma skin cancer, renal cell (kidney) cancer, and lung cancer.
Frozen sections of lung and colon tissues from wild - type mice and Slc6a14 − / − mice were also used for immunofluorescence analysis of Slc6a14 protein expression with an antibody raised against a mouse peptide sequence [17].
The antibodies listed above in the immunocytochemistry section were also used on eye sections together with a cocktail of antibodies generated against human - specific markers (HSM) to identify human cells (the Oka blood group antigen, mouse TRA -1-85, 1 ∶ 10 (a kind gift from Peter Andrews, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, UK) together with mouse human nuclear antigen, 1 ∶ 1000, Millipore).
Antibody Cross-Reactivity Testing Using the HuProt ™ Human Proteome Microarray Analysis of several commercially available antibodies against nearly 75 % of the human proteome.
«Now you have a way to test efficacy of future vaccines or future therapeutics, whether those therapeutics are drugs that exist already that could be used in a different way for a different purpose, or new classes of drugs such as antibody - based therapeutics that would be more specifically against Zika,» Diamond said.
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