Sentences with phrase «using human cognition»

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I. David Pierce, in his doctoral dissertation on cognition and theology, found that a sample of theologically liberal women were less inclined to use polar dimensions — such as «human effort» versus «divine power» or «instrumental» versus «relational» «-- than either a sample of men or a sample of theologically moderate or conservative women.
The term cognition is used in several loosely related ways to refer to a faculty for the human - like processing of information, applying knowledge and changing preferences.
We take for granted our ability to reason using analogies, but the skill is at the core of human cognition, argue Douglas Hofstadter and Emmanuel Sander
And the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition in Pensacola, Florida, is using his ideas to build vests that will tickle pilots to alert them to other planes or incoming missiles.
Kidnapped, drugged, and left abandoned in a field, bees can still find their way home using mental maps of their surroundings, according to a new study that could pose a major challenge to current thinking about human memory and cognition.
From the psychology and neuroscience around play, creativity, dreaming and sleep, we can as easily derive a picture of human cognition that doesn't recoil from the buzzing, blooming demands of everyday life, but exults in using imagination, stories, abstraction and metaphor to comprehend the world.
The researchers acknowledge that using brain scans to study human cognition has its limitations because it relies on certain assumptions about the links between brain regions and their functions.
«What we've found is that we humans have the capability to orient ourselves along highways of odors and crisscross landscapes using only our sense of smell,» said study lead author Lucia Jacobs, a UC Berkeley psychology professor who studies evolution and cognition in animals and humans.
As they stack up, the brain uses rapid cognition to assess the humanity, threat, and worth of other human beings.
Although many aspects of human cognition are still a mystery, psychologists have begun to flesh out critical thinking, or the strategies we use to think in organized ways to analyze and solve problems.
Bloom's Taxonomy Don't throw out the multiple choice baby with the high stakes testing bathwater According to Edglossary «Blooms Taxonomy is a classification system used to define and distinguish different levels of human cognition — i.e., thinking, learning, and understanding.»
A 2013 study published in the journal Animal Cognition concluded that dogs could identify images of other dogs among pictures of humans and other animals, using their visual sense alone.
«Exploring a variety of topics in animal welfare and cognition, there are particular themes to which Zazie often returns: the importance of enrichment for our pets; the use of reward - based training for dogs (and cats); the need to make visits to the vet less stressful; and the psychology of the human - animal bond.»
In your paradigm, our cultural cognition reduces this and makes such communication by humans more time and use effective than if we used the computer communication model.
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