Sentences with phrase «using kindle touch»

I'm using kindle touch and in the beginning it didn't worked out, but after restart everything came back to normal
a quick question, it seems to me that the guy was using a kindle touch with color display.

Not exact matches

I've been able to generate newspaper - style navigation that works on all non-touch Kindles, but the Kindle Touch and Kindle Fire use new periodical - navigation formats that I haven't been able to successfully generate yet.
It is really smart and it fits the kindle touch perfectly, the fact that you can fold the cover back and then use the elastic to hold the kindle is a great idea.
On previous Kindles, you could use the 3G connection with the built - in web browser to have an effectively «free» cellular web browser indefinitely, but that party has mostly ended: the Kindle Touch can only use the connection to shop in the Kindle Store, receive new issues of periodicals (or Instapaper), or browse Wikipedia.
i began that semester using my ipod touch with «evernote» for class readings; switched to using kindle 2 for class readings when that arrived for those articles that would convert (otherwise, it was back to ipod).
As counter-example, the Kindle paperwhite uses a capacitive touch screen with overlay (also reused for LED backlighting in the dark); hence it's reduced contrast vs. my other older kindles, despite higher DPI.
Kindles used to support text - to - speech, audiobooks, and MP3 audio files, but the last Kindle to offer those features was the original Kindle Touch that was released nearly 6 years ago now.
(I'm asking since I'm also considering to buy a used 950 in stead of a t1 or a kindle touch.
Well maybe the Nook is a good ereader but for those of us outside the US this is not an option, what I can tell you is my immediate family use kindle and we are 6, in South Africa and Australia and we are very impressed with especially the latest Kindle Touch 3G.
I have a Ipod touch — is there a kindle app that I can get so that I can use some of these free books.
the screen saver and small banner ad at bottom on list view not a problem, just like k3; and have used them often enough that i probably have a free kindle, however with the paperwhite touch we finally have cover view, top line is library and bottom is advertisement, do nt like this, so paid the 20 $ to remover ads; the screen saver and banner add are gone but the cover page we are still stuck with advertisement, only very weak response from amazon.
The performance of the device in page turns and normal useful is noticeably quicker that The kindle Touch and other eReaders with a good battery life even with using the light.
I used on my new kindle touch.
The biggest downside, the 3G Kindle Touch can not use the web browser over 3G like the earlier Kindles.
Though the Kindle «UPDATED» fine, I cant seem to ssh or use the; commands from the kindle... was that meant only for the Touch, or will it work for the K4 as well?
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