Sentences with phrase «using armpit»

You use armpits because it absorbs well there.

Not exact matches

And in place of the standard fitting system, which relies on cup and bust size, the company uses 10 distinct measurements, including nape to waist, bust point to bust point and the length between the armpits.
Many commercial deodorants are «roll - ons,» which means you are reapplying toxins from your sweat back into your armpits each time you use it.
Because of the lack of chemicals and other unnecessary ingredients, I can not only use WaterWipes on my children's faces and mouths but for other things you would never use a normal baby wipe for like cleaning off eating utensils, wiping off a pacifier, cleaning your windows or dashboard in the car, freshening up your armpits when you realize you forgot deodorant, removing makeup, wiping fingerprints off your smartphone screen, and more.
However, no system for detecting body temperature is perfect, all of them are critical, but for practicality and reliability I would recommend to the parents the use of the digital thermometer to be used under the armpits, «Reale said.
Just like every mother when I breastfed my baby, I used to hold my shirt with armpit, neck and chin until I slowly started developing back pain and neck strain.
Clean your hands and use the opposite hand to your breast, starting under the armpit.
The aforementioned LLLI piece noted that moms should start their massage from the armpit down to the nipple after using a hot compress or taking a warm shower.
When using the barrel carry, you wrap your arms around your child (under the child's armpits and across the chest) with your child facing away from you.
As you bathe your baby, keep one hand under her armpit so that her head stays out of the water, and use your other hand to wash, then rinse, the front of her body.
The armpit (axillary) method is usually used to check for fever in newborns and young children, but it's not as accurate as a rectal temperature.
If you are one of the women who gets a large lump in the armpit about 3 or 4 days after the baby's birth, you can use cabbage leaves in that area as well.
Learn the best way to take your child's temperature, including how to use ear, armpit, and temporal artery thermometers.
If your child hates having her temperature taken in her rectum, ask if it would be appropriate to use a different thermometer, such as one that slips under her armpit or possibly into her ear.
You can roll up a receiving blanket or use a boppy pillow and place it under his armpits to relieve some direct pressure on his belly as well as encourage him to lift his head and push up on his elbows.
Digital thermometers can be used rectally, under the armpit, or under the tongue.
Use a flexible tape measure and measure just above your breasts, under your armpits, and around your back in a complete circle.
«Immediately, our heads, armpit, private parts were shaved and the hair used to initiate us into some cult.
It's a mystery how the status of our immunity genes shows up in our armpits, but the researcher who discovered the phenomenon, Claus Wedekind of the University of Berne, Switzerland, speculated that potential partners use the signal to assure that their children get a varied set of immunity genes, which may help them ward off diseases better.
But the number of men taking supplemental testosterone really began to soar in 2000, with the introduction of an even easier - to - use gel that could be rubbed on the shoulders, thighs or armpits.
Most ape toddlers, it turns out, love to be tickled: The animals erupted into laughter when their caretakers used twigs or their fingers to tickle feet, palms, necks, or armpits.
You can even use a hairdryer in armpits and other areas where there are crevices, says Kovacs.
Your armpit may have been blocked for years if you used antiperspirant daily, and there will be a lot of buildup that needs to be flushed out before you begin sweating normally again.
Rhassoul clay can also be used in place of other clays in these recipes: Hair Detox, Mud Mask, Detox Foot Soak, and armpit detox.
I use them on my face as a face mask and my armpits to help detox and avoid odor.
Use small, circular strokes in your armpits.
Finally I started dry bushing and using lymphatic massage to remove toxins in my lymph nodes (lots of these under the armpits) All these practices combined with minimal use of natural deodorant cream makes my body odor non existent.
A simple clay - based armpit detox can help pull out some of the chemicals from past deodorant use that may store in the underarm and lead to a rash.
My entire family has been using colloidal silver for a long while now, but I never applied it to my clean, fresh armpits until now.
Once you've gotten into a comfortable position, use your legs and roll up until the foam roller is at the lower part of your lat, and then roll back down until the roller is back at your armpit.
Using your legs, roll your body back and forth so that the roller is moving from your armpit area to your elbow.
A quick search of Pinterest tells me I can use it to detoxify my armpits, heal bug bites, make mascara, eliminate food allergies, cure food poisoning, and prevent breast cancer.
If can't master homemade laundry soap to keep those sweaty armpit smells away I don't use it.
If your armpits are sensitive from razor burn, refrain from using until the next day.
You may also be someone who benefits from not using a body wash at all, except on your armpits and down - below - bits, or when you're filthy from rolling in the mud.
If you're using toxic personal hygiene products, and you could go read a recent post that I did entitled «are you creating a chemical cocktail in your armpits» where I talked about deodorant.
Use aluminum based armpit product only as a last resort, its unclear to me if these products actually work or if they make the odor worse.
Using your left hand, move the pads of your fingers around your right breast gently in small circular motions covering the entire breast area and armpit.
Grasping the breast, use the same gentle pumping motion, moving your breast first toward your armpit then downwards toward your sternum, and back.
Moving along the top sides of the collarbones, use the same sweeping movements until you get to your shoulders, then move down to your armpits.
In cases when your armpit rash is caused by heat or cold, commonly during summer and winter, use talcum powder during the hot days and try to stay in cool and air — conditioned places as well.
Use clockwise strokes on the belly, chest and armpit.
Sweat appears on the normal places on your shirt around your collar and armpits moderate - high intensity If you can ring a gallon of sweat from your shirt after exercising then you are working too hard at a high - very high intensity You would have to consistently work out for 45 - 90 minutes everyday to start seeing any weight loss results from doing only Low intensity activities, about 30 - 45 minutes for moderate - high intensity activities, and 15 - 30 min for high - very high intensity activities You can get an idea of how many calories you are burning when doing certain workout activities by using the WEIGHT LOSS CALCULATOR.
You can use this technique for both upper and lower body, tying the wraps around just below the armpit and just below the backside respectively.
When i use antiperspirant odour stop for some hours it means sweat coming from my armpit has odour i think
It's especially important to use a good deodorant, because the pores in your armpits absorb chemicals easily.
Many commercial deodorants are «roll - ons,» which means you are reapplying toxins from your sweat back into your armpits each time you use it.
My mom has been using limes as her deodorant for years (like straight up just rubs lime wedges on her armpits), and while I thought it was just another thing to add to the Weird Things Mom Does list, I gave it a try and it really does work!
Anyways, I used the mask on my armpits and it really helped to ease the transition to natural deodorant and the baking soda stopped making breakout afterwards.
I used my Renfrew pattern, now I know it fits me, and included sleeves as I didn't fancy the kimono style in the book — too much excess in the armpits!
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