Sentences with phrase «using linguistic»

Using linguistic knowledge to provide medical services to the patients by communicating with non-English speaking clients.
The tech company this week introduced an instant tone analyzer that uses linguistic analysis to assess the tone of emails or blogs or text message.
Other research by C. Nathan DeWall and his colleagues used linguistic analysis to show that popular song lyrics became more self - focused and antisocial (i.e., violent, more profanity) between 1980 and 2007, a psychological shift that may have translated into changes for musical elements of songs.
The second new paper to address PIE's origin, in press at Language and due to be published online during the last week of February, uses linguistic data to focus on when PIE arose.
They also used the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC), which breaks down texts based on categories that include both syntactical composition and psychological meaning.
He was a philosopher of language who used linguistic analysis to distinguish those propositions that were meaningful from those that had no justifiable connection to the existing world.
First they used linguistic similarities to create an evolutionary tree showing the relationships among 84 contemporary cultures, including the complex Balinese society of Indonesia and the indigenous Iban people of Borneo.
Table of commonly used linguistic terms for Modern Languages lessons.
The teacher at this school used SWI throughout this Humanities class, and for this assignment, each student used a linguistic investigation of a word to frame a short discussion on the topic of their choice.
Use your linguistic skills to survive.
The author's thesis is that linguistic analysis used in opinions to justify decisions is not done consistently and is often illogical because judges sometimes use linguistic analysis to avoid giving straightforward reasons for their decisions, lest they be criticized for wielding state power to act with partiality or for not following precedent.
A great thing: CanLII uses linguistic, persistent, and readable URLs which make direct browsing easier.
Some activists have unfortunately used the linguistic differences between the Khartoum government and the Fur people as a slur against Baggara (pastoralist) Arabs (from which the Janjaweed come from) in the former murdering black Africans, out of some supposed racial - based animosity between the two, leading to these charges of genocide that would demand Western intervention (presumably militarily).
Per the tool's description, it ``... uses linguistic analysis to detect emotional tones, social propensities, and writing styles in written communication.»

Not exact matches

Carla Hudson Kam, a linguistics professor at the University of British Columbia, says the approach to language learning should depend on how you plan to use the skill.
A business consultancy is teaching marketing and communications using Neuro Linguistic Programming.
Using their findings, along with the help of a linguistic software program that scanned video transcriptions of Q&A sessions between onstage venture capitalists and startup founders, they came to an interesting — and disturbing — conclusion.
In fact, over a decade ago, I was told by my peers of the exact same scam, described by neuro - linguistic programming expert Derren Brown of a fool - proof system that could predict the winner of every horse race around the world, used by Wall Street financial consultants on unsuspecting prospects to successfully gather millions of dollars of AUM.
All evidence (including historical application of the book, cultural context, linguistics and origins) indicates the bible absolutely was intended (and not mistakenly used as) as a guide for behavior and morality.
Linguistic differences from 1 Peter, its apparent use of Jude, allusions to 2nd - century gnosticism, and more — does any of this so far sound like political correctness?
[3][4] Reasons for this include its linguistic differences from 1 Peter, its apparent use of Jude, possible allusions to 2nd - century gnosticism, encouragement in the wake of a delayed parousia, and weak external support.
If by God is meant a conceptual construct used within a certain linguistic frame of reference for the purpose of arousing religious emotions and ethical sentiments, in solemn assemblies, the answer must again be No.
If within this linguistic system Christ is the only Savior and Lord, and if, within this system, all who are not part of the community that uses this system are damned, then that is what is to be said and believed.
The Anglo - American label may however, be put to a legitimate, if rather specific, use — namely, in the context of a selective reading of Deleuze's works from the late sixties (D&R and LS), and taking the logico - mathematical model of structuralism (developed by the Bourbaki school and taken up by Piaget) as the reference point, rather than the more familiar, but rather different, model derived from Saussurean linguistics.
● Nasr Abu Zaid, Professor of Arabic at Cairo, caused uproar in Egypt when he advocated the use of modern methods of linguistics for the understanding of the Qur» an.
Most linguistic analysts take these terms for granted when any true scientific procedure would require their clarification as a necessary step to their proper use in language.
«12 Thus the use of different cultural backgrounds with linguistic flavor in translations will provide a different worldview than the original text.
The English versions have not retained the rhythm, the variation of meter, the stylistic flavor, grammatical constructions, the rhetorical expressions, the use of alliterations and other kinds of linguistic renderings in the Greek New Testament.59 In the Malayalam Bible, the rhetorical expression in Heb.
Those who have had basic courses in the biblical languages and are willing to devote 20 minutes a day to such language study should gain enough language ability to base their sermon text study on the original text, and they should have enough linguistic skill to use the best of the great philological commentaries, which often cite words from the original languages.
The lesson taught by the linguistic philosophers is that the more we become self - conscious of the language we use the more we realize how linguistic distinctions have all along been imported into what we believed were direct descriptions of psychological processes.
Having made use of the analogy to a linguistic model of translation,» let me also suggest certain qualifications regarding its adequacy.
4 I follow Whitehead in using his term «symbol» in a generic sense applying to both linguistic expressions and sense presentations as natural signs.
We can find, therefore, very general similarities between the use and interpretation of sentences at the linguistic level and primitive natural signs as characterized in Whitehead's first version of symbolic reference.
Several different approaches are currently being used to explore the linguistic abilities of primates, two of which will be briefly described.8 Premack's work, because it involves a language board, has facilitated the understanding of the abilities of chimps to grasp abstractions and logical relations, whereas Patterson's work uses Ameslan and has been especially fruitful in exploring creative language use.
Moreover, «Syrian» is often used in a linguistic sense.
Van Buren uses the services of linguistic analysis to repudiate any content - meaning for the word «God.»
Pike also developed his own linguistic theory, tagmemics, which was used to analyze many previously unwritten languages.
Russell claimed that we instead make use of a number of linguistic shortcuts that normally suffice to perform the same task more efficiently.
Although we use «linguistic sweeteners and semantic somersaults» and call these schools «diverse,» the Civil Rights Project at Harvard University (now at UCLA) has documented that more than 2 million students, including more than a quarter of black students in the Northeast and Midwest, attend schools in which 99 to 100 percent of the students are nonwhite.
But as I said before, although the book uses symbols and metaphors, the point of such linguistic tools is to reveal a literal reality.
Look up the historical use of Xtian spelling, it's a linguistic education.
An important factor in the writing of a history of the tradition is the use of linguistic features, especially the observation of Aramaisms.
The marks are its attention to a pattern of motifs, its use of a linguistic model, and its narrative dimension.
A second feature of the symbolic approach is its use of a linguistic model to depict congregational culture.
Our species is like the other higher animals, apes and whales especially, except for this linguistic capacity and the ability to use symbols to a degree vastly beyond the capacity of other planetary animals.
The grammar of human living is as important as the linguistic structures we use to describe it.
Charles Peirce (1931, pars 1.252, 255) divided empirical science into two branches, physics and psychics, both terms being used broadly, so that physics includes astronomy, geology, etc., while psychics includes biology, sociology, linguistics, history, and so forth.
Linguistic analysts examined the way in which religious statements are actually used.
Opportunities for graduate study and research in the religions of Asia have expanded rapidly in the United States and Europe since the war, using the techniques of linguistics, history, literary criticism, sociology, anthropology, psychology, the arts, theology, and philosophy.
It is only a step beyond the derogation of virtue to another current linguistic usage in which the word «bad» is used to mean «good.»
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