Sentences with phrase «using cultural capital»

But in many parts of this country, even regions with tremendous Catholic history, the possibility of using cultural capital to assert the distinctiveness of the Church and her related institutions no longer seems possible.
They use their cultural capital to make sure their children will succeed.

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Augusta National has used its cultural (and financial) capital to carve out a niche for itself to be itself, on its own terms.
Following Bourdieu's use of the terms «cultural» and «social capital) «The position of a given agent within the social space can thus be defined by the positions he occupies in the different fields, that is in the distribution of the powers that are active within each of them.
The city's Advisory Cultural Commission had recommended the funding come from other sources, but Councilman Steve Chirico disagreed, saying he doesn't mind using the grant money for capital projects.
Cuomo's new proposal is yet another effort to tap into private funding to make the hemisphere's most heavily used, and, arguably, least attractive train station into something befitting the financial and cultural capital of the United States.
Exchange is not merely about education and investment, it also requires Europeans to go abroad and acquire cultural capital, which can be used as a form of currency for foreign investment.
The third major piece of Quinn's June 28 announcement involved her pledge to use the city's capital budget to fund at least one senior housing facility with services and cultural opportunities suited to LGBT residents.
Research has previously shown that differences in cultural and social capital can have repercussions in areas as diverse as use of language by the time children enter school, preferential access to grammar and faith schools, the type of characteristics parents value when choosing schools, the kind of studies children undertake and their access to more prestigious universities, or even the adoption of cultural practices linked to substantial cognitive gains like reading for pleasure.
Located to the north approximately 40 km from Phnom Penh, and located on a hill overlooking vast plains, this site is famous for cultural patrimonies and used to be a capital city between 1618 - 1866.
In the era of globalisation the relations between the European metropolis torn by economical difficulties and protecting its status of a cultural capital and the region of Latin America living through a period of economical growth and cultural revival are more complicated than it used to be.
The works incorporate urban objects such as concrete slabs, taxi cab fragments, and garbage cans and are created using Greco - Roman techniques; this juxtaposition suggests parallels between the steady decay of contemporary cultural capitals like New York, with those now extinct, such as Rome.
The artists each talked about their practices using their Creative Capital - supported projects (and others) to illustrate their experiences in working closely with communities to bring about change through creative engagement, embedding themselves in particular neighborhoods to realize social goals, build networks and affect cultural practices.
Their study reveals that the use of corporal punishment is primarily determined by cultural, human, and social capital that is available to, or has already been acquired by, parents (Xu et al, 2000).
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