Sentences with phrase «using emotional memory»

«There will be more and more people who will have to rely on the cognitive system entirely, without using their emotional memory, in order to decide what's good and what's evil.»

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They make her decisions and use saved memories to influence Riley's emotional state.
When mom is in that emotional tailspin of being a new mother all wrapped up in that baby and that feeding experience, oftentimes, it's dad who's the one who can kind of pull out these facts from his memory and use that male analytical thinking to help be supportive and help her figure a way through any difficulties or challenges.
Using two commonly prescribed sleep aids — zolpidem and sodium oxybate (Xyrem)-- Mednick, Kaestner and Wixted were able to tease apart the effects of sleep spindles and rapid eye movement (REM) sleep on the recall of emotional memories.
When they returned one day later and attempted to reactivate the memory using an emotional trigger, they could find no trace of it.
The emotional language of the tweets was measured in two ways: the use of common terms associated with anger, anxiety, and «positive and negative social relationships» and groups of words reflecting certain attitudes and experiences, including hostility and aggression, boredom and fatigue, optimism, and happy memories.
Joachim Trier discusses his new film Louder Than Bombs: how he experimented with film form to show us the subjectivity of memory, the importance of two - shots and closeups in the film, and how he used physical spaces to convey emotional meaning.
He studies the basic neural mechanisms of learning and memory, particularly emotional learning, in both human and animal subjects, using functional neuroimaging, electrophysiology and immunohistochemistry.
The ability to self - calm and use strategies to sustain a state of relaxed alertness puts them in the driver's seat to manage their emotional responses and retain memories in the prefrontal cortex.
A positive emotional response to learning aids the retention of information to people's long - term memory banks for recall and use in the future.
After a section on writing pace, challenges, and the need to keep writing, the author offers specific writing tips for memoirs on topics such as dark topics or issues, emotional memories, using sensory imagery, keeping the reader engaged, and using photos to evoke memories.
Yu Honglei» s work combines order and emotional memory, using literary methods to produce a narrative atmosphere.
Never a simple snapshot, nor an emotional outpouring, Christopher uses his paintings as an opportunity to reimagine memories and make sense of the ever - changing contemporary landscape.
This specific technique uses positive reinforcement to train your brain to have a positive emotional response to happy healthy memories through touch.
1st sign: Harsh startup in discussion (96 % of time it will also end negatively) 2nd sign: One or more of the 4 Horsemen is used (see below) 3rd sign: Emotional flooding (overwhelmed and disengaging) 4th sign: Body language (eyes, gestures, facing away, ignoring) 5th sign: Failed repair attempt (not accepting a bid to make up) 6th sign: Bad memories, rewriting the past as distortedly negative
Specific interventions are used to take the power out of negative memories and beliefs, while improving emotional regulation, presence in the moment, and optimism.»
The main components are 1) teacher - guided learning and problem - solving in small groups in which children are stimulated to verbalize their plans and evaluate the problem solving, 2) peer collaboration in play and problem - solving, with children alternating the role of tutor, 3) the use of memory aids symbolizing social rules, such as attentive listening and waiting for one's turn; and 4) sociodramatic play to promote emotional self - regulation.
Learn how to use the Imago Dialogue Process to float back, access and reprocess intense or traumatic emotional memories with your couples using EMDR therapy or related memory processing therapies.
Learn how to use the Deepening Process to access the emotional memory system (IEMs).
In this presentation, psychotherapist Bruce Ecker will explain and illustrate the memory reconsolidation process using case examples that show its emotional depth and richness, its use of the client - therapist relationship, its potency for creating a liberating shift that releases the grip of lifelong themes of distress, and the effortlessness with which such shifts remain in effect permanently.
Ecker, B. and Ticic, R., Unlocking the Emotional Brain: Eliminating Symptoms at Their Roots Using Memory Reconsolidation
EMDR treatment is based on the neuroscience of the brain and uses the technique of alternating bilateral stimulation to process through memory networks and release the emotional charge associated with distressing thoughts, memories and blocks.
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