Sentences with phrase «using lab notebooks»

Plus, if your students are using lab notebooks, you can require check - ins at key points or dates in the process to ensure that everyone is on track, that projects are proceeding as planned, and to intervene or redirect if problems are detected.
Science Buddies «Keep a Great Science or Engineering Project Notebook» resource offers great information to help your students get started using a lab notebook for a science project.
Use this lab notebook with experiment - and bioinformatics curriculum on RNAi in C. elegans.

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I am mesmerized by the art of it,» she reports in the unemotional, sparsely punctuated, and deceptively bland first person present tense that Wang uses throughout the book, as if the protagonist were recording her life as a series of observations in a lab notebook.
Haynes requires all members of her lab to use the electronic notebook.
Reliable figures on lab notebook practices are not available, but it is widely agreed that a large majority of university researchers still use paper.
There was a time when the only choice scientists needed to make about their lab notebooks was whether to use a blue pen or a black one.
This could all be a misunderstanding associated with the lab notebook and protocols used.
Rather, it emerged from the imagination of novelist Allegra Goodman, whose recent book, Intuition, may scant the details of inks used in lab notebooks and the appropriateness of statistical measures but probes instead the far more complex and mysterious domain of the human mind and heart.
Integrated Presentation and Quiz Tools: I use SMART Notebook, which has an add - on called SMART Lab.
Over the course of a few pages in the 1964 — 1967 notebook, one can find sporadic checklists of paints which read like a chemical lab of forbidden substances: «Mars black, lemon yellow, use muddy white... cobalt violet, cad.
Science historians have detected a decline in the use of lab notebooks, finding that data are often stored directly into computer files.
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